Take this opportunity to re-standardize flag values now that it's clear what's most common.
801 lines
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801 lines
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"""test_reports_accrual - Unit tests for accrual report"""
# Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import io
import itertools
import operator
import re
import babel.numbers
import odf.opendocument
import odf.table
import odf.text
import pytest
from . import testutil
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence
from beancount.core import data as bc_data
from beancount import loader as bc_loader
from conservancy_beancount import cliutil
from conservancy_beancount import data
from conservancy_beancount import rtutil
from conservancy_beancount.reports import accrual
_accruals_load = bc_loader.load_file(testutil.test_path('books/accruals.beancount'))
entry for entry in _accruals_load[0]
if hasattr(entry, 'narration')
and entry.narration != 'Opening balances'
for txn in ACCRUAL_TXNS
for post in txn.postings
if post.account.startswith(('Assets:Receivable:', 'Liabilities:Payable:'))
AGE_SUM_RE = re.compile(r'(?:\b(\d+) Years?)?(?: ?\b(\d+) Days?)?[–:]')
class AgingRow(NamedTuple):
date: datetime.date
entity: Sequence[str]
amount: Optional[Sequence[bc_data.Amount]]
at_cost: bc_data.Amount
rt_id: Sequence[str]
invoice: Sequence[str]
project: Sequence[str]
def make_simple(cls, date, entity, at_cost, invoice,
rt_id=None, orig_amount=None, project='Conservancy'):
if isinstance(date, str):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
if not isinstance(at_cost, tuple):
at_cost = testutil.Amount(at_cost)
if rt_id is None and invoice.startswith('rt:'):
rt_id, _, _ = invoice.partition('/')
return cls(date, [entity], orig_amount, at_cost, [rt_id], [invoice], [project])
def check_row_match(self, sheet_row):
cells = testutil.ODSCell.from_row(sheet_row)
assert len(cells) >= len(self)
cells = iter(cells)
assert next(cells).value == self.date
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.entity)
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(
babel.numbers.format_currency(number, currency, format_type='accounting')
for number, currency in self.amount or ()
usd_cell = next(cells)
assert usd_cell.value_type == 'currency'
assert usd_cell.value == self.at_cost.number
assert next(cells).text == '\0'.join(self.project)
for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
links = cell.getElementsByType(odf.text.A)
assert len(links) == len(cell.childNodes)
assert index >= 1
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-06', 'EarlyBird', -125, 'rt:44/440'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-30', 'EarlyBird', 75, 'rt:490/4900'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-25', 'Vendor', 200, 'FIXME'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-30', 'Vendor', 220, 'rt:310/3120'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-10', 'Lawyer', 280, 'rt:510/6100'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-18', 'EuroGov', 1100, 'rt:520/5200',
orig_amount=[testutil.Amount(1000, 'EUR')]),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-20', 'StateGov', 50, 'Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-03-05', 'EarlyBird', -500, 'rt:40/400'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-05-15', 'MatchingProgram', 1500,
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-06-15', 'GrantCo', 5500, 'rt:470/4700',
project='Development Grant'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-09-15', 'GrantCo', 6000, 'rt:470/4700',
project='Development Grant'),
class RTClient(testutil.RTClient):
'40': [
('400', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
'44': [
('440', 'invoice feb.csv', 'text/csv', '40.4k'),
'310': [
('3100', 'VendorContract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.7m'),
('3120', 'VendorInvoiceB.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.8m'),
'490': [],
'505': [],
'510': [
('4000', 'contract.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.4m'),
('5100', 'invoice april.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.5m'),
('5105', 'payment.png', 'image/png', '51.5k'),
('6100', 'invoice may.pdf', 'application/pdf', '1.6m'),
'515': [],
'520': [],
def accrual_postings():
return data.Posting.from_entries(copy.deepcopy(ACCRUAL_TXNS))
def accruals_by_meta(postings, value, key='invoice', wrap_type=iter):
return wrap_type(
post for post in postings
if post.meta.get(key) == value
and post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')
def find_row_by_text(row_source, want_text):
for row in row_source:
found_row = row.childNodes[0].text == want_text
except IndexError:
found_row = False
if found_row:
return row
pytest.fail(f"did not find row with text {want_text!r}")
def check_age_sum(aging_rows, row, date):
text = row.firstChild.text
ages = [int(match.group(1) or 0) * 365 + int(match.group(2) or 0)
for match in AGE_SUM_RE.finditer(text)]
if len(ages) == 1:
