Update README.md for Rails v6
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 87 additions and 71 deletions
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export MAILCHIMP_REDIRECT_URL='REPLACE'
export CYPHER_KEY="REPLACE" # used for mailchimp integration
export CYPHER_KEY="-- secret string --" # used for mailchimp integration
@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ comfort and speed.
All backend code and React components should be TDD.
All backend code and React components should be TDD.
## Prerequisites
Houdini is designed and tested to run with the following:
* Ruby 2.6
* Node 12
* Yarn
* PostgreSQL 11
* Ubuntu 20.04 or equivalent
## Get involved
## Get involved
Houdini's success depends on you!
Houdini's success depends on you!
@ -28,90 +36,98 @@ https://houdini.zulipchat.com
### Help with translations
### Help with translations
Visit the Internationalization channel on Houdini Zulip and discuss
Visit the Internationalization channel on Houdini Zulip and discuss
## Dev Setup
## Dev Setup
#### Tips for specific circumstances
* Docker: Docker was previously used for development of Houdini.
See [docker.md](docs/docker.md) for more info.
* Mac: Mac dev setup may require some unique configuration.
See [mac_getting_started.md](docs/mac_getting_started.md) for more info.
### Create new postgres user
### Installation prep
Run `sudo -u postgres createuser houdini_user -s -P` and then enter a password for the role
Houdini requires a few pieces of software be installed, as well as some optional pieces
which make development much easier.
## Docker setup
These include:
* PostgreSQL 12
* NodeJS 12 LTS
* Ruby 2.6.2 (NOTE: the default of Ruby 2.7.1 in Debian will likely function but you will receive a ton of deprecation warnings from Ruby)
* RVM (optional, simplifies managing multiple ruby versions)
#### One-time setup
You'll want to run the next commands as root or via sudo. You could do this by typing `sudo /bin/sh` running the commands from there.
TIP: this is the root shell. There's no restrictions on what you do here so be careful!
apt update
apt install curl -yy
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash -
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
apt update
apt install git postgresql-12 libpq-dev libjemalloc-dev libvips42 yarn -yy
You'll run the next commands as your normal user.
NOTE: in the case of a production instance, this might be
your web server's user.
NOTE 2: We use [RVM](https://rvm.io) to have more control over the exact version of Ruby. For development, it's also way easier because you can
use a consistent version of Ruby (and different sets of installed gems) for different projects. You could also use rbenv
or simply build ruby from source.
NOTE 3: We don't recommend using Ruby 2.7, the current Ubuntu default at this time. Ruby 2.7 will function but spits out tons
of deprecation warnings when using Rails applications.
TIP: To get out of the root shell, run `exit`
# add rvm keys
curl -sSL https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc | gpg --import -
curl -sSL https://rvm.io/pkuczynski.asc | gpg --import -
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
echo 'source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc
rvm install 2.6.6 --disable-binary --with-jemalloc
Run the following command as the `postgres` user and then enter your houdini_user
password at the prompt.
NOTE: For development, Houdini expects the password to be 'password'. This would be terrible
for production but for development, it's likely not a huge issue.
TIP: To run this, add `sudo -u postgres ` to the beginning of the following command.
`createuser houdini_user -s -d -P`
Now that we have all of our prerequisites prepared, we need to get the Houdini code.
#### Get the code
`git clone https://github.com/HoudiniProject/houdini`
`git clone https://github.com/HoudiniProject/houdini`
#### Mac Setup
This will download the latest Houdini code. Change to the
If you have a Mac and don't want to run the `docker` configuration, see [how to get started](docs/GETTING_STARTED.MD) with the project.
`houdini` directory and we can set the rest of Houdini up.
#### Docker install (if you don't have docker and docker-compose installed)
Let's run the Houdini project setup and we'll be ready to go!
##### install Docker and Docker compose
You need to install Docker and Docker Compose.
* *Note:* Docker and Docker Compose binaries from Docker itself are proprietary software based entirely upon
free software. If you feel more comfortable, you may build them from source.
* *Note 2:* For Debian, the Docker package is simply too out of date to be usable.
Even the version for latest Ubuntu LTS is too old. For reliability, we strongly
recommend using the Docker debian feed from docker itself OR making sure you keep your
own build up to date.
##### Add yourself to the docker group
Adding yourself as a Docker group user as follows:
`sudo usermod -aG docker $USER`
You will likely need to logout and log back in again.
#### Build your docker-container and start it up for initial set up.
We'll keep this running in the console we'll call **console 1**
./dc build
./dc up
#### System configuration
There are a number of steps for configuring your Houdini instance for startup
##### Start a new console we'll call **console 2**.
##### In console 2, copy the env template to your .env file
cp .env.template .env
##### In console 2, run the following and copy the output to you .env file to set you `DEVISE_SECRET_KEY` environment variable.
`./run rake secret # copy this result into your DEVISE_SECRET_KEY`
##### In console 2, , run the following and copy the output to you .env file to set you `SECRET_TOKEN` environment variable.
./run rake secret # copy this result into your SECRET_TOKEN
##### Set the following secrets in your .env file with your Stripe account information
NOTE: The .env file holds your environment variables for development; on production you might
- `STRIPE_API_KEY` with your Stripe PRIVATE key
have these set somewhere else other than this file.
- `STRIPE_API_PUBLIC` with your Stripe PUBLIC key
##### You SHOULD set your AMAZON s3 information (optional but STRONGLY recommended)
TIP: On Heroku, the environment variables are set in your Dashboard.
If you don't, file uploads WILL NOT WORK but it's not required.
##### In console 2, install yarn
Also, you should set the STRIPE_API_KEY and STRIPE_API_PUBLIC environment variables which you'd get from the Stripe dashboard. On your development environment, make sure to use test keys. If you don't, you're
`./run yarn`
going to be charged real money!
##### In console 2, fill the db
`./run rake db:create db:structure:load db:seed test:prepare`
##### Set up mailer info
You can set this in `config/default_organization.yml` or better yet, make a copy with your own org name and add that to your .env file as `ORG_NAME`
If you need help setting up your mailer, visit `config/environment.rb` where the settings schema is verified and documented.
#### Startup
#### Startup
##### Switch back to console 1 and run `Ctrl-c` to end the session.
`bin/rails server`
You can connect to your server at http://localhost:5000
##### In console 1, restart the containers
`./dc up`
##### In console 2, run:
`./run yarn watch`
##### You can go to http://localhost:5000
To get started, register your nonprofit using the "Get Started" link.
## Additional info
##### Super admin
##### Super admin
There is a way to set your user as a super_admin. This role lets you access any of the nonprofits
There is a way to set your user as a super_admin. This role lets you access any of the nonprofits
Reference in a new issue