The old loading strategy didn't load options, which yielded some spurious errors. It also created awkward duplication of plugin information in the code as well as the books. Implement a new loading strategy that works by reading one of the "main files" under the books/ subdirectory and includes entries for additional FYs beyond that. This is still not ideal in a lot of ways. In particular, Beancount can't cache any results, causing any load to be slower than it theoretically could be. I expect more commits to follow. But some of them might require restructuring the books, and that should happen separately.
393 lines
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393 lines
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"""Test Config class"""
# Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import contextlib
import decimal
import operator
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from . import testutil
from conservancy_beancount import config as config_mod
RT_AUTH_METHODS = frozenset(['basic', 'gssapi', 'rt'])
'env password',
'file password',
RT_GENERIC_CREDS = config_mod.RTCredentials(
'generic password',
def rt_environ():
return dict(zip(RT_ENV_KEYS, RT_ENV_CREDS))
def _update_environ(updates):
for key, value in updates.items():
if value is None:
os.environ.pop(key, None)
os.environ[key] = str(value)
def update_environ(**kwargs):
revert = {key: os.environ.get(key) for key in kwargs}
def update_umask(mask):
old_mask = os.umask(mask)
yield old_mask
def test_repository_from_environment():
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.repository_path() == testutil.test_path('repository')
def test_no_repository():
with update_environ(CONSERVANCY_REPOSITORY=None):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.repository_path() is None
def test_no_rt_credentials():
with update_environ(HOME=testutil.TESTS_DIR):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
assert rt_credentials.server is None
assert rt_credentials.user is None
assert rt_credentials.passwd is None
assert rt_credentials.auth == 'rt'
def test_rt_credentials_from_file():
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
assert rt_credentials == RT_FILE_CREDS
def test_rt_credentials_from_environment(rt_environ):
with update_environ(**rt_environ):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
assert rt_credentials == RT_ENV_CREDS
@pytest.mark.parametrize('index,drop_key', enumerate(RT_ENV_KEYS))
def test_rt_credentials_from_file_and_environment_mixed(rt_environ, index, drop_key):
del rt_environ[drop_key]
with update_environ(**rt_environ):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
expected = list(RT_ENV_CREDS)
expected[index] = RT_FILE_CREDS[index]
assert rt_credentials == tuple(expected)
def test_rt_credentials_from_all_sources_mixed(tmp_path):
server = 'https://example.org/mixedrt'
with (tmp_path / '.rtrc').open('w') as rtrc_file:
print('user basemix', 'passwd mixed up', file=rtrc_file, sep='\n')
with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, RTSERVER=server, RTUSER='mixedup'):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_credentials = config.rt_credentials()
assert rt_credentials == (server, 'mixedup', 'mixed up', 'rt')
def check_rt_client_url(credentials, client):
pattern = '^{}/?$'.format(re.escape(credentials[0].rstrip('/') + '/REST/1.0'))
assert re.match(pattern, client.url)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('authmethod', RT_AUTH_METHODS)
def test_rt_client(authmethod):
rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth=authmethod)
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_client = config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
check_rt_client_url(RT_GENERIC_CREDS, rt_client)
assert rt_client.auth_method == ('HTTPBasicAuth' if authmethod == 'basic' else 'login')
assert rt_client.last_login == (
def test_default_rt_client(rt_environ):
with update_environ(**rt_environ):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt_client = config.rt_client(client=testutil.RTClient)
check_rt_client_url(RT_ENV_CREDS, rt_client)
assert rt_client.last_login[:-1] == RT_ENV_CREDS[1:3]
assert rt_client.last_login[-1]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('authmethod', RT_AUTH_METHODS)
def test_rt_client_login_failure(authmethod):
rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None
def test_no_rt_client_without_server():
rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(server=None, auth='rt')
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.rt_client(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None
def test_rt_wrapper():
config = config_mod.Config()
rt = config.rt_wrapper(RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt'), testutil.RTClient)
assert rt.exists(1)
def test_rt_wrapper_default_creds():
config = config_mod.Config()
rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
assert rt.rt.url.startswith(RT_FILE_CREDS[0])
def test_rt_wrapper_default_creds_from_environ(rt_environ):
with update_environ(**rt_environ):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
assert rt.rt.url.startswith(RT_ENV_CREDS[0])
def test_rt_wrapper_no_creds():
with update_environ(HOME=testutil.TESTS_DIR):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient) is None
def test_rt_wrapper_bad_creds():
rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(passwd='badpass', auth='rt')
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient) is None
def test_rt_wrapper_caches():
rt_credentials = RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt')
config = config_mod.Config()
rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(rt_credentials, testutil.RTClient)
