"""test_reports_query.py - Unit tests for query report"""
# Copyright © 2021  Brett Smith
# License: AGPLv3-or-later WITH Beancount-Plugin-Additional-Permission-1.0
# Full copyright and licensing details can be found at toplevel file
# LICENSE.txt in the repository.

import argparse
import collections
import copy
import csv
import datetime
import io
import itertools
import re

import odf.table
import odf.text
import pytest

from . import testutil

from beancount.core import data as bc_data
from beancount.query import query_compile as bc_query_compile
from beancount.query import query_execute as bc_query_execute
from beancount.query import query_parser as bc_query_parser
from conservancy_beancount.books import FiscalYear
from conservancy_beancount.reports import query as qmod
from conservancy_beancount import rtutil

from decimal import Decimal

UTC = datetime.timezone.utc

class MockRewriteRuleset:
    def __init__(self, multiplier=2):
        self.multiplier = multiplier

    def rewrite(self, posts):
        for post in posts:
            number, currency = post.units
            number *= self.multiplier
            yield post._replace(units=testutil.Amount(number, currency))

class RowContext(bc_query_execute.RowContext):
    def __init__(self, entry, posting=None):
        self.entry = entry
        self.posting = posting

def qparser():
    return bc_query_parser.Parser()

def rt():
    return rtutil.RT(testutil.RTClient())

def ticket_query():
    return qmod.RTTicket.with_client(testutil.RTClient(), 'testfixture')

def const_operands(*args):
    return [bc_query_compile.EvalConstant(v) for v in args]

def pipe_main(arglist, config, stdout_type=io.StringIO):
    stdout = stdout_type()
    stderr = io.StringIO()
    returncode = qmod.main(arglist, stdout, stderr, config)
    return returncode, stdout, stderr

def test_rt_ticket_unconfigured():
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        qmod.RTTicket(const_operands('id', 'rt-id'))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('field_name', ['foo', 'bar'])
def test_rt_ticket_bad_field(ticket_query, field_name):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ticket_query(const_operands(field_name, 'rt-id'))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('meta_name', ['foo', 'bar'])
def test_rt_ticket_bad_metadata(ticket_query, meta_name):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ticket_query(const_operands('id', meta_name))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('field_name,meta_name,expected', [
    ('id', 'rt-id', {1}),
    ('Queue', 'approval', {'general'}),
    ('Requestors', 'invoice', {'mx1@example.org', 'requestor2@example.org'}),
    ('Due', 'tax-reporting', {datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 12, 1, 0, tzinfo=UTC)}),
    ('cf.{payment-to}', 'statement', {'Hon. Mx. 1'}),
def test_rt_ticket_from_txn(ticket_query, field_name, meta_name, expected):
    func = ticket_query(const_operands(field_name, meta_name))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{meta_name: 'rt:1'}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 80),
    context = RowContext(txn, txn.postings[0])
    assert func(context) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('field_name,meta_name,expected', [
    ('id', 'rt-id', {2}),
    ('Queue', 'approval', {'general'}),
    ('Requestors', 'invoice', {'mx2@example.org', 'requestor2@example.org'}),
    ('Due', 'tax-reporting', {datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 14, 12, 2, 0, tzinfo=UTC)}),
    ('CF_payment-to', 'statement', {'Hon. Mx. 2'}),
def test_rt_ticket_from_post(ticket_query, field_name, meta_name, expected):
    func = ticket_query(const_operands(field_name, meta_name))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{meta_name: 'rt:1'}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 110, {meta_name: 'rt:2/8'}),
    context = RowContext(txn, txn.postings[0])
    assert func(context) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('field_name,meta_name,expected,on_txn', [
    ('id', 'approval', {1, 2}, True),
    ('Queue', 'check', {'general'}, False),
    ('Requestors', 'invoice', {
    }, False),
    ('cf_payment-to', 'statement', {'Hon. Mx. 1', 'Hon. Mx. 2'}, True),
def test_rt_ticket_multi_results(ticket_query, field_name, meta_name, expected, on_txn):
    func = ticket_query(const_operands(field_name, meta_name))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{'rt-id': 'rt:1'}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 110, {'rt-id': 'rt:2'}),
    post = txn.postings[0]
    meta = txn.meta if on_txn else post.meta
    meta[meta_name] = 'rt:1/2 Docs/12.pdf rt:2/8'
    context = RowContext(txn, post)
    assert func(context) == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('meta_value,on_txn', testutil.combine_values(
    ['', 'Docs/34.pdf', 'Docs/100.pdf Docs/120.pdf'],
    [True, False],
def test_rt_ticket_no_results(ticket_query, meta_value, on_txn):
    func = ticket_query(const_operands('Queue', 'check'))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(**{'rt-id': 'rt:1'}, postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 110, {'rt-id': 'rt:2'}),
    post = txn.postings[0]
    meta = txn.meta if on_txn else post.meta
    meta['check'] = meta_value
    context = RowContext(txn, post)
    assert func(context) == set()

