# Procfile for development using HMR web: rails s -p 3000 # Note, hot and live reloading don't work with the default generator setup on # top of the rails/webpacker Webpack config with server rendering. # If you have server rendering enabled (prerender is true), you either need to # a. Ensure that you have dev_server.hmr and dev_server.inline BOTH set to false, # and you have this option in your config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb: # config.same_bundle_for_client_and_server = true # If you have either config/webpacker.yml option set to true, you'll see errors like # "ReferenceError: window is not defined" (if hmr is true) # "TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined" (if inline is true) # b. Skip using the webpack-dev-server. bin/webpack --watch is typically fast enough. # c. See the React on Rails README for a link to documentation for how to setup # SSR with HMR and React hot loading using the webpack-dev-server only for the # client bundles and a static file for the server bundle. # Run the webpack-dev-server for client and maybe server files webpack-dev-server: bin/webpack-dev-server # Keep the JS fresh for server rendering. Remove if not server rendering. # Especially if you have not configured generation of a server bundle without a hash. # as that will conflict with the manifest created by the bin/webpack-dev-server # rails-server-assets: SERVER_BUNDLE_ONLY=yes bin/webpack --watch