# datetime only supports a 10K year range so this should cover all of it
if text.startswith('Total Aged Over '):
age_range = range(ages[0], 3650000)
age_range = range(-3650000, ages[0])
elif len(ages) == 2:
age_range = range(*ages)
pytest.fail(f"row has incorrect age matches: {ages!r}")
assert row.lastChild.value == sum(
for row in aging_rows
if row.at_cost.number > 0
and (date - row.date).days in age_range
return row.lastChild.value
def check_aging_sheet(sheet, aging_rows, date):
if not aging_rows:
rows = iter(sheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
expect_rows = iter(aging_rows)
row0 = find_row_by_text(rows, aging_rows[0].date.isoformat())
for actual, expected in zip(rows, expect_rows):
row0 = find_row_by_text(rows, "Total Aged Over 1 Year: ")
aging_sum = check_age_sum(aging_rows, row0, date)
sums = 0
for row in rows:
if not row.firstChild:
elif row.firstChild.text.startswith("Total Unpaid"):
assert row.lastChild.value == aging_sum
sums += 1
aging_sum += check_age_sum(aging_rows, row, date)
assert sums > 1
def check_aging_ods(ods_file, date, recv_rows=AGING_AR, pay_rows=AGING_AP):
ods = odf.opendocument.load(ods_file)
sheets = ods.spreadsheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table)
assert len(sheets) == 2
check_aging_sheet(sheets[0], recv_rows, date)
check_aging_sheet(sheets[1], pay_rows, date)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('search_terms,expect_count,check_func', [
([], ACCRUALS_COUNT, lambda post: post.account.is_under(
'Assets:Receivable:', 'Liabilities:Payable:',
([('rt-id', '^rt:505$')], 2, lambda post: post.meta['entity'] == 'DonorA'),
([('invoice', r'^rt:\D+515/')], 1, lambda post: post.meta['entity'] == 'MatchingProgram'),
([('entity', '^Lawyer$')], 3, lambda post: post.meta['rt-id'] == 'rt:510'),
([('entity', '^Lawyer$'), ('contract', '^rt:510/')], 2,
lambda post: post.meta['invoice'].startswith('rt:510/')),
([('rt-id', '^rt:510$'), ('approval', '.')], 0, lambda post: False),
def test_filter_search(accrual_postings, search_terms, expect_count, check_func):
search_terms = [cliutil.SearchTerm._make(query) for query in search_terms]
actual = list(accrual.filter_search(accrual_postings, search_terms))
if expect_count < ACCRUALS_COUNT:
assert ACCRUALS_COUNT > len(actual) >= expect_count
assert len(actual) == ACCRUALS_COUNT
for post in actual:
assert check_func(post)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg,expected', [
('aging', accrual.AgingReport),
('balance', accrual.BalanceReport),
('outgoing', accrual.OutgoingReport),
('age', accrual.AgingReport),
('bal', accrual.BalanceReport),
('out', accrual.OutgoingReport),
('outgoings', accrual.OutgoingReport),
def test_report_type_by_name(arg, expected):
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.lower()).value is expected
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.title()).value is expected
assert accrual.ReportType.by_name(arg.upper()).value is expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
def test_report_type_by_unknown_name(arg):
# Raising ValueError helps argparse generate good messages.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name,invoice,day', testutil.combine_values(
['FIXME', '', None, *testutil.NON_STRING_METADATA_VALUES],
def test_make_consistent_bad_invoice(acct_name, invoice, day):
if acct_name.startswith('Assets:'):
mult = 10
mult = -10
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 1, day), postings=[
(acct_name, index * mult, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': f'BadInvoice{day}'})
for index in range(1, 4)
postings = data.Posting.from_txn(txn)
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
assert len(consistent) == 1
_, actual = consistent.popitem()
assert len(actual) == 3
for act_post, exp_post in zip(actual, postings):
assert act_post == exp_post
def test_make_consistent_across_accounts():
invoice = 'Invoices/CrossAccount.pdf'
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 2, 1), postings=[
(acct_name, 100, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'CrossAccount'})
for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
def test_make_consistent_both_invoice_and_account():
txn = testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 2, 2), postings=[
(acct_name, 150) for acct_name in ACCOUNTS
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == len(ACCOUNTS)
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_across_entity(acct_name):
amt_sign = operator.pos if acct_name.startswith('Assets') else operator.neg
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
(acct_name, amt_sign(n), {'invoice': 'Inv/1.pdf', 'entity': f'Entity{n}'})
for n in range(1, 4)
consistent = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(data.Posting.from_txn(txn)))
assert len(consistent) == 3
for key, posts in consistent.items():
assert len(posts) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('acct_name', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_entity_differs_accrual_payment(acct_name):
invoice = 'Invoices/DifferPay.pdf'