def test_rt_ticket_caches_tickets():
    rt_client = testutil.RTClient()
    rt_client.TICKET_DATA = testutil.RTClient.TICKET_DATA.copy()
    ticket_query = qmod.RTTicket.with_client(rt_client, 'cachetestA')
    func = ticket_query(const_operands('id', 'rt-id'))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 160, {'rt-id': 'rt:3'}),
    context = RowContext(txn, txn.postings[0])
    assert func(context) == {3}
    del rt_client.TICKET_DATA['3']
    assert func(context) == {3}

def test_rt_ticket_caches_tickets_not_found():
    rt_client = testutil.RTClient()
    rt_client.TICKET_DATA = testutil.RTClient.TICKET_DATA.copy()
    rt3 = rt_client.TICKET_DATA.pop('3')
    ticket_query = qmod.RTTicket.with_client(rt_client, 'cachetestB')
    func = ticket_query(const_operands('id', 'rt-id'))
    txn = testutil.Transaction(postings=[
        ('Assets:Cash', 160, {'rt-id': 'rt:3'}),
    context = RowContext(txn, txn.postings[0])
    assert func(context) == set()
    rt_client.TICKET_DATA['3'] = rt3
    assert func(context) == set()

def test_books_loader_empty():
    result = qmod.BooksLoader(None)()
    assert not result.entries
    assert len(result.errors) == 1

def test_books_loader_plain():
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/2018.beancount')
    loader = testutil.TestBooksLoader(books_path)
    result = qmod.BooksLoader(loader)()
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.entries
    min_date = datetime.date(2018, 3, 1)
    assert all(ent.date >= min_date for ent in result.entries)

def test_books_loader_rewrites():
    rewrites = [MockRewriteRuleset()]
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/2018.beancount')
    loader = testutil.TestBooksLoader(books_path)
    result = qmod.BooksLoader(loader, None, None, rewrites)()
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.entries
    numbers = frozenset(
        for entry in result.entries
        for post in getattr(entry, 'postings', ())
    assert numbers
    assert all(abs(number) >= 40 for number in numbers)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,fy', testutil.combine_values(
    [['--report-type', 'text'], ['--format=text'], ['-f', 'txt']],
    range(2018, 2021),
def test_text_query(arglist, fy):
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/{fy}.beancount')
    config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
    arglist += ['select', 'date,', 'narration,', 'account,', 'position']
    returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config)
    assert returncode == 0
    lines = iter(stdout)
    next(lines); next(lines)  # Skip header
    for count, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
        assert re.match(rf'^{fy}-\d\d-\d\d\s+{fy} ', line)
    assert count >= 2

@pytest.mark.parametrize('arglist,fy', testutil.combine_values(
    [['--format=csv'], ['-f', 'csv'], ['-t', 'csv']],
    range(2018, 2021),
def test_csv_query(arglist, fy):
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/{fy}.beancount')
    config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
    arglist += ['select', 'date,', 'narration,', 'account,', 'position']
    returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config)
    assert returncode == 0
    for count, row in enumerate(csv.DictReader(stdout), 1):
        assert re.fullmatch(rf'{fy}-\d\d-\d\d', row['date'])
        assert row['narration'].startswith(f'{fy} ')
    assert count >= 2

@pytest.mark.parametrize('end_index', range(3))
def test_rewrite_query(end_index):
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/2018.beancount')
    config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
    accounts = ['Assets', 'Income']
    expected = frozenset(accounts[:end_index])
    rewrite_paths = [
        for s in expected
    arglist = [f'--rewrite-rules={path}' for path in rewrite_paths]
    arglist.append('select any_meta("root") as root')
    returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config)
    assert returncode == 0
    actual = frozenset(line.rstrip('\n') for line in stdout)
    assert expected.issubset(actual)
    assert frozenset(accounts).difference(expected).isdisjoint(actual)

def test_ods_amount_formatting(qparser):
    statement = qparser.parse('SELECT UNITS(position)')
    row_types = [('amount', bc_data.Amount)]
    row_source = [(testutil.Amount(12),), (testutil.Amount(1480, 'JPY'),)]
    ods = qmod.QueryODS()
    ods.write_query(statement, row_types, row_source)
    actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
    assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Amount'
    assert next(actual)[0].text == '$12.00'
    assert next(actual)[0].text == '¥1,480'
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def test_ods_datetime_formatting(qparser):
    statement = qparser.parse('SELECT date')
    row_types = [('date', datetime.date)]
    row_source = [(testutil.PAST_DATE,), (testutil.FUTURE_DATE,)]
    ods = qmod.QueryODS()
    ods.write_query(statement, row_types, row_source)
    actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
    assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Date'
    assert next(actual)[0].text == testutil.PAST_DATE.isoformat()
    assert next(actual)[0].text == testutil.FUTURE_DATE.isoformat()
    assert next(actual, None) is None

