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55 lines
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const modal = require('ff-core/modal')
const h = require('snabbdom/h')
const validated = require('ff-core/validated-form')
const button = require('ff-core/button')
const R = require('ramda')
module.exports = state =>
title: h('h4.modalTitle', 'Email')
, id$: state.modalID$
, thisID: 'composeGmailModal'
, body: body(state)
const fieldset = (name, placeholder, field) =>
h('fieldset.group.u-marginTop--10', [
h('label.u-inlineBlock.col-2.u-paddingTop--5', utils.capitalize(name) + ': ')
, h('div.col-right-10.u-margin--0', [
field(h('textarea.u-margin--0', {props: {rows: '1', name, placeholder}}))
const group = (labelText, spanContent) =>
h('label.u-inlineBlock.col-2', `${labelText}: `)
, h('span.col-right--10', [spanContent])
const body = state => {
var gmail = state.gmail
var to = state.supporter$().email
var from = gmail.from$()
var field = validated.field(gmail.composeForm)
return validated.form(gmail.composeForm, h('form', [
, h('span', [
gmail.from$() + ''
, h('a.u-small.u-paddingLeft--10', {props: {href: '#'}, on: {click: gmail.newSignIn$}}
, '(Switch account)')
, group('To', to + '')
, h('input', {props: {type: 'hidden', name: 'from', value: gmail.from$()}})
, field(h('input', {props: {type: 'hidden', name: 'to', value: to}}))
, fieldset('cc', 'Cc (separate with commas)', field)
, fieldset('bcc', 'Bcc (separate with commas)', field)
, fieldset('subject', 'Subject (required)', field)
, field(h('textarea.u-marginTop--10', {props: {name: 'body', placeholder: 'Message', rows: '10'}}))
, h('div.u-marginTop--20.u-centered', [
button({buttonText: 'Send', loadingText: 'Sending...', loading$: state.loading$, error: state.error$})