meta_entity: Adjust what entities are allowed based on today's books.

See the comments throughout for more discussion about what cases are
or aren't allowed, and why.
This commit is contained in:
Brett Smith 2020-04-01 13:38:37 -04:00
parent 90a58ef112
commit 499f18ff62
3 changed files with 52 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,12 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re
# Type stubs aren't available for regex.
# Fortunately, we're using it in a way that's API-compatible with the re
# module. We mitigate the lack of type stubs by providing type declarations
# for returned objects. This way, the only thing that isn't type checked are
# the calls to regex functions.
import regex # type:ignore[import]
from . import core
from .. import data
@ -23,10 +28,25 @@ from ..beancount_types import (
from typing import (
class MetaEntity(core.TransactionHook):
METADATA_KEY = 'entity'
HOOK_GROUPS = frozenset(['posting', 'metadata', METADATA_KEY])
ENTITY_RE = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)*$')
# alnum is the set of characters we always accept in entity metadata:
# letters and digits, minus the Latin 1 supplement (i.e., Roman letters
# with diacritics: áÁàÀâÂåÅäÄãà çÇ ðÐ ñÑ øØ ß etc.)
# See the tests for specific cases.
alnum = r'\p{Letter}\p{Digit}--\p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement}'
# A regexp that would be reasonably stricter would be:
# f'^[{alnum}][.{alnum}]*(?:-[.{alnum}])*$'
# However, current producers fail that regexp in a few different ways.
# See the tests for specific cases.
ENTITY_RE: Pattern[str] = regex.compile(f'^[{alnum}][-.{alnum}]*$', regex.VERSION1)
del alnum
def run(self, txn: Transaction) -> errormod.Iter:
txn_entity = txn.meta.get(self.METADATA_KEY)

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ setup(

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@ -21,19 +21,47 @@ from . import testutil
from conservancy_beancount.plugin import meta_entity
# Classic entity: LastName-FirstName
# Various people and companies have one-word names
# Digits are allowed, as part of a name or standalone
# No case requirements
# No limit on the number of parts of the name
# Names that have no ASCII are allowed, with or without dash separators
# The PayPal importer produces . in entity metadata
# import2ledger produces entities that end with -
# That's probably a bug, but allow it for now.
# Starting with a - is not allowed
# Names that can be reduced to ASCII should be
# Producers should change this to Uberentity or Ueberentity
# I am not wild about this rule and would like to relax it—it's mostly
# based on an expectation that entities are typed in by a human. That's true
# less and less and it seems like we should reduce the amount of mangling
# producers are expected to do. But it's the rule for today.
# Whitespace is never allowed
'Alex Smith',
'田中 流星',
'スミス ダコタ',
'Яшин Данила',
' ',
# An empty string is not valid