Basically this behavior is an extension of the fact that the outgoing report is grouped by RT ticket rather than "accrual data." Ripping this functionality out of other reports was correct, but it needed to stay for the outgoing report.
801 lines
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801 lines
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"""test_reports_accrual - Unit tests for accrual report"""
# Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import io
import itertools
import operator
import re
import babel.numbers
import odf.opendocument
import odf.table
import odf.text
import pytest
from . import testutil
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence
from beancount.core import data as bc_data
from beancount import loader as bc_loader
from conservancy_beancount import cliutil
from conservancy_beancount import data
from conservancy_beancount import rtutil
from conservancy_beancount.reports import accrual
_accruals_load = bc_loader.load_file(testutil.test_path('books/accruals.beancount'))
entry for entry in _accruals_load[0]
if hasattr(entry, 'narration')
and entry.narration != 'Opening balances'
for txn in ACCRUAL_TXNS
for post in txn.postings
if post.account.startswith(('Assets:Receivable:', 'Liabilities:Payable:'))
AGE_SUM_RE = re.compile(r'(?:\b(\d+) Years?)?(?: ?\b(\d+) Days?)?[–:]')
class AgingRow(NamedTuple):
date: datetime.date
entity: Sequence[str]
amount: Optional[Sequence[bc_data.Amount]]
at_cost: bc_data.Amount
rt_id: Sequence[str]
invoice: Sequence[str]
project: Sequence[str]
def make_simple(cls, date, entity, at_cost, invoice,
rt_id=None, orig_amount=None, project='Conservancy'):
if isinstance(date, str):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
if not isinstance(at_cost, tuple):
at_cost = testutil.Amount(at_cost)
if rt_id is None and invoice.startswith('rt:'):
rt_id, _, _ = invoice.partition('/')
return cls(date, [entity], orig_amount, at_cost, [rt_id], [invoice], [project])
def check_row_match(self, sheet_row):
cells = testutil.ODSCell.from_row(sheet_row)
assert len(cells) >= len(self)
cells = iter(cells)
assert next(cells).value == self.date
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.entity)
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(
babel.numbers.format_currency(number, currency, format_type='accounting')
for number, currency in self.amount or ()
usd_cell = next(cells)
assert usd_cell.value_type == 'currency'
assert usd_cell.value == self.at_cost.number
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.project)
for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
links = cell.getElementsByType(odf.text.A)
assert len(links) == len(cell.childNodes)
assert index >= 1
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-06', 'EarlyBird', -125, 'rt:44/440'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-30', 'EarlyBird', 75, 'rt:490/4900'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-25', 'Vendor', 200, 'FIXME'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-30', 'Vendor', 220, 'rt:310/3120'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-10', 'Lawyer', 280, 'rt:510/6100'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-18', 'EuroGov', 1100, 'rt:520/5200',
orig_amount=[testutil.Amount(1000, 'EUR')]),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-20', 'StateGov', 50, 'Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-05', 'EarlyBird', -500, 'rt:40/400'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-05-15', 'MatchingProgram', 1500,
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-15', 'GrantCo', 5500, 'rt:470/4700',
project='Development Grant'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-09-15', 'GrantCo', 6000, 'rt:470/4700',
project='Development Grant'),
class RTClient(testutil.RTClient):
'40': [
('400', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
'44': [
('440', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
'310': [
('3100', 'VendorContract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.7m'),
('3120', 'VendorInvoiceB.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.8m'),
'490': [],
'505': [],
'510': [
('4000', 'contract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.4m'),
('5100', 'invoice april.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.5m'),
('5105', 'payment.png', 'image/png', '51.5k'),
('6100', 'invoice may.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.6m'),
'515': [],
'520': [],
def accrual_postings():
return data.Posting.from_entries(copy.deepcopy(ACCRUAL_TXNS))
def accruals_by_meta(postings, value, key='invoice', wrap_type=iter):
return wrap_type(
post for post in postings
if post.meta.get(key) == value
and post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')
def find_row_by_text(row_source, want_text):
for row in row_source:
found_row = row.childNodes[0].text == want_text
except IndexError:
found_row = False
if found_row:
return row
pytest.fail(f"did not find row with text {want_text!r}")