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
# Depending on the account, the order of the accrual and payment might
# be swapped here, but that shouldn't matter.
(acct_name, 125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Positive'}),
(acct_name, -125, {'invoice': invoice, 'entity': 'Negative'}),
related = list(data.Posting.from_txn(txn))
consistent = accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(related)
_, actual = next(consistent)
assert len(actual) == len(related)
assert all(post in actual for post in related)
assert next(consistent, None) is None
def test_make_consistent_by_date_accruals_differ():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/2', 'entity': 'MultiDate'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[
('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', date.day * 100, meta),
]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 3
assert {post.units.number for group in actual for post in group} == {100, 200, 300}
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_exact_payment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/3', 'entity': 'OnePayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
35 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -1),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in actual[0]) == 0
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_underpayment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/4', 'entity': 'UnderPayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
40 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -.5),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert len(actual[0]) == 2
assert actual[0][0].units.number == 40
assert actual[0][1].units.number == -20
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_overpayment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/5', 'entity': 'OverPayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
50 * (1 if date.day % 2 else -1.5),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in actual[0]) == 0
assert len(actual[1]) == 2
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 2
assert actual[1][0].units.number == -25
assert actual[1][1].meta.date.day == 3
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_late_payment():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/6', 'entity': 'LatePayment'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
60 * (-1 if date.day > 2 else 1),
)]) for date in itertools.islice(testutil.date_seq(), 3)]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert len(actual[0]) == 2
assert actual[0][0].meta.date.day == 1
assert actual[0][1].meta.date.day == 3
assert len(actual[1]) == 1
assert actual[1][0].meta.date.day == 2
def test_make_consistent_by_date_with_split_payments():
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/7', 'entity': 'SplitPayments'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=date, postings=[(
'Assets:Receivable:Accounts', amount, meta,
)]) for date, amount in zip(testutil.date_seq(), [70, 80, -50, -100])]
actual = [group for _, group in
assert len(actual) == 2
assert [post.units.number for post in actual[0]] == [70, -50, -20]
assert [post.units.number for post in actual[1]] == [80, -80]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account,day', itertools.product(
[1, 10, 20, 30],
def test_make_consistent_with_three_one_split(account, day):
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/8', 'entity': '3Split'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 5, dd), postings=[(
account, dd, meta,
)]) for dd in [5, 15, 25]]
meta['entity'] = '1Split'
entries.insert(day // 10, testutil.Transaction(
date=datetime.date(2019, 5, day),
postings=[(account, -45, meta)],
postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
if account.startswith('Assets:'):
group_count = 3
post_count = 2
group_count = 1
post_count = 4
assert len(actual) == group_count
for related in actual.values():
assert len(related) == post_count
assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)
assert {post.meta['entity'] for post in related} == {'1Split', '3Split'}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('account', ACCOUNTS)
def test_make_consistent_with_three_two_split(account):
meta = {'rt-id': '1', 'invoice': 'rt:1/9'}
entries = [testutil.Transaction(date=datetime.date(2019, 5, day), postings=[(
account, day * (1 if day % 10 else -1.5), meta,
)]) for day in range(5, 30, 5)]
postings = data.Posting.from_entries(entries)
actual = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(iter(postings)))
if account.startswith('Assets:'):
group_count = 3
group_count = 2
assert len(actual) == group_count
for related in actual.values():
assert len(related) >= 2
assert sum(post.units.number for post in related) == 0
assert all(post.meta['invoice'] == meta['invoice'] for post in related)
def check_output(output, expect_patterns):
testutil.check_lines_match(iter(output), expect_patterns)
def run_outgoing(rt_id, postings, rt_client=None):
if rt_client is None:
rt_client = RTClient()
rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(rt_client)
if not isinstance(postings, accrual.AccrualPostings):
postings = accruals_by_meta(postings, rt_id, 'rt-id', wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
output = io.StringIO()
report = accrual.OutgoingReport(rt_wrapper, output)
report.run({rt_id: postings})
return output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('invoice,expected', [
('rt:505/5050', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-05"),
('rt:510/5100', "Zero balance outstanding since 2010-05-10"),
('rt:510/6100', "-280.00 USD outstanding since 2010-06-10"),
('rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150', "1,500.00 USD outstanding since 2010-05-15",),
def test_balance_report(accrual_postings, invoice, expected, caplog):
related = accruals_by_meta(accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings)
output = io.StringIO()
report = accrual.BalanceReport(output)
report.run({invoice: related})
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [invoice, expected])
def test_outgoing_report(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
rt_id_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=510")}\b'
contract_url = rf'\b{re.escape(f"{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/4000/4000/contract.pdf")}\b'
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 510 <mx510@example\.org>$',
r'^PAYMENT TO: Hon\. Mx\. 510$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$280\.00$',
