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2019-11-06 20:36:28 +00:00
// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// npm
const h = require('snabbdom/h')
const R = require('ramda')
const validatedForm = require('ff-core/validated-form')
const button = require('ff-core/button')
const flyd = require('flyd')
flyd.flatMap = require('flyd/module/flatmap')
flyd.filter = require('flyd/module/filter')
flyd.mergeAll = require('flyd/module/mergeall')
const scanMerge = require('flyd/module/scanmerge')
// local
const request = require('../../common/request')
const formatErr = require('../../common/format_response_error')
const createCardStream = require('../../cards/create-frp.es6')
const serializeForm = require('form-serialize')
const luhnCheck = require('../../common/credit-card-validator.js')
// A component for filling out card data, validating it, saving the card to
// stripe, and then saving a tokenized copy to our servers.
// Form validation constraints, validator functions, and error messages:
var constraints = {
address_zip: {required: true}
, name: {required: true}
, number: {required: true, cardNumber: true}
, exp_month: {required: true, format: /\d\d?/}
, exp_year: {required: true, format: /\d\d?/}
, cvc: {required: true, format: /\d\d\d\d?/}
var validators = { cardNumber: luhnCheck }
var messages = {
number: {
required: "Please enter your card number"
, cardNumber: "That card number doesn't look right"
// You can pass in the .hideButton boolean if you want to control whether the submit button is shown/hidden
// Pass in a .card object, which can have default objects for the card form (name, number, cvc, exp_month, etc)
// Pass in .path to set the endpoint for saving the card
// Pass in .payload for default data to send to the server for every card save request (such as a request token)
const init = (state) => {
state = state || {}
// set defaults
state = R.merge({
payload$: flyd.stream(state.payload || {})
, path$: flyd.stream(state.path || '/cards')
, outerError$: state.error$ || flyd.stream()
}, state)
state.form = validatedForm.init({constraints, validators, messages})
state.card$ = flyd.merge(flyd.stream(state.card || {}), state.form.validData$)
// streams of stripe tokenization responses
const stripeResp$ = flyd.flatMap(createCardStream, state.form.validData$)
state.stripeRespOk$ = flyd.filter(r => !r.error, stripeResp$)
const stripeError$ = flyd.map(r => r.error.message, flyd.filter(r => r.error, stripeResp$))
// Save the card as a card table on our own db
// streams of responses
state.resp$ = flyd.flatMap(
resp => saveCard(state.payload$(), state.path$(), resp) // cheating on the streams here..
, state.stripeRespOk$ )
const ccError$ = flyd.map(R.prop('error'), flyd.filter(resp => resp.error, state.resp$))
state.saved$ = flyd.filter(resp => !resp.error, state.resp$)
state.error$ = flyd.merge(stripeError$, ccError$,state.outerError$)
state.loading$ = scanMerge([
[state.form.validSubmit$, R.always(true)]
, [state.error$, R.always(false)]
, [state.saved$, R.always(false)]
], false)
return state
// -- Stream-related functions
// Save the card to our own servers, and return a response stream
const saveCard = (send, path, resp) => {
send.card = R.merge(send.card, {
cardholders_name: resp.name
, name: `${resp.card.brand} *${resp.card.last4}`
, stripe_card_token: resp.id
, stripe_card_id: resp.card.id
return flyd.map(R.prop('body'), request({ path, send, method: 'post' }).load)
// -- Virtual DOM
const view = state => {
var field = validatedForm.field(state.form)
return validatedForm.form(state.form, h('form.cardForm', [
h('div.u-background--grey.group.u-padding--8', [
nameInput(field, state.card$().name)
, numberInput(field)
, cvcInput(field)
, expMonthInput(field)
, expYearInput(field)
, zipInput(field, state.card$().address_zip)
, profileInput(field, app.profile_id) // XXX global
, h('div.u-centered.u-marginTop--20', [
state.hideButton ? '' : button({
error$: state.hideErrors ? flyd.stream() : state.error$
, loading$: state.loading$
, h('p.u-fontSize--12.u-marginBottom--0.u-marginTop--10.u-color--grey', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), " Transactions secured with 256-bit SSL"])
]) )
const nameInput = (field, name) =>
h('fieldset', [ field(h('input', { props: { name: 'name' , value: name || '', placeholder: "Cardholder's Name" } })) ])
const numberInput = field =>
h('fieldset.col-8', [ field(h('input', {props: { type: 'text' , name: 'number' , placeholder: 'Card Number' } })) ])
const cvcInput = field =>
h('fieldset.col-right-4.u-relative', [
field(h('input', { props: { name: 'cvc' , placeholder: 'CVC' } } ))
, h('img.security-code-image', {
src: `${app.asset_path}/graphics/cc-security-code.png`
const expMonthInput = field => {
var options = R.prepend(
h('option.default', {props: {value: undefined, selected: true}}, 'Month')
, R.range(1, 13).map(n => h('option', String(n)))
return h('fieldset.col-4.u-margin--0', [
, { props: {name: 'exp_month'} }
, options))
const expYearInput = field => {
var yearRange = R.range(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getFullYear() + 15)
var options = R.prepend(
h('option.default', {props: {value: undefined, selected: true}}, 'Year')
, R.map(y => h('option', String(y)), yearRange)
return h('fieldset.col-left-4.u-margin--0', [
, {props: {name: 'exp_year'}}
, options))
const zipInput = (field, zip) =>
h('fieldset.col-right-4.u-margin--0', [
, { props: {
type: 'text'
, name: 'address_zip'
, value: zip || ''
, placeholder: 'Zip Code'
const profileInput = (field, profile_id) =>
, { props: {
type: 'hidden'
, name: 'profile_id'
, value: profile_id || ''
module.exports = {view, init}