@pytest.mark.parametrize('meta_key,meta_func', [
    ('check', 'ANY_META'),
    ('purchase-order', 'META'),
    ('rt-id', 'META_DOCS'),
def test_ods_link_formatting(qparser, rt, meta_key, meta_func):
    meta_func_returns_list = meta_func == 'META_DOCS'
    statement = qparser.parse(f'SELECT {meta_func}({meta_key!r}) AS docs')
    row_types = [('docs', list if meta_func_returns_list else str)]
    row_source = [
        (s.split() if meta_func_returns_list else s,)
        for s in ['rt:1/5', 'rt:3 Checks/9.pdf']
    ods = qmod.QueryODS(rt)
    ods.write_query(statement, row_types, row_source)
    rows = iter(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
    assert next(rows).text == 'Docs'
    actual = iter(
        [link.text for link in row.getElementsByType(odf.text.A)]
        for row in rows
    assert next(actual) == ['photo.jpg']
    assert next(actual) == ['rt:3', '9.pdf']
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def test_ods_meta_formatting(qparser):
    statement = qparser.parse('SELECT ANY_META("entity") AS entity')
    row_types = [('entity', object)]
    row_source = [(testutil.Amount(14),), (None,), ('foo bar',)]
    ods = qmod.QueryODS()
    ods.write_query(statement, row_types, row_source)
    actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
    assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Entity'
    assert next(actual)[0].text == '$14.00'
    assert next(actual)[0].text == ''
    assert next(actual)[0].text == 'foo bar'
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def test_ods_multicolumn_write(qparser, rt):
    statement = qparser.parse(
        'SELECT MIN(date) AS date, SET(META_DOCS("rt-id")) AS tix, STR_META("entity") AS entity',
    row_types = [('date', datetime.date), ('tix', set), ('entity', str)]
    row_source = [
        (testutil.PAST_DATE, {'rt:1'}, 'AA'),
        (testutil.FY_START_DATE, {'rt:2'}, 'BB'),
        (testutil.FUTURE_DATE, {'rt:3', 'rt:4'}, 'CC'),
    ods = qmod.QueryODS(rt)
    ods.write_query(statement, list(row_types), list(row_source))
    actual = iter(
        for row in testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
        for cell in row
    for expected, _ in row_types:
        assert next(actual) == expected.title()
    assert next(actual) == testutil.PAST_DATE.isoformat()
    assert next(actual) == 'rt:1'
    assert next(actual) == 'AA'
    assert next(actual) == testutil.FY_START_DATE.isoformat()
    assert next(actual) == 'rt:2'
    assert next(actual) == 'BB'
    assert next(actual) == testutil.FUTURE_DATE.isoformat()
    assert frozenset(next(actual).split('\0')) == row_source[-1][1]
    assert next(actual) == 'CC'
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def test_ods_is_empty(qparser):
    statement = qparser.parse('SELECT * WHERE date < 1900-01-01')
    ods = qmod.QueryODS()
    assert ods.is_empty()
    ods.write_query(statement, [], [])
    assert not ods.is_empty()

@pytest.mark.parametrize('fy,account,amt_prefix', [
    (2018, 'Assets', '($'),
    (2019, 'Income', '$'),
def test_ods_output(fy, account, amt_prefix):
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/{fy}.beancount')
    config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
    arglist = [
        '-O', '-',
        '-f', 'ods',
        f'SELECT date, narration, UNITS(position) WHERE account ~ "^{account}:"',
    returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config, io.BytesIO)
    assert returncode == 0
    with stdout:
        ods_doc = odf.opendocument.load(stdout)
    rows = iter(ods_doc.spreadsheet.firstChild.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
    next(rows)  # Skip header row
    amt_pattern = rf'^{re.escape(amt_prefix)}\d'
    for count, row in enumerate(rows, 1):
        date, narration, amount = row.childNodes
        assert re.fullmatch(rf'{fy}-\d{{2}}-\d{{2}}', date.text)
        assert narration.text.startswith(f'{fy} ')
        assert re.match(amt_pattern, amount.text)
    assert count

def test_ods_aggregate_output():
    books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/2020.beancount')
    config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
    arglist = [
        '-O', '-',
        '-f', 'ods',
        'SELECT account, SET(narration), SUM(UNITS(position))',
        'WHERE date >= 2020-04-01 AND date <= 2020-04-02',
        'GROUP BY account ORDER BY account ASC',
    returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config, io.BytesIO)
    assert returncode == 0
    with stdout:
        ods_doc = odf.opendocument.load(stdout)
    rows = iter(ods_doc.spreadsheet.firstChild.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
    next(rows)  # Skip header row
    actual = {}
    for row in rows:
        acct, descs, balance = row.childNodes
        actual[acct.text] = (frozenset(descs.text.split('\0')), balance.text)
    in_desc = {'2020 donation'}
    ex_desc = {'2020 bank maintenance fee'}
    assert actual['Income:Donations'] == (in_desc, '$20.20')
    assert actual['Expenses:BankingFees'] == (ex_desc, '$1.00')
    assert actual['Assets:Checking'] == (in_desc | ex_desc, '($21.20)')