fr'^AGREEMENT: {contract_url}',
# Find the date line of the first transaction.
# For each transaction, check for the date line, a metadata, and the
# Expenses posting.
for line in output:
if not line.isspace():
assert re.match(r'\s*2010-06-10\s', line), \
"first entry line did not have expected date"
check_output(output, [
fr'^\s+rt-id: "{rt_id_url}"$',
r'^\s+Expenses:Services:Legal\s+220\.00 USD$',
fr'^\s+contract: "{contract_url}"$',
r'^\s+Expenses:FilingFees\s+60\.00 USD$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'510': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 280.00',
'CF_payment-method': 'USD ACH',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
def test_outgoing_report_custom_field_fallbacks(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient(want_cfs=False)
output = run_outgoing('rt:510', accrual_postings, rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: <mx510@example\.org>$',
r'^PAYMENT TO:\s*$',
def test_outgoing_report_fx_amounts(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:520 rt:525', accrual_postings, rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 520 <mx520@example\.org>$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: 1,000\.00 EUR \(\$1,100.00\)$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'520': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'EUR 1,000.00 ($1,100.00)',
'CF_payment-method': 'EUR Wire',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
def test_outgoing_report_multi_invoice(accrual_postings, caplog):
rt_client = RTClient()
output = run_outgoing('rt:310', accrual_postings, rt_client)
log, = caplog.records
assert log.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert log.message.startswith('cannot set payment-method for rt:310: ')
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
r'^TOTAL TO PAY: \$420.00$',
assert rt_client.edits == {'310': {
'CF_payment-amount': 'USD 420.00',
assert 'payment-method:' not in output.getvalue()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
'usd ach',
' eur wire',
'cad vendorportal ',
' gbp check ',
def test_outgoing_report_good_payment_method(caplog, accrual_postings, arg):
rt_id = 'rt:40'
meta = {'rt-id': rt_id, 'invoice': 'rt:40/100', 'payment-method': arg}
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -100, meta),
rt_client = RTClient()
run_outgoing(rt_id, data.Posting.from_txn(txn), rt_client)
assert not caplog.records
cf_values = rt_client.edits[rt_id[3:]]['CF_payment-method'].split()
assert cf_values[0] == arg.split()[0].upper()
assert len(cf_values) > 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', [
'usd nonexistent',
'us check',
def test_outgoing_report_bad_payment_method(caplog, accrual_postings, arg):
rt_id = 'rt:40'
meta = {'rt-id': rt_id, 'invoice': 'rt:40/100', 'payment-method': arg}
txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -100, meta),
rt_client = RTClient()
run_outgoing(rt_id, data.Posting.from_txn(txn), rt_client)
assert caplog.records
for log in caplog.records:
assert log.levelname == 'WARNING'
assert log.message.startswith(f'cannot set payment-method for {rt_id}: ')
assert 'CF_payment-method' not in rt_client.edits[rt_id[3:]]
def test_outgoing_report_without_rt_id(accrual_postings, caplog):
invoice = 'rt://ticket/515/attachments/5150'
related = accruals_by_meta(
accrual_postings, invoice, wrap_type=accrual.AccrualPostings,
output = run_outgoing(None, related)
assert caplog.records
log = caplog.records[0]
assert log.message.startswith(
f"can't generate outgoings report for 2010-05-15 MatchingProgram {invoice}"
" because no RT ticket available:",
assert not output.getvalue()
def run_aging_report(postings, today):
postings = (
post for post in postings
if post.account.is_under('Assets:Receivable', 'Liabilities:Payable')
groups = dict(accrual.AccrualPostings.make_consistent(postings))
output = io.BytesIO()
rt_wrapper = rtutil.RT(RTClient())
report = accrual.AgingReport(rt_wrapper, output, today)
