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176 lines
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// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
const h = require('snabbdom/h')
const R = require('ramda')
const flyd = require('flyd')
flyd.lift = require('flyd/module/lift')
flyd.flatMap = require('flyd/module/flatmap')
const request = require('../../common/request')
const cardForm = require('../../components/card-form.es6')
const sepaForm = require('../../components/sepa-form.es6')
const format = require('../../common/format')
const progressBar = require('../../components/progress-bar')
const sepaTab = 'sepa'
const cardTab = 'credit_card'
function init(state) {
const payload$ = flyd.map(supp => ({card: {holder_id: supp.id, holder_type: 'Supporter'}}), state.supporter$)
const supporterID$ = flyd.map(supp => supp.id, state.supporter$)
const card$ = flyd.merge(
, flyd.map(supp => ({name: supp.name, address_zip: supp.zip_code}), state.supporter$))
state.cardForm = cardForm.init({ path: '/cards', card$, payload$ })
state.sepaForm = sepaForm.init({ supporter: supporterID$ } )
// Set the card ID into the donation object when it is saved
const cardToken$ = flyd.map(R.prop('token'), state.cardForm.saved$)
const donationWithCardToken$ = flyd.lift(R.assoc('token'), cardToken$, state.donation$)
// Set the sepa transfer details ID into the donation object when it is saved
const sepaId$ = flyd.map(R.prop('id'), state.sepaForm.saved$)
const donationWithSepaId$ = flyd.lift(R.assoc('direct_debit_detail_id'), sepaId$, state.donation$)
state.donationParams$ = flyd.immediate(
flyd.combine((sepaParams, cardParams, activeTab) => {
if(activeTab() == sepaTab) {
return sepaParams()
} else if(activeTab() == cardTab) {
return cardParams()
}, [donationWithSepaId$, donationWithCardToken$, state.activePaymentTab$])
const donationResp$ = flyd.flatMap(postDonation, state.donationParams$)
state.error$ = flyd.mergeAll([
flyd.map(R.prop('error'), flyd.filter(resp => resp.error, donationResp$))
, flyd.map(R.always(undefined), state.cardForm.form.submit$)
, flyd.map(R.always(undefined), state.sepaForm.form.submit$)
, state.cardForm.error$
, state.sepaForm.error$
state.paid$ = flyd.filter(resp => !resp.error, donationResp$)
// Control progress bar for card payment
state.progress$ = flyd.scanMerge([
[state.cardForm.form.validSubmit$, R.always({status: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.loading.checking_card'), percentage: 20})]
, [state.cardForm.saved$, R.always({status: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.loading.sending_payment'), percentage: 100})]
, [state.cardForm.error$, R.always({hidden: true})] // Hide when an error shows up
, [flyd.filter(R.identity, state.error$), R.always({hidden: true})] // Hide when an error shows up
], {hidden: true})
state.loading$ = flyd.mergeAll([
flyd.map(R.always(true), state.cardForm.form.validSubmit$)
, flyd.map(R.always(true), state.sepaForm.form.validSubmit$)
, flyd.map(R.always(false), state.paid$)
, flyd.map(R.always(false), state.cardForm.error$)
, flyd.map(R.always(false), state.sepaForm.error$)
, flyd.map(R.always(false), state.error$)
// Post the gift option, if necessary
const paramsWithGift$ = flyd.filter(params => params.gift_option_id || params.gift_option && params.gift_option.id, state.params$)
const paidWithGift$ = flyd.lift(R.pair, paramsWithGift$, state.paid$)
R.apply((params, result) => postGiftOption(params.gift_option_id || params.gift_option.id, result))
, paidWithGift$
// post utm tracking details after donation is saved
R.apply((utmParams, donationResponse) => postTracking(app.utmParams, donationResp$))
, state.paid$
return state
const postGiftOption = (campaign_gift_option_id, result) => {
return flyd.map(R.prop('body'), request({
path: '/campaign_gifts'
, method: 'post'
, send: {campaign_gift: {donation_id: result.json
? result.json.donation.id // for recurring
: result.donation.id // for one-time
, campaign_gift_option_id}}
const postTracking = (utmParams, donationResponse) => {
const params = R.merge(utmParams, {donation_id: donationResponse().donation.id})
if(utmParams.utm_source || utmParams.utm_medium || utmParams.utm_content || utmParams.utm_campaign) {
return flyd.map(R.prop('body'), request({
path: `/nonprofits/${app.nonprofit_id}/tracking`
, method: 'post'
, send: params
var posting = false // hack switch to prevent any kind of charge double post
// Post either a recurring or one-time donation
const postDonation = (donation) => {
if(posting) return flyd.stream()
else posting = true
var prefix = `/nonprofits/${app.nonprofit_id}/`
var postfix = donation.recurring ? 'recurring_donations' : 'donations'
if(donation.weekly) {
donation.amount = Math.round(4.3 * donation.amount);
delete donation.weekly; // needs to be removed to be processed
if(donation.recurring) donation = {recurring_donation: donation}
return flyd.map(R.prop('body'), request({
path: prefix + postfix
, method: 'post'
, send: donation
const paymentTabs = (state) => {
if(state.activePaymentTab$() == sepaTab) {
return payWithSepaTab(state)
} else if(state.activePaymentTab$() == cardTab) {
return payWithCardTab(state)
const payWithSepaTab = state => {
return h('div.u-marginBottom--10', [
const payWithCardTab = state => {
return h('div.u-marginBottom--10', [
cardForm.view(R.merge(state.cardForm, {error$: state.error$, hideButton: state.loading$()}))
, progressBar(state.progress$())
function view(state) {
var isRecurring = state.donation$().recurring
var dedic = state.dedicationData$()
var amountLabel = isRecurring ? ` ${I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.monthly_recurring')}` : ` ${I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.one_time')}`
var weekly="";
if (state.donation$().weekly) {
amountLabel = amountLabel.replace(I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.monthly'),I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly')) + "*";
weekly= h('div.u-centered.notice',[h("small",I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly_notice',{amount:(format.weeklyToMonthly(state.donation$().amount)/100.0),currency:app.currency_symbol}))]);
return h('div.wizard-step.payment-step', [
h('p.u-fontSize--18 u.marginBottom--0.u-centered.amount', [
h('span', app.currency_symbol + format.centsToDollars(state.donation$().amount))
, h('strong', amountLabel)
, weekly
, dedic && (dedic.first_name || dedic.last_name)
? h('p.u-centered', `${dedic.dedication_type === 'memory' ? I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.in_memory_label') : I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.in_honor_label')} ` + `${dedic.first_name || ''} ${dedic.last_name || ''}`)
: ''
, paymentTabs(state)
module.exports = {view, init}