108 lines
3.8 KiB
108 lines
3.8 KiB
![]() |
<!-- partial campaigns/new-modal -->
<!-- include 'campaigns/new/index' -->
<div class='modal' id='newCampaign'>
<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'New Campaign' %>
<div class='wizard-steps' style='display:none;'>
<!--= wizard.init 'new_campaign_wiz' -->
<%= render 'components/wizard/step_index', wizard_name: 'new_campaign_wiz' %>
<div class='modal-body' style='display: table;'>
<div class='wizard-step name-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Name' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' (advance_campaign_name_step form_object) -->
<input type='hidden' name='campaign[profile_id]' value='<%= current_user.profile.id %>'>
<label>Campaign Name</label>
<input type='text' name='campaign[name]' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<label>Short Tagline</label>
<input type='text' name='campaign[tagline]' required parsley-trigger='change'>
<label>Short Description <small>(used for sharing on social media)</small></label>
<textarea name='campaign[summary]' required parsley-maxlength='300' parsley-trigger='change'></textarea>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<div class='wizard-step amount-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Goals' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' (def 'new_campaign' form_object) (wizard.advance 'new_campaign_wiz') -->
<div class='u-margin--auto'>
<fieldset class='group u-marginBottom--0'>
<label class='u-paddingTop--5'>Goal Amount</label>
<div class='prepend--dollar'>
<input class='input--100 u-marginBottom--5' value='1000' type='number' name='campaign[goal_amount_dollars]' required min='1'>
<fieldset class='group'>
<label class='u-paddingTop--5'>End Date & Time</label>
<div pikaday-timepicker='MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a'>
<input class='u-width--200 u-bold u-inlineBlock' type='text' name='campaign[end_datetime]' required parsley-trigger='change' placeholder='MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM'>
<a class='button edit u-inlineBlock'>Set</a>
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Next', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<div class='wizard-step media-step'>
<!--= wizard.set_step 'new_campaign_wiz' 'Media' -->
<form parsley-validate>
<!--= on 'submit' create_campaign -->
<p class='u-color--red'>
<!--= show_if (length image_upload.error) -->
<small><!--= put image_upload.error --></small>
<div class='col-left-8'>
<label>Image <small>(recommended width: 500px)</small></label>
<p>This image appears below the campaign's header as well as on the campaign's preview card. You'll have a chance to upload an additional header image once you've created your campaign.</p>
<div class='image-upload u-margin--0 u-floatR' if-branded='border-color, light'>
<span><i class='fa fa-image'></i> Upload</span>
<input type='file' name='campaign[main_image]' parsley-trigger='change'>
<p>If you have a video, it can greatly boost your success. Copy and paste the URL from Vimeo or Youtube.</p>
<input type='text' class='u-marginBottom--10' name='campaign[video_url]' placeholder='Youtube or Vimeo URL' />
<%= render 'components/forms/submit_button', button_text: 'Preview Campaign!', scope: 'new_campaign_wiz', branded: true %>
<!-- end partial campaigns/new-modal -->