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2019-11-06 20:36:28 +00:00
// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
const flyd = require('flyd')
const R = require('ramda')
const h = require('snabbdom/h')
const url = require('url')
const render = require('ff-core/render')
const wizard = require('ff-core/wizard')
const scanMerge = require('flyd/module/scanmerge')
flyd.mergeAll = require('flyd/module/mergeall')
flyd.flatMap = require('flyd/module/flatmap')
flyd.zip = require('flyd-zip')
const getParams = require('./get-params')
const paymentStep = require('./payment-step.es6')
const amountStep = require('./amount-step.es6')
const followupStep = require('./followup-step')
const request = require('../../common/request')
const format = require('../../common/format')
const brandedWizard = require('./branded-wizard.es6')
const renderStyles = require('../../components/styles/render-styles')
// pass in a stream of configuration parameters
const init = params => {
var state = {
error$: flyd.stream()
, loading$: flyd.stream()
, clickFinish$: flyd.stream()
, params$: flyd.map(getParams, flyd.stream(params))
renderStyles()(brandedWizard(state.params$().nonprofit.brand_color ? state.params$().nonprofit.brand_color : null))
app.campaign = app.campaign || {} // so we don't have to hot switch all the calls to app.campaign.name, etc
var donationDefaults = setDonationFromParams({
nonprofit_id: app.nonprofit_id
, campaign_id: app.campaign.id
, event_id: app.event_id
}, state.params$())
state.amountStep = amountStep.init(donationDefaults, state.params$)
state.donation$ = scanMerge([
[state.amountStep.donation$, R.merge]
, [state.params$, setDonationFromParams]
], donationDefaults )
state.paymentStep = paymentStep.init(state.params$, state.donation$)
const currentStep$ = flyd.mergeAll([
, flyd.map(R.always(0), state.params$) // if the params ever change, jump back to step one
, flyd.stream(0)
state.wizard = wizard.init({currentStep$, isCompleted$: state.paymentStep.success$})
// Handle the Finish button from the followup step -- will close modal, redirect, or refresh
(ev, params) => {
if(!parent) return
if(params.redirect) parent.postMessage(`commitchange:redirect:${params.redirect}`, '*')
else if(params.mode !== 'embedded') parent.postMessage('commitchange:close', '*')
, state.clickFinish$, state.params$ )
return state
const setDonationFromParams = (don, params) => {
if(!params.single_amount || isNaN(format.dollarsToCents(params.single_amount))) delete params.single_amount
return R.merge({
amount: params.single_amount ? format.dollarsToCents(params.single_amount) : 0
}, don)
const view = state => {
return h('div', {
// class: {'is-modal': state.params$().offsite}
}, [
// h('img.closeButton', {
// props: {src: '/assets/ui_components/close.svg'}
// , on: {click: ev => state.params$().offsite ? parent.postMessage('commitchange:close', '*') : null}
// , class: {'u-hide': !state.params$().offsite}
// })
h('div.titleRow', [
h('img', {props: {src: app.pageLoadData.nonprofit.logo.normal.url}})
, h('div.titleRow-info', [
h('h2', app.pageLoadData.nonprofit.name )
, h('p', [
state.params$().designation && !state.params$().single_amount
? headerDesignation(state)
: app.pageLoadData.nonprofit.tagline || ''
, wizardWrapper(state)
const headerDesignation = state => {
return h('span', [
h('i.fa.fa-star', {style: {color: app.nonprofit.brand_color || ''}})
, h('strong', ' Designation: ')
, String(state.params$().designation)
, state.params$().designation_desc
? h('span', [h('br'), h('small', state.params$().designation_desc)])
: ''
const wizardWrapper = state => {
return h('div.wizard-steps.donation-steps', [
wizard.view(R.merge(state.wizard, {
steps: [
{name: 'Amount', body: amountStep.view(state.amountStep)}
, {name: 'Confirm Card', body: paymentStep.view(state.paymentStep)}
, followup: followupStep.view(state)
module.exports = {view, init}