assert rt1 is rt2
def test_rt_wrapper_caches_by_creds():
config = config_mod.Config()
rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(RT_GENERIC_CREDS._replace(auth='rt'), testutil.RTClient)
rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
assert rt1 is not rt2
def test_rt_wrapper_cache_responds_to_external_credential_changes(rt_environ):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt1 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
with update_environ(**rt_environ):
rt2 = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
assert rt1 is not rt2
def test_rt_wrapper_has_cache(tmp_path):
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=tmp_path), update_umask(0o002):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
expected = 'conservancy_beancount/{}@*.sqlite3'.format(RT_FILE_CREDS[1])
actual = None
for actual in tmp_path.glob(expected):
assert not actual.stat().st_mode & 0o177
assert actual is not None, "did not find any generated cache file"
def test_rt_wrapper_without_cache(tmp_path):
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=tmp_path):
config = config_mod.Config()
rt = config.rt_wrapper(None, testutil.RTClient)
assert not any(tmp_path.iterdir())
def test_cache_mkdir(tmp_path):
expected = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=tmp_path):
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(expected.name)
assert cache_path == tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
assert cache_path.is_dir()
def test_cache_mkdir_parent(tmp_path):
xdg_cache_dir = tmp_path / 'xdgcache'
expected = xdg_cache_dir / 'conservancy_beancount'
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=xdg_cache_dir):
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(expected.name)
assert cache_path == expected
assert cache_path.is_dir()
def test_cache_mkdir_from_home(tmp_path):
expected = tmp_path / '.cache' / 'TESTcache'
with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, XDG_CACHE_HOME=None):
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(expected.name)
assert cache_path == expected
assert cache_path.is_dir()
def test_cache_mkdir_exists_ok(tmp_path):
expected = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=tmp_path):
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(expected.name)
assert cache_path == expected
def test_cache_path_conflict(tmp_path):
extant_path = tmp_path / 'TESTcache'
with update_environ(XDG_CACHE_HOME=tmp_path):
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_path = config.cache_dir_path(extant_path.name)
assert cache_path is None
assert extant_path.is_file()
def test_cache_path_parent_conflict(tmp_path):
(tmp_path / '.cache').touch()
with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path, XDG_CACHE_HOME=None):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.cache_dir_path('TESTcache') is None
def test_relative_xdg_cache_home_ignored(tmp_path):
with update_environ(HOME=tmp_path,
config = config_mod.Config()
cache_dir_path = config.cache_dir_path('TESTcache')
assert cache_dir_path == tmp_path / '.cache/TESTcache'
def test_payment_threshold():
threshold = config_mod.Config().payment_threshold()
assert threshold == 0
assert isinstance(threshold, (int, decimal.Decimal))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('config_path', [
def test_config_file_path(config_path):
expected = Path('~/.config/conservancy_beancount/config.ini').expanduser()
with update_environ(XDG_CONFIG_HOME=config_path):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.config_file_path() == expected
def test_config_file_path_respects_xdg_config_home():
with update_environ(XDG_CONFIG_HOME='/etc'):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.config_file_path() == Path('/etc/conservancy_beancount/config.ini')
def test_config_file_path_with_subdir():
expected = testutil.test_path('userconfig/conftest/config.ini')
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.config_file_path('conftest') == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', [
def test_load_file(path):
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.books_path() == Path('/test/conservancy_beancount')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path_func', [
lambda path: None,
operator.methodcaller('touch', 0o200),
def test_load_file_error(tmp_path, path_func):
config_path = tmp_path / 'nonexistent.ini'
config = config_mod.Config()
with pytest.raises(OSError):
def test_no_books_path():
config = config_mod.Config()
assert config.books_path() is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value,month,day', [
('2', 2, 1),
('3 ', 3, 1),
(' 4', 4, 1),
(' 5 ', 5, 1),
('6 1', 6, 1),
(' 06 03 ', 6, 3),
('6-05', 6, 5),
('06 - 10', 6, 10),
('6/15', 6, 15),
('06 / 20', 6, 20),
('10.25', 10, 25),
(' 10 . 30 ', 10, 30),
def test_fiscal_year_begin(value, month, day):
config = config_mod.Config()
config.load_string(f'[Beancount]\nfiscal year begin = {value}\n')
assert config.fiscal_year_begin() == (month, day)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value', [
'2 30',
def test_bad_fiscal_year_begin(value):
config = config_mod.Config()
config.load_string(f'[Beancount]\nfiscal year begin = {value}\n')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_default_fiscal_year_begin():
config = config_mod.Config()
actual = config.fiscal_year_begin()
assert actual.month == 3
assert actual.day == 1
def test_books_loader():
books_path = testutil.test_path('books')
config = config_mod.Config()
config.load_string(f'[Beancount]\nbooks dir = {books_path}\n')
loader = config.books_loader()
assert loader.fy_range_string(2020, 2020)
def test_books_loader_without_books():
assert config_mod.Config().books_loader() is None