def check_age_sum(aging_rows, row, date):
text = row.firstChild.text
ages = [int(match.group(1) or 0) * 365 + int(match.group(2) or 0)
for match in AGE_SUM_RE.finditer(text)]
if len(ages) == 1:
# datetime only supports a 10K year range so this should cover all of it
if text.startswith('Total Aged Over '):
age_range = range(ages[0], 3650000)
age_range = range(-3650000, ages[0])
elif len(ages) == 2:
age_range = range(*ages)
pytest.fail(f"row has incorrect age matches: {ages!r}")
assert row.lastChild.value == sum(
for row in aging_rows
if row.at_cost.number > 0
and (date - row.date).days in age_range
return row.lastChild.value
def check_aging_sheet(sheet, aging_rows, date):
if not aging_rows:
rows = iter(sheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
expect_rows = iter(aging_rows)
row0 = find_row_by_text(rows, aging_rows[0].date.isoformat())
for actual, expected in zip(rows, expect_rows):
row0 = find_row_by_text(rows, "Total Aged Over 1 Year: ")
aging_sum = check_age_sum(aging_rows, row0, date)
sums = 0
for row in rows:
if not row.firstChild:
elif row.firstChild.text.startswith("Total Unpaid"):
assert row.lastChild.value == aging_sum
sums += 1
aging_sum += check_age_sum(aging_rows, row, date)
assert sums > 1
def check_aging_ods(ods_file, date, recv_rows=AGING_AR, pay_rows=AGING_AP):
ods = odf.opendocument.load(ods_file)
sheets = ods.spreadsheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table)
assert len(sheets) == 2
check_aging_sheet(sheets[0], recv_rows, date)
check_aging_sheet(sheets[1], pay_rows, date)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('search_terms,expect_count,check_func', [
([], ACCRUALS_COUNT, lambda post: post.account.is_under(
'Assets:Receivable:', 'Liabilities:Payable:',
([('rt-id', '^rt:505$')], 2, lambda post: post.meta['entity'] == 'DonorA'),
([('invoice', r'^rt:\D+515/')], 1, lambda post: post.meta['entity'] == 'MatchingProgram'),
([('entity', '^Lawyer$')], 3, lambda post: post.meta['rt-id'] == 'rt:510'),
([('entity', '^Lawyer$'), ('contract', '^rt:510/')], 2,
lambda post: post.meta['invoice'].startswith('rt:510/')),
([('rt-id', '^rt:510$'), ('approval', '.')], 0, lambda post: False),
def test_filter_search(accrual_postings, search_terms, expect_count, check_func):
search_terms = [cliutil.SearchTerm._make(query) for query in search_terms]
actual = list(accrual.filter_search(accrual_postings, search_terms))
if expect_count < ACCRUALS_COUNT:
assert ACCRUALS_COUNT > len(actual) >= expect_count
assert len(actual) == ACCRUALS_COUNT
for post in actual:
assert check_func(post)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg,expected', [
('aging', accrual.AgingReport),
('balance', accrual.BalanceReport),
('outgoing', accrual.OutgoingReport),
('age', accrual.AgingReport),
('bal', accrual.BalanceReport),
('out', accrual.OutgoingReport),
('outgoings', accrual.OutgoingReport),
def test_report_type_by_name(arg, expected):
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.lower()).value is expected
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.title()).value is expected
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.upper()).value is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
def test_report_type_by_unknown_name(arg):
# Raising ValueError helps argparse generate good messages.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name,invoice,day', testutil.combine_values(
['FIXME', '', None, *testutil.NON_STRING_METADATA_VALUES],
def test_make_consistent_bad_invoice(acct_name, invoice, day):
if acct_name.startswith('Assets:'):
mult = 10
mult = -10
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 1, day), postings=[
(acct_name, index * mult, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': f'BadInvoice{day}'})
for index in range(1, 4)
postings = data.Posting.from_txn(txn)
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
assert len(consistent) == 1
_, actual = consistent.popitem()
assert len(actual) == 3
for act_post, exp_post in zip(actual, postings):
assert act_post == exp_post
def test_make_consistent_across_accounts():
invoice = 'Invoices/CrossAccount.pdf'
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 2, 1), postings=[
(acct_name, 100, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'CrossAccount'})
for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
def test_make_consistent_both_invoice_and_account():
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 2, 2), postings=[
(acct_name, 150) for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_across_entity(acct_name):
amt_sign = operator.pos if acct_name.startswith('Assets') else operator.neg
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
(acct_name, amt_sign(n), {'invoice': 'Inv/1.pdf', 'entity': f'Entity{n}'})
for n in range(1, 4)
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == 3
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_entity_differs_accrual_payment(acct_name):
invoice = 'Invoices/DifferPay.pdf'
