This makes it easier to write bean-queries, since you don't have to check two places for the "real" entity.
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240 lines
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"""Test validation of entity metadata"""
# Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import pytest
from . import testutil
from conservancy_beancount.plugin import meta_entity
# Classic entity: LastName-FirstName
# Various people and companies have one-word names
# Digits are allowed, as part of a name or standalone
# No case requirements
# No limit on the number of parts of the name
# Names that have no ASCII are allowed, with or without dash separators
# Governments, using : as a hierarchy separator
# The PayPal importer allows ASCII punctuation in entity metadata
# import2ledger produces entities that end with -
# That's probably a bug, but allow it for now.
# Starting with a - is not allowed
# Names that can be reduced to ASCII should be
# Producers should change this to Uberentity or Ueberentity
# I am not wild about this rule and would like to relax it—it's mostly
# based on an expectation that entities are typed in by an American. That's
# true less and less and it seems like we should reduce the amount of
# mangling producers are expected to do. But it's the rule for today.
# Whitespace is never allowed
'Alex Smith',
'田中\u00A0流星', # Non-breaking space
# Non-ASCII punctuation is not allowed
'Яшин—Данила', # em dash
'O’Malley-Thomas', # Right-angled apostrophe
'Du-Bois-W。-E。-B。', # Japanese period
# Values produced by various importers that should be translated to
# Anonymous.
' ',
' _ ',
TEST_KEY = 'entity'
def hook():
config = testutil.TestConfig()
return meta_entity.MetaEntity(config)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
assert txn.postings[-1].meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_postings(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25, {TEST_KEY: src_value}),
errors = list(hook.run(txn))
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].message == "Expenses:General has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(payee='Payee', **{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
# Make sure payee doesn't overwrite metadata. See payee test below.
assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == src_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(**{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_transactions(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(**{TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
errors = list(hook.run(txn))
assert 1 <= len(errors) <= 2
assert all(error.message == "transaction has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)
for error in hook.run(txn))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', VALID_VALUES)
def test_valid_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
# In this case, we want the hook to set metadata to make it easier to
# write bean-queries.
assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == src_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', ANONYMOUS_VALUES)
def test_anonymous_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
assert txn.meta[TEST_KEY] == 'Anonymous'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('src_value', INVALID_VALUES)
def test_invalid_values_on_payee(hook, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(payee=src_value, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:General', 25),
errors = list(hook.run(txn))
assert 1 <= len(errors) <= 2
assert all(error.message == "transaction has invalid entity: {}".format(src_value)
for error in hook.run(txn))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('payee,src_value', testutil.combine_values(
def test_invalid_payee_but_valid_metadata(hook, payee, src_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(**{'payee': payee, TEST_KEY: src_value}, postings=[
('Assets:Cash', -25),
('Expenses:Other', 25),
assert not any(hook.run(txn))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account,required', [
('Assets:Bank:Checking', False),
('Assets:Cash', False),
('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', True),
('Assets:Receivable:Loans', True),
('Equity:OpeningBalances', False),
('Expenses:General', True),
('Income:Donations', True),
('Liabilities:CreditCard', False),
('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', True),
('Liabilities:Payable:Vacation', True),
('Liabilities:UnearnedIncome:Donations', False),
def test_which_accounts_required_on(hook, account, required):
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Assets:Checking', -25),
(account, 25),
errors = list(hook.run(txn))
if not required:
assert not errors
assert errors
assert any(error.message == "{} missing entity".format(account)
for error in errors)
def test_not_required_on_opening(hook):
txn = testutil.OpeningBalance()
assert not list(hook.run(txn))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('date,need_value', [
(testutil.EXTREME_FUTURE_DATE, False),
(testutil.FUTURE_DATE, True),
(testutil.FY_START_DATE, True),
(testutil.FY_MID_DATE, True),
(testutil.PAST_DATE, False),
def test_required_by_date(hook, date, need_value):
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[
('Income:Donations', -10),
('Assets:Checking', 10),
assert any(hook.run(txn)) == need_value
def test_still_required_on_flagged(hook):
txn = testutil.Transaction(flag='!', postings=[
('Income:Donations', -10),
('Assets:Checking', 10),
assert list(hook.run(txn))