# Builder expansions address a common issue when using Jbuilder for generated JSON for object events work with `#init_builder`
# In some situations, a model may reference another object but, depending on the situation, may not want to expand that object
# As an example, consider an hypothetical Supporter class with a reference to a Nonprofit
# class Supporter < ApplicationRecord
# belongs_to :nonprofit
# belongs_to :group
# def to_builder(*expand)
# init_builder(*expand) do
# # build you JBuilder object
# end
# end
# end
# When generating the the Jbuilder object, you may want to expand the nonprofit object or in other situations not expand it. To handle this
# you would need to write the following code:
# `
# if expand.include? :nonprofit
# json.nonprofit nonprofit.to_builder.attributes!
# else
# json.nonprofit nonprofit.to_id
# end
# `
# You would have to write the same code for `group`. As your number of expandable attributes increase, your code gets filled with boilerplate code.
# `add_builder_expansion` addresses this by autocreating this code in to_builder.
# For example, if you want nonprofit to be expandable as in the nonprofit json attribute, and group into the group json attribute. You only need to write:
# `add_builder_expansion :nonprofit, :group`
# You can put as many expandable attributes there as you'd like.
# On the other hand, let's say you want to make group expandable BUT you want to assign it to the "supporter_group" json attribute. To do that, you
# pass in the attribute you want to be expandable along with the "json_attribute" method key set to 'supporter_group':
# For enumerable attributes (like a has_many or an array), there are two ways you may want to include them into your json output. If it's a set of simple values
# like, an array of strings or numbers, you may want to want to the array output as-is. For example, let's say you have a array of tags which are strings. You may want
# it to be output like so:
# ````
# tags: [ 'founders circle', 'large donor']
# ```
# We call these `:flat` enumerable attribtes. Assuming the supporter class before has a tags attribute, you would add the tags builder_expansion using:
# ```
# add_builder_expansion :tags, enum_type: :flat
# ```
# On the other hand, you may want to have an array of other Jbuilder created objects. Let's say your supporter has many groups. You may want these attributes expanded in
# one of two ways: expanded or unexpanded.
# For expanded, you would receive have something like this in your output:
# {
# # ... some other parts of the supporter json
# groups: [{ id: 546, name: 'group name 1'}, {id: 235, name: 'group name 2'}]
# }
# However, for unexpanded, you'd just want the ids:
# {
# # ... some other parts of the supporter json
# groups: [546, 235]
# }
# For this type of builder expansion, you would use:
# @param [Symbol] *attributes the attributes you'd like to make expandable. If you want to set options, there should only be a single attribute here.
# @param **options options for configuring the builder expansion. The options right now are:
# - `json_attribute`: the json attribute name in the outputted Jbuilder. Defaults to the attribute name.
# - `enum_type`: the type of enumerable for the attribute. pass :flat if the enumerable attribute is flat, or :expandable if it's expandable. ANy other value
# including the default of nil, means the attribute is not enumerable.