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
# Depending on the account, the order of the accrual and payment might
# be swapped here, but that shouldn't matter.
(acct_name, 125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Positive'}),
(acct_name, -125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Negative'}),
related = list(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
consistent = accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(related)
_, actual = next(consistent)
assert len(actual) == len(related)
assert all(post in actual for post in related)
assert next(consistent, None) is None
def test_make_consistent_by_date_accruals_differ():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/2', 'entity': 'MultiDate'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[
('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', date.day * 100, meta),
]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 3
assert {post.units.number for group in actual for post in group} == {100, 200, 300}
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_exact_payment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/3', 'entity': 'OnePayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
35 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -1),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in actual[0]) == 0
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_underpayment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/4', 'entity': 'UnderPayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
40 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -.5),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert len(actual[0]) == 2
assert actual[0][0].units.number == 40
assert actual[0][1].units.number == -20
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_overpayment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/5', 'entity': 'OverPayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
50 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -1.5),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in actual[0]) == 0
assert len(actual[1]) == 2
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 2
assert actual[1][0].units.number == -25
assert actual[1][1].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_late_payment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/6', 'entity': 'LatePayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
60 * (-1 if date.day > 2 else 1),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert len(actual[0]) == 2
assert actual[0][0].meta.date.day == 1
assert actual[0][1].meta.date.day == 3
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 2
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_split_payments():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/7', 'entity': 'SplitPayments'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
'Assets:Receivable:Accounts', amount, meta,
)]) for date, amount in zip(testutil.date_seq(), [70, 80, -50, -100])]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert [post.units.number for post in actual[0]] == [70, -50, -20]
assert [post.units.number for post in actual[1]] == [80, -80]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account,day', itertools.product(
[1, 10, 20, 30],
def test_make_consistent_with_three_one_split(account, day):
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/8', 'entity': '3Split'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 5, dd), postings=[(
account, dd, meta,
)]) for dd in [5, 15, 25]]
meta['entity'] = '1Split'
entries.insert(day // 10, testutil.Transaction(
date=datetime.date(2019, 5, day),
postings=[(account, -45, meta)],
postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
if account.startswith('Assets:'):
group_count = 3
post_count = 2
group_count = 1
post_count = 4
assert len(actual) == group_count
for related in actual.values():
assert len(related) == post_count
assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)
assert {post.meta['entity'] for post in related} == {'1Split', '3Split'}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_with_three_two_split(account):
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/9'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 5, day), postings=[(
account, day * (1 if day % 10 else -1.5), meta,
)]) for day in range(5, 30, 5)]
postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
if account.startswith('Assets:'):
group_count = 3
group_count = 2
assert len(actual) == group_count
for related in actual.values():
assert len(related) >= 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)
def check_output(output, expect_patterns):
testutil.check_lines_match(iter(output), expect_patterns)
def run_outgoing(rt_id, postings, rt_client=None):
if rt_client is None:
rt_client = RTClient()
rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(rt_client)
if not isinstance(postings, accrual.AccrualPostings):
postings = accruals_by_meta(postings, rt_id, 'rt-id', wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
output = io.StringIO()
report = accrual.OutgoingReport(rt_wrapper, output)
report.run({rt_id: postings})
return output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('invoice,expected', [
('rt:505/5050', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-05"),
('rt:510/5100', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-10"),
('rt:510/6100', "-280.00 USD outstanding since 2010-06-10"),
('rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150', "1,500.00 USD outstanding since 2010-05-15",),
def test_balance_report(accrual_postings, invoice, expected, caplog):
related = accruals_by_meta(accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
output = io.StringIO()
report = accrual.BalanceReport(output)
report.run({invoice: related})
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [invoice, expected])
def test_outgoing_report(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
rt_id_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=510")}\b'
contract_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/4000/4000/contract.pdf")}\b'
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 510 <mx510@example\.org>$',
r'^PAYMENT TO: Hon\. Mx\. 510$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$280\.00$',