return output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('date', [
datetime.date(2010, 3, 1),
# Both these dates are chosen for their off-by-one potential:
# the first is exactly 30 days after the 2010-06-10 payable;
# the second is exactly 60 days after the 2010-05-15 receivable.
datetime.date(2010, 7, 10),
datetime.date(2010, 7, 14),
# The remainder just shuffle the age buckets some.
datetime.date(2010, 12, 1),
datetime.date(2011, 6, 1),
datetime.date(2011, 12, 1),
datetime.date(2012, 3, 1),
def test_aging_report_date_cutoffs(accrual_postings, date):
output = run_aging_report(accrual_postings, date)
check_aging_ods(output, date)
def test_aging_report_entity_consistency(accrual_postings):
date = datetime.date.today()
output = run_aging_report((
post for post in accrual_postings
if post.meta.get('rt-id') == 'rt:480'
and post.units.number < 0
), date)
check_aging_ods(output, date, [], [
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyA', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),
AgingRow.make_simple('2010-04-15', 'MultiPartyB', 125, 'rt:480/4800'),
def run_main(arglist, config=None, out_type=io.StringIO):
if config is None:
config = testutil.TestConfig(
if out_type is io.BytesIO:
arglist.insert(0, '--output-file=-')
output = out_type()
errors = io.StringIO()
retcode = accrual.main(arglist, output, errors, config)
return retcode, output, errors
def check_main_fails(arglist, config, error_flags):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist, config)
assert retcode > 16
assert (retcode - 16) & error_flags
assert not output.getvalue()
return errors
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['--report-type=balance', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
['--report-type=outgoing', 'entity=EarlyBird'],
def test_output_excludes_payments(arglist):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
for line in output:
assert not re.match(r'\brt:4\d\b', line)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_invoice', [
(['40'], 'rt:40/400'),
(['44/440'], 'rt:44/440'),
def test_output_payments_when_only_match(arglist, expect_invoice):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
rf'^EarlyBird {re.escape(expect_invoice)}:$',
r' outstanding since ',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,expect_amount', [
(['310'], 420),
(['310/3120'], 220),
(['-t', 'out', 'entity=Vendor'], 420),
def test_main_outgoing_report(arglist, expect_amount):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
rt_url = RTClient.DEFAULT_URL[:-9]
rt_id_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Display.html?id=310>')
contract_url = re.escape(f'<{rt_url}Ticket/Attachment/3120/3120/VendorContract.pdf>')
check_output(output, [
r'^REQUESTOR: Mx\. 310 <mx310@example\.org>$',
rf'^TOTAL TO PAY: \${expect_amount}\.00$',
r'^\s+Expenses:Travel\s+220 USD$',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['-t', 'balance'],
def test_main_balance_report(arglist):
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
r'^\s+1,500\.00 USD outstanding since 2010-05-15$',
def test_main_balance_report_because_no_rt_id():
invoice = 'Invoices/2010StateRegistration.pdf'
retcode, output, errors = run_main([invoice])
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_output(output, [
r'^\s+-50\.00 USD outstanding since 2010-06-20$',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
def test_main_aging_report(arglist):
if arglist:
recv_rows = [row for row in AGING_AR if 'Lawyer' in row.entity]
pay_rows = [row for row in AGING_AP if 'Lawyer' in row.entity]
recv_rows = AGING_AR
pay_rows = AGING_AP
retcode, output, errors = run_main(arglist, out_type=io.BytesIO)
assert not errors.getvalue()
assert retcode == 0
check_aging_ods(output, datetime.date.today(), recv_rows, pay_rows)
def test_main_no_books():
errors = check_main_fails([], testutil.TestConfig(), 1 | 2)
testutil.check_lines_match(iter(errors), [
r':[01]: +no books to load in configuration\b',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist', [
['-t', 'balance', 'entity=NonExistent'],
def test_main_no_matches(arglist, caplog):
check_main_fails(arglist, None, 2)
testutil.check_logs_match(caplog, [
('WARNING', 'no matching entries found to report'),
def test_main_no_rt(caplog):
config = testutil.TestConfig(
check_main_fails(['-t', 'out'], config, 16)
testutil.check_logs_match(caplog, [
('ERROR', 'unable to generate outgoing report: RT client is required'),