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<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<!-- partial start: nonprofits/button/_modals -->
<div class='modal skinny' id='choose-role-modal'>
<section class='modal-body'>
<button class='button--large u-width--full' open-modal='get-code-modal'>See the code</button>
<div class='lineText u-marginY--20'>
<button class='button--large blue u-width--full' open-modal='send-code-modal'>Email the code</button>
<div class='modal' id='get-code-modal'>
<section class='modal-body'>
<%= render 'common/modal_close' %>
<p>First, include this script within the HTML of your website:</p>
<%= render 'include_snippet' %>
<p>Then, paste the following snippet wherever you want the donation widget to appear:</p>
<textarea readonly class='codeText' id='js-donateButtonAnchor'></textarea>
<div class='modal' id='send-code-modal'>
<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'Email the donate button code' %>
<section class='modal-body'>
<form parsley-validate>
<input required type='text' name='to_name' placeholder='Recipient Name'>
<input required type='email' name='to_email' placeholder='Recipient Email'>
<input type='hidden' name='from_email' value='<%= current_user.email %>'>
<input type='hidden' name='nonprofit_id' value='<%= @nonprofit.id %>'>
<input type='hidden' name='code'>
<textarea name='message' placeholder='Optional message'></textarea>
<%= render 'common/modal_submit', :text => 'Send' %>
<!-- partial end: nonprofits/button/_modals -->