fr'^AGREEMENT: {contract_url}',
# Find the date line of the first transaction.
# For each transaction, check for the date line, a metadata, and the
# Expenses posting.
for line in output:
if not line.isspace():
assert re.match(r'\s*2010-06-10\s', line), \
"first entry line did not have expected date"
check_output(output, [
fr'^\s+rt-id: "{rt_id_url}"$',
r'^\s+Expenses:Services:Legal\s+220\.00 USD$',
fr'^\s+contract: "{contract_url}"$',
r'^\s+Expenses:FilingFees\s+60\.00 USD$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'510': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 280.00',
'CF_payment-method': 'USD ACH',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
def test_outgoing_report_custom_field_fallbacks(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient(want_cfs=False)
output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: <mx510@example\.org>$',
r'^PAYMENT TO:\s*$',
def test_outgoing_report_fx_amounts(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:520 rt:525', accrual_postings, rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 520 <mx520@example\.org>$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: 1,000\.00 EUR \(\$1,100.00\)$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'520': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'EUR 1,000.00 ($1,100.00)',
'CF_payment-method': 'EUR Wire',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
def test_outgoing_report_multi_invoice(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:310', accrual_postings, rt_client)
log, = caplog.records
assert log.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert log.message.startswith('cannot set payment-method for rt:310: ')
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$420.00$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'310': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 420.00',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
'usd ach',
' eur wire',
'cad vendorportal ',
' gbp check ',
def test_outgoing_report_good_payment_method(caplog, accrual_postings, arg):
rt_id = 'rt:40'
meta = {'rt-id': rt_id, 'invoice': 'rt:40/100', 'payment-method': arg}
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -100, meta),
rt_client = RTClient()
run_outgoing(rt_id, data.Posting.from_txn(txn), rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
cf_values = rt_client.edits[rt_id[3:]]['CF_payment-method'].split()
assert cf_values[0] == arg.split()[0].upper()
assert len(cf_values) > 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
'usd nonexistent',
'us check',
def test_outgoing_report_bad_payment_method(caplog, accrual_postings, arg):
rt_id = 'rt:40'
meta = {'rt-id': rt_id, 'invoice': 'rt:40/100', 'payment-method': arg}
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -100, meta),
rt_client = RTClient()
run_outgoing(rt_id, data.Posting.from_txn(txn), rt_client)
assert caplog.records
for log in caplog.records:
assert log.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert log.message.startswith(f'cannot set payment-method for {rt_id}: ')
assert 'CF_payment-method' not in rt_client.edits[rt_id[3:]]
def test_outgoing_report_without_rt_id(accrual_postings, caplog):
invoice = 'rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150'
related = accruals_by_meta(
accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings,
output = run_outgoing(None, related)
assert caplog.records
log = caplog.records[0]
assert log.message.startswith(
f"can't generate outgoings report for 2010-05-15 MatchingProgram {invoice}"
" because no RT ticket available:",
assert not output.getvalue()
def run_aging_report(postings, today):
postings = (
post for post in postings
if post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')
groups = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(postings))
output = io.BytesIO()
rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(RTClient())
report = accrual.AgingReport(rt_wrapper, output, today)
