# frozen_string_literal: true

# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'psql'
require 'qexpr'
require 'calculate/calculate_fees'
require 'active_support/core_ext'

module InsertDisputes
  # A new dispute takes a charge id and dispute id and creates:
  # A dispute row with the charge gross amount and the dispute id
  # A payment row negative gross and net, just like a refund, but with kind "Dispute"
  def self.create_record(stripe_charge_id, stripe_dispute_id)
    # Find the existing charge
    ch = Qx.select('*').from('charges').where('stripe_charge_id=$id', id: stripe_charge_id).ex.first
    raise ArgumentError, 'Charge not found' if ch.nil?

    result = {}
    now = Time.current

    result[:payment] = Psql.execute(
      Qexpr.new.insert(:payments, [{
                         gross_amount: -ch['amount'],
                         fee_total: 0,
                         net_amount: -ch['amount'],
                         kind: 'Dispute',
                         refund_total: 0,
                         nonprofit_id: ch['nonprofit_id'],
                         supporter_id: ch['supporter_id'],
                         donation_id: ch['donation_id'],
                         date: now

    # Create a dispute record
    result[:dispute] = Psql.execute(
      Qexpr.new.insert(:disputes, [{
                         gross_amount: ch['amount'],
                         status: :needs_response,
                         charge_id: ch['id'],
                         reason: :unrecognized,
                         payment_id: result[:payment]['id'],
                         stripe_dispute_id: stripe_dispute_id

    # Prevent refunds from being able to happen on the payment
    Qx.update(:payments).set(refund_total: ch['amount']).where(id: ch['payment_id']).ex

    # Insert an activity record
