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2019-11-06 20:36:28 +00:00
// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
if(app.autocomplete) {
var request = require('../common/super-agent-promise')
var create_card = require('../cards/create')
var format_err = require('../common/format_response_error')
var path = '/nonprofits/' + app.nonprofit_id + '/events/' + appl.event_id + '/tickets'
appl.def('ticket_wiz', {
// Placeholder for a callback that is evaluated after the tickets are redeemed
on_complete: function() {},
// Set all the wizard's default data
set_defaults: function() {
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data', {
nonprofit_id: app.nonprofit_id,
tickets: [],
kind: "",
supporter_id: "",
// Set/process all the ticket data after submitting the "Tickets" step form
set_tickets: function(form_obj) {
var tickets = []
var total_amount = 0
var total_quantity = 0
for(var key in form_obj.tickets) {
var ticket = form_obj.tickets[key]
ticket.quantity = Number(ticket.quantity)
ticket.amount = Number(ticket.amount)
total_quantity += ticket.quantity
total_amount += ticket.quantity * ticket.amount
if(ticket.quantity > 0) tickets.push({ticket_level_id: ticket.ticket_level_id, quantity: ticket.quantity})
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data.tickets', tickets)
// Calculate total quantity and total charge amount
appl.def('ticket_wiz', {
total_amount: total_amount,
total_quantity: total_quantity
if(total_amount === 0) {
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data.kind', 'free')
} else {
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data.kind', 'charge')
if(total_quantity > 0) {
} else {
appl.notify('Please choose at least one ticket.')
check_if_any_ticket_levels: function(i, name, node) {
var ticket_level_remainder = appl.ticket_levels.data[i].remaining
var value = appl.prev_elem(node).value
if(value >= ticket_level_remainder) {
appl.notify("There are only " + ticket_level_remainder + " tickets remaining for '"
+ name + "'.")
appl.prev_elem(node).value = ticket_level_remainder
save_supporter: function(form_obj) {
appl.ticket_wiz.save_supporter_promise = request
.post('/nonprofits/' + app.nonprofit_id + '/supporters')
.send({supporter: form_obj}).perform()
.then(function(res) {
appl.ticket_wiz.supporter = res.body
appl.ticket_wiz.post_data.supporter_id = res.body.id
return res.body
set_kind: function(node) {
// Tickets creations have a kind of free, offsite, or charge
// OffsitePayments have a kind of check or cash
// We need to save each separately
var op_kind = appl.prev_elem(node).value
var ticket_kind = appl.prev_elem(node).getAttribute('data-ticket-kind')
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data.kind', ticket_kind)
appl.def('ticket_wiz.post_data.offsite_payment.kind', op_kind)
send_payment: function(form_obj) {
appl.def('loading', true)
return appl.ticket_wiz.save_supporter_promise
.then(function(supporter) {
return create_card({type: 'Supporter', id: supporter.id, email: supporter.email}, form_obj)
.then(function(card) {
appl.ticket_wiz.post_data.token = card.token
create_tickets: function() {
appl.def('loading', true)
return request.post(path)
}) // end appl.def('ticket_wiz'...
// To be called when either a free or purchased ticket was successfully
// redeemed; will show a success/thank-you modal
function complete_wizard(resp) {
appl.def('created_ticket_id', resp.body.tickets[0].id)
appl.def('loading', false)
// Display an error on the ticket wizard
// Works on the amount step, supporter step, and free ticket confirmation step.
// The card form step is a special case, it needs some extra state to be set
function show_err(resp) {
appl.def('loading', false)
appl.def('error', format_err(resp))
appl.def('card_form', {error: true, status: format_err(resp), loading: false, progress_width: '0%'})
// Hide any errors in the wizard
function hide_err() {
appl.def('loading', false)
appl.def('error', '')
appl.def('card_form', {status: '', error: false, loading: false})