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116 lines
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const snabbdom = require('snabbdom')
const flyd = require('flyd')
const render = require('ff-core/render')
const wiz = require("../../../../client/js/nonprofits/donate/wizard")
const R = require('ramda')
const assert = require('assert')
window.log = x => y => console.log(x,y)
window.app = {
nonprofit: {
id: 1
, name: 'test npo'
, logo: { normal: {url: 'xyz.com'} }
, tagline: 'whasup'
const patch = snabbdom.init([
, require('snabbdom/modules/class')
, require('snabbdom/modules/props')
, require('snabbdom/modules/style')
const init = params$=> {
params$ = params$ || flyd.stream({})
let div = document.createElement('div')
let state = wiz.init(params$)
let streams = render({
container: div
, state: state
, patch: patch
, view: wiz.view
streams.state = state
return streams
suite("donate wizzzzz")
test("initializes amount, info, and payment steps", ()=> {
let streams = init()
let labels = streams.dom$().querySelectorAll('.ff-wizard-index-label')
assert.deepEqual(R.map(R.prop('textContent'), labels), ['Amount', 'Info', 'Payment'])
test("shows the nonprofit name without a campaign", () => {
let streams = init()
let title = streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info h2').textContent
assert.equal(title, app.nonprofit.name)
test("shows the campaign name with a campaign", () => {
let streams = init()
let title = streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info h2').textContent
assert.equal(title, app.nonprofit.name)
test("shows the campaign tagline with a campaign", () => {
app.campaign = {name: 'campaignxyz', id: 1}
let streams = init()
let title = streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info h2').textContent
assert.equal(title, app.campaign.name)
app.campaign = {}
test('adds .is-modal class if state.params.offsite$()', ()=> {
let streams = init(flyd.stream({offsite: true}))
assert.equal(streams.dom$().className.indexOf('is-modal'), 0)
test('shows the tagline if no designation and no single amount', ()=> {
let streams = init()
assert.equal(streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info p').textContent, app.nonprofit.tagline)
test('shows the designation if designation param set and no single amount', ()=> {
const designation = '1312312xyz'
let streams = init(flyd.stream({designation}))
assert.equal(streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info p').textContent, ` Designation: ${designation}`)
test('shows the designation description if it is set and designation param set and no single amount', ()=> {
const designation = '1312312xyz'
const designation_desc = 'desc23923943'
let streams = init(flyd.stream({designation, designation_desc}))
assert.equal(streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info p').textContent, ` Designation: ${designation}${designation_desc}`)
test('shows the tagline if designation param set and single amount set', ()=> {
const designation = '1312312xyz'
let streams = init(flyd.stream({designation, single_amount: 1000}))
assert.equal(streams.dom$().querySelector('.titleRow-info p').textContent, app.nonprofit.tagline)
test('hides the footer if no user is in the env', () => {
let streams = init()
const idx = streams.dom$().querySelector('.donateForm-footer').className.indexOf('hide')
assert.notEqual(idx, -1)
test('shows the footer if a user is in the env', () => {
app.user = {email: 'user@example.com', id: 1}
let streams = init()
const idx = streams.dom$().querySelector('.donateForm-footer').className.indexOf('hide')
assert.equal(idx, -1)
app.user = {}
test('shows user info text if a user is in the env', () => {
app.user = {email: 'user@example.com', id: 1}
let streams = init()
const text = streams.dom$().querySelector('.donateForm-footer').textContent
assert.equal(text, 'Signed in as user@example.com Logout')
app.user = {}