return output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('date', [
datetime.date(2010, 3, 1),
# Both these dates are chosen for their off-by-one potential:
# the first is exactly 30 days after the 2010-06-10 payable;
# the second is exactly 60 days after the 2010-05-15 receivable.
datetime.date(2010, 7, 10),
datetime.date(2010, 7, 14),
# The remainder just shuffle the age buckets some.
datetime.date(2010, 12, 1),
datetime.date(2011, 6, 1),
datetime.date(2011, 12, 1),
datetime.date(2012, 3, 1),
def test_aging_report_date_cutoffs(accrual_postings, date):
output = run_aging_report(accrual_postings, date)
check_aging_ods(output, date)
def test_aging_report_entity_consistency(accrual_postings):
date = datetime.date.today()
output = run_aging_report((
post for post in accrual_postings
if post.meta.get('rt-id') == 'rt:480'
and post.units.number < 0
), date)
check_aging_ods(output, date, [], [
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyA', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyB', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),
def run_main(arglist, config=None, out_type=io.StringIO):
if config is None:
config = testutil.TestConfig(
if out_type is io.BytesIO:
arglist.insert(0, '--output-file=-')
output = out_type()
errors = io.StringIO()
retcode = accrual.main(arglist, output, errors, config)
return retcode, output, errors
def check_main_fails(arglist, config, error_flags):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist, config)
assert retcode > 16
assert (retcode - 16) & error_flags
assert not output.getvalue()
return errors
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['--report-type=balance', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
['--report-type=outgoing', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
def test_output_excludes_payments(arglist):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
for line in output:
assert not re.match(r'\brt:4\d\b', line)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_invoice', [
(['40'], 'rt:40/400'),
(['44/440'], 'rt:44/440'),
def test_output_payments_when_only_match(arglist, expect_invoice):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
rf'^EarlyBird {re.escape(expect_invoice)}:$',
r' outstanding since ',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_amount', [
(['310'], 420),
(['310/3120'], 220),
(['-t', 'out', 'entity=Vendor'], 420),
def test_main_outgoing_report(arglist, expect_amount):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
rt_id_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=310>')
contract_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/3120/3120/VendorContract.pdf>')
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
rf'^TOTAL TO PAY: \${expect_amount}\.00$',
r'^\s+Expenses:Travel\s+220 USD$',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['-t', 'balance'],
def test_main_balance_report(arglist):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
r'^\s+1,500\.00 USD outstanding since 2010-05-15$',
def test_main_balance_report_because_no_rt_id():
invoice = 'Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf'
retcode, output, errors = run_main([invoice])
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
r'^\s+-50\.00 USD outstanding since 2010-06-20$',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
def test_main_aging_report(arglist):
if arglist:
recv_rows = [row for row in AGING_AR if 'Lawyer' in row.entity]
pay_rows = [row for row in AGING_AP if 'Lawyer' in row.entity]
recv_rows = AGING_AR
pay_rows = AGING_AP
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist, out_type=io.BytesIO)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_aging_ods(output, datetime.date.today(), recv_rows, pay_rows)
def test_main_no_books():
errors = check_main_fails([], testutil.TestConfig(), 1 | 8)
testutil.check_lines_match(iter(errors), [
r':[01]: +no books to load in configuration\b',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['-t', 'balance', 'entity=NonExistent'],
def test_main_no_matches(arglist, caplog):
check_main_fails(arglist, None, 8)
testutil.check_logs_match(caplog, [
('WARNING', 'no matching entries found to report'),
def test_main_no_rt(caplog):
config = testutil.TestConfig(
check_main_fails(['-t', 'out'], config, 4)
testutil.check_logs_match(caplog, [
('ERROR', 'unable to generate outgoing report: RT client is required'),