2018-03-25 17:20:54 +00:00
<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
2018-03-25 17:30:42 +00:00
<% content_for(:footer_hidden) {'hidden'} %>
<%= content_for :javascripts do %>
appl.def("event_id", <%= @event.id %>)
appl.def("event_name", '<%= @event.name %>')
2019-12-04 22:22:48 +00:00
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'i18n', 'page__tickets__index' %>
2018-03-25 17:30:42 +00:00
<% end %>
<% content_for :head do %>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
<% end %>
<%= content_for :stylesheets do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'tickets/index/page' %>
<% end %>
<header class='header'>
<div class='container'>
<i class='icon-check-list header-icon'></i>
<h3 class='header-title'>Attendees</h3>
<a class='header-profile' href='<%= @event.url%>'><%= @event.name %></a>
<section class='table-meta'>
<div class='table-meta-bar'>
<div class='container group u-marginTop--15'>
<section class='col-right-6 u-paddingLeft--10 u-marginBottom--10'>
<table class='table--plaid'>
<th><strong>Ticket Levels</strong></th>
<!--= repeat ticket_levels.data -->
<td><strong><!--= put this.name --></strong></td>
<td><!--= put this.quantity --></tr>
<section class='col-left-6'>
<table class='table--plaid'>
<!--= hide_if loading_metrics -->
<td class='strong'>Tickets Redeemed</td>
<td><!--= put metrics.total_attendees --></td>
<td class='strong'>Checked In</td>
<td><!--= put metrics.checked_in_count --></td>
<td class='strong'>Percent Checked In</td>
<td><!--= put (percentage metrics.total_attendees metrics.checked_in_count) -->%</td>
<td class='strong'>Ticket Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.tickets_total_paid --></td>
<td class='strong'>Donation Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.donations_total_paid --></td>
<td class='strong'>Total Payments</td>
<td>$<!--= put cents_to_dollars (metrics.total_paid --></td>
<span class='noResults'>Loading metrics...</span>
<!--= show_if loading_metrics -->
<div class='container'>
<%= render 'components/tables/search', scope: 'tickets' %>
<a class='table-meta-button test-addAttendeeButton'>
<!--= on 'click' show_new_tickets -->
<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Attendee
<% if current_event_editor? %>
<a href='<%= nonprofit_event_tickets_path(@nonprofit, @event, format: 'csv') %>' target='_blank' class='hideWhenTablet table-meta-button white'><i class='fa fa-file-text'></i> Export</a>
<% end %>
<div class='u-padding--30 u-centered noResults'>
<!--= show_if loading_tickets -->
Loading attendees...
<div class='u-padding--30 u-centered'>
<!--= show_if (all (not loading_tickets) (not (length tickets.data))) -->
No attendees
<main class='container u-marginBottom--20 u-marginTop--10'>
<!--= hide_if (any loading_tickets (not (length tickets.data)) -->
<table class='table--plaid js-table'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>ID</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_id' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='u-centered'><i class="fa fa-check"></i></th>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Attendee</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_attendee' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenPhone'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Ticket Level</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_ticket_level' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenTablet'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Donations</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_donation' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='hideWhenTablet'>
<span class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<small><a class='sortArrows left' sort='none'>Note</a></small>
<!--= on 'click' (apply_sort_filter 'sort_note' 'desc' 'asc') -->
<th class='u-centered'>
<small><span class='hideWhenPhone'>Payment</span></small>
<span class='showWhenPhone'><i class="fa fa-usd"></i></span>
<tr> <!--= repeat tickets.data -->
<input type='number' class='u-width--70' name='bid_id' min='1'>
<!--= set_value this.bid_id -->
<!--= on 'change' (update_ticket this.id this.name 'ID' form_object) -->
<td class='u-centered'>
<input type='checkbox'>
<!--= checked_if this.checked_in -->
<!--= set_attr 'id' (cat "checkbox" this.id) -->
<!--= on 'change' (toggle_checkin this.id this.name) -->
<!--= set_attr 'for' (cat "checkbox" this.id) -->
<div class='u-width--140'>
<a target='_blank'>
<!--= set_attr 'href' (route_with_params 'supporters' 'sid' this.supporter_id) -->
<strong><!--= put this.name --></strong>
<a class='hideWhenTablet'>
<!--= set_attr 'href' (cat 'mailto:' this.email) --> <!--= put this.email -->
<td class='hideWhenPhone'>
<div class='u-width--140'>
<strong><!--= put this.quantity --> </strong>
<!--= put this.ticket_level_name -->
($<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.total_paid) -->)
<!--= show_if this.discount_percent -->
Discount: <!--= put this.discount_percent -->%
<td class='hideWhenTablet'>
$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.total_donations) -->
<td class='hideWhenTablet'>
<textarea rows='3' class='u-width--140 u-padding--3 u-fontSize--12 u-margin--0' name='note' placeholder='Type to edit note'></textarea>
<!--= set_value this.note -->
<!--= on 'change' (update_ticket this.id this.name 'note' form_object) -->
<td class='u-centered'>
<button class='button--micro u-inlineBlock u-margin--5'>
<!--= show_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (show_new_donation this.supporter_id this.name this.email this.token this.card_name) -->
<i class='fa fa-credit-card showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Charge</span>
<a class='button--micro blue u-inlineBlock u-margin--5' style='display:none'>
<!--= hide_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (show_new_card this.supporter_id this.name this.email this.id '<%= @event.id %>' -->
<i class='fa fa-plus showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Add Card</span>
<a class='button--micro blue u-inlineBlock u-margin--5' style='display:none'>
<!--= show_if this.token -->
<!--= on 'click' (remove_card this.id this.supporter_id) -->
<i class='fa fa-plus showWhenPhone'></i>
<span class='hideWhenPhone'> Remove Card</span>
<div class='u-paddingLeft--10'>
<%= render 'components/show_more', scope: 'tickets' %>
<%= render 'tickets/new_modal', title: "Add attendee", show_payment_options: true, profile: nil, unrequire_email: true %>
<%= render 'donations/new_modal' %>
<%= render 'cards/new_modal' %>