query: Add ODS output format.

This commit is contained in:
Brett Smith 2021-03-06 15:45:11 -05:00
parent 0b3175fe6b
commit 0f58960b67
2 changed files with 229 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import sys
from typing import (
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ from ..beancount_types import (
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from beancount.core.amount import _Amount as BeancountAmount
import beancount.query.numberify as bc_query_numberify
import beancount.query.query_compile as bc_query_compile
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ import beancount.query.query_execute as bc_query_execute
import beancount.query.query_parser as bc_query_parser
import beancount.query.query_render as bc_query_render
import beancount.query.shell as bc_query_shell
import odf.table # type:ignore[import]
from . import core
from . import rewrite
@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ from .. import books
from .. import cliutil
from .. import config as configmod
from .. import data
from .. import rtutil
BUILTIN_FIELDS: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset(itertools.chain(
bc_query_env.TargetsEnvironment.columns, # type:ignore[has-type]
@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ PROGNAME = 'query-report'
QUERY_PARSER = bc_query_parser.Parser()
logger = logging.getLogger('conservancy_beancount.reports.query')
CellFunc = Callable[[Any], odf.table.TableCell]
RowTypes = Sequence[Tuple[str, Type]]
Rows = Sequence[NamedTuple]
@ -102,7 +107,88 @@ class BooksLoader:
return result
class QueryODS(core.BaseODS[NamedTuple, None]):
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
return not self.sheet.childNodes
def section_key(self, row: NamedTuple) -> None:
return None
def _cell_type(self, row_type: Type) -> CellFunc:
if issubclass(row_type, BeancountAmount):
return self.currency_cell
elif issubclass(row_type, (int, float, Decimal)):
return self.float_cell
elif issubclass(row_type, datetime.date):
return self.date_cell
elif issubclass(row_type, str):
return self.string_cell
return self._generic_cell
def _generic_cell(self, value: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
return self.string_cell('' if value is None else str(value))
def _link_cell(self, value: MetaValue) -> odf.table.TableCell:
if isinstance(value, str):
return self.meta_links_cell(value.split())
return self._generic_cell(value)
def _metadata_cell(self, value: MetaValue) -> odf.table.TableCell:
return self._cell_type(type(value))(value)
def _cell_types(self, row_types: RowTypes) -> Iterator[CellFunc]:
for name, row_type in row_types:
if row_type is object:
if name.replace('_', '-') in data.LINK_METADATA:
yield self._link_cell
yield self._metadata_cell
yield self._cell_type(row_type)
def write_query(self, row_types: RowTypes, rows: Rows) -> None:
if self.is_empty():
self.sheet.setAttribute('name', "Query 1")
self.use_sheet(f"Query {len(self.document.spreadsheet.childNodes) + 1}")
for name, row_type in row_types:
if row_type is object or issubclass(row_type, str):
col_width = 2.0
elif issubclass(row_type, BeancountAmount):
col_width = 1.5
col_width = 1.0
col_style = self.column_style(col_width)
self.string_cell(data.Metadata.human_name(name.replace('_', '-')),
for name, _ in row_types
cell_funcs = list(self._cell_types(row_types))
for row in rows:
for cell_func, value in zip(cell_funcs, row)
class BQLShell(bc_query_shell.BQLShell):
def __init__(
is_interactive: bool,
loadfun: Callable[[], books.LoadResult],
outfile: TextIO,
default_format: str='text',
do_numberify: bool=False,
rt_wrapper: Optional[rtutil.RT]=None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(is_interactive, loadfun, outfile, default_format, do_numberify)
self.ods = QueryODS(rt_wrapper)
def on_Select(self, statement: str) -> None:
output_format: str = self.vars['format']
@ -144,6 +230,10 @@ class BQLShell(bc_query_shell.BQLShell):
def _render_ods(self, row_types: RowTypes, rows: Rows) -> None:
self.ods.write_query(row_types, rows)
logger.info("results saved in sheet %s", self.ods.sheet.getAttribute('name'))
def _render_text(self, row_types: RowTypes, rows: Rows) -> None:
with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
if self.is_interactive:
@ -173,7 +263,7 @@ class ReportFormat(enum.Enum):
TEXT = 'text'
CSV = 'csv'
# ODS = 'ods'
ODS = 'ods'
def _date_condition(
@ -202,10 +292,9 @@ def build_query(
args.join = JoinOperator.AND
select = [
'ANY_META("entity") as entity',
'ANY_META("entity") AS entity',
'narration AS description',
'COST(position) AS booked_amount',
*(f'ANY_META("{field}") AS {field.replace("-", "_")}'
if field not in BUILTIN_FIELDS
and re.fullmatch(r'[a-z][-_A-Za-z0-9]*', field)
@ -337,7 +426,8 @@ def main(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
args.report_type = ReportFormat[args.output_file.suffix[1:].upper()]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
args.report_type = ReportFormat.TEXT # if is_interactive else ReportFormat.ODS
args.report_type = ReportFormat.TEXT if is_interactive else ReportFormat.ODS
load_func = BooksLoader(
@ -350,6 +440,7 @@ def main(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
if query is None:
@ -357,6 +448,18 @@ def main(arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
if not shell.ods.is_empty():
