"""test_reports_fund.py - Unit tests for fund report""" # Copyright © 2020 Brett Smith # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import collections import copy import datetime import io import itertools import pytest from . import testutil import babel.numbers import odf.opendocument import odf.table from beancount import loader as bc_loader from conservancy_beancount import data from conservancy_beancount.reports import core from conservancy_beancount.reports import fund from decimal import Decimal _ledger_load = bc_loader.load_file(testutil.test_path('books/fund.beancount')) START_DATE = datetime.date(2018, 3, 1) MID_DATE = datetime.date(2019, 3, 1) STOP_DATE = datetime.date(2020, 3, 1) EQUITY_ROOT_ACCOUNTS = ('Expenses:', 'Equity:', 'Income:') OPENING_BALANCES = { 'Alpha': 3000, 'Bravo': 2000, 'Charlie': 1000, 'Conservancy': 4000, 'Delta': 0, } BALANCES_BY_YEAR = { ('Conservancy', 2018): [ ('Income:Other', 40), ('Expenses:Other', -4), ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', 40), ('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', 4), ], ('Conservancy', 2019): [ ('Income:Other', 42), ('Expenses:Other', Decimal('-4.20')), ('Equity:Funds:Unrestricted', 100), ('Equity:Realized:CurrencyConversion', Decimal('6.20')), ('Assets:Receivable:Accounts', -40), ('Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', -4), ], ('Alpha', 2018): [ ('Income:Other', 60), ('Liabilities:UnearnedIncome', 30), ('Assets:Prepaid:Expenses', 20), ], ('Alpha', 2019): [ ('Income:Other', 30), ('Expenses:Other', -26), ('Assets:Prepaid:Expenses', -20), ('Liabilities:UnearnedIncome', -30), ], ('Bravo', 2018): [ ('Expenses:Other', -20), ], ('Bravo', 2019): [ ('Income:Other', 200), ], ('Charlie', 2019): [ ('Equity:Funds:Restricted', -100), ], ('Delta', 2018): [ ('Income:Other', Decimal('.40')), ], ('Delta', 2019): [ ('Income:Other', Decimal('4.60')), ], } clean_account_meta = pytest.fixture(autouse=True)(testutil.clean_account_meta) @pytest.fixture def fund_entries(): return copy.deepcopy(_ledger_load[0]) def split_text_lines(output): for line in output: account, amount = line.rsplit(None, 1) yield account.strip(), amount def format_amount(amount, currency='USD'): return babel.numbers.format_currency( amount, currency, format_type='accounting', ) def check_text_balances(actual, expected, *expect_accounts): balance = Decimal() for expect_account in expect_accounts: expect_amount = expected[expect_account] balance += expect_amount if expect_account.startswith('Expenses:'): expect_amount *= -1 if expect_amount: actual_account, actual_amount = next(actual) assert actual_account == expect_account assert actual_amount == format_amount(expect_amount) return balance def check_text_report(output, project, start_date, stop_date): _, _, project = project.rpartition('=') balance_amount = Decimal(OPENING_BALANCES[project]) expected = collections.defaultdict(Decimal) for year in range(2018, stop_date.year): try: amounts = BALANCES_BY_YEAR[(project, year)] except KeyError: pass else: for account, amount in amounts: if year < start_date.year and account.startswith(EQUITY_ROOT_ACCOUNTS): balance_amount += amount else: expected[account] += amount actual = split_text_lines(output) next(actual); next(actual) # Discard headers open_acct, open_amt = next(actual) assert open_acct == "{} balance as of {}".format( project, start_date.isoformat(), ) assert open_amt == format_amount(balance_amount) balance_amount += check_text_balances( actual, expected, 'Income:Other', 'Expenses:Other', 'Equity:Funds:Restricted', 'Equity:Funds:Unrestricted', 'Equity:Realized:CurrencyConversion', ) next(actual) end_acct, end_amt = next(actual) assert end_acct == "{} balance as of {}".format( project, stop_date.isoformat(), ) assert end_amt == format_amount(balance_amount) next(actual) balance_amount += check_text_balances( actual, expected, 'Assets:Receivable:Accounts', 'Assets:Prepaid:Expenses', 'Liabilities:Payable:Accounts', 'Liabilities:UnearnedIncome', ) assert next(actual, None) is None def check_cell_balance(cell, balance): if balance: assert cell.value == balance else: assert not cell.value def check_ods_sheet(sheet, account_balances, *, full): total_keys = ['opening', 'Income', 'Expenses', 'Equity'] if full: account_bals = account_balances.copy() unrestricted = account_bals.pop('Conservancy') total_keys += [ 'Assets:Receivable', 'Assets:Prepaid', 'Liabilities', 'Liabilities:Payable', ] else: account_bals = { key: balances for key, balances in account_balances.items() if key != 'Conservancy' and any(v >= .5 for v in balances.values()) } totals = {key: Decimal() for key in total_keys} for fund, balances in account_bals.items(): for key in totals: totals[key] += balances[key] account_bals[''] = totals if full: account_bals['Unrestricted'] = unrestricted for row in itertools.islice(sheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow), 4, None): cells = iter(testutil.ODSCell.from_row(row)) try: fund = next(cells).firstChild.text except (AttributeError, StopIteration): continue try: balances = account_bals.pop(fund) except KeyError: pytest.fail(f"report included unexpected fund {fund}") check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['opening']) check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Income']) if full: check_cell_balance(next(cells), -balances['Expenses']) check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Equity']) else: check_cell_balance( next(cells), -sum(balances[key] for key in ['Expenses', 'Equity']), ) check_cell_balance(next(cells), sum(balances[key] for key in [ 'opening', 'Income', 'Expenses', 'Equity', ])) if full: check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Assets:Receivable']) check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Assets:Prepaid']) check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Liabilities']) check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Liabilities:Payable']) assert next(cells, None) is None if full and fund == 'Unrestricted': assert '' not in account_bals, "Unrestricted funds reported before subtotals" for key, bal in balances.items(): totals[key] += bal account_bals[''] = totals assert not account_bals, "did not see all funds in report" def check_ods_report(ods, start_date, stop_date): account_bals = collections.OrderedDict((key, { 'opening': Decimal(amount), 'Income': Decimal(0), 'Expenses': Decimal(0), 'Equity': Decimal(0), 'Assets:Receivable': Decimal(0), 'Assets:Prepaid': Decimal(0), 'Liabilities:Payable': Decimal(0), 'Liabilities': Decimal(0), # UnearnedIncome }) for key, amount in sorted(OPENING_BALANCES.items())) for fund, year in itertools.product(account_bals, range(2018, stop_date.year)): try: amounts = BALANCES_BY_YEAR[(fund, year)] except KeyError: pass else: for account, amount in amounts: if account.startswith(EQUITY_ROOT_ACCOUNTS): if year < start_date.year: acct_key = 'opening' else: acct_key, _, _ = account.partition(':') else: acct_key, _, _ = account.rpartition(':') account_bals[fund][acct_key] += amount sheets = iter(ods.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table)) check_ods_sheet(next(sheets), account_bals, full=False) check_ods_sheet(next(sheets), account_bals, full=True) assert next(sheets, None) is None, "found unexpected sheet" def run_main(out_type, arglist, config=None): if config is None: config = testutil.TestConfig( books_path=testutil.test_path('books/fund.beancount'), ) arglist.insert(0, '--output-file=-') output = out_type() errors = io.StringIO() retcode = fund.main(arglist, output, errors, config) output.seek(0) return retcode, output, errors @pytest.mark.parametrize('project,start_date,stop_date', [ ('Conservancy', START_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('project=Conservancy', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('Conservancy', START_DATE, MID_DATE), ('Alpha', START_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('project=Alpha', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('Alpha', START_DATE, MID_DATE), ('Bravo', START_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('project=Bravo', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE), ('Bravo', START_DATE, MID_DATE), ('project=Charlie', START_DATE, STOP_DATE), ]) def test_text_report(project, start_date, stop_date): retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.StringIO, [ '-b', start_date.isoformat(), '-e', stop_date.isoformat(), project, ]) assert not errors.getvalue() assert retcode == 0 check_text_report(output, project, start_date, stop_date) def test_text_report_empty_balances(): retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.StringIO, [ '-t', 'text', '-b', '2018-01-01', ]) assert not errors.getvalue() assert retcode == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('start_date,stop_date', [ (START_DATE, STOP_DATE), (MID_DATE, STOP_DATE), (START_DATE, MID_DATE), ]) def test_ods_report(start_date, stop_date): retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.BytesIO, [ '--begin', start_date.isoformat(), '--end', stop_date.isoformat(), ]) assert not errors.getvalue() assert retcode == 0 ods = odf.opendocument.load(output) check_ods_report(ods, start_date, stop_date) def test_main_no_postings(caplog): retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.StringIO, ['NonexistentProject']) assert retcode == 65 assert any(log.levelname == 'WARNING' for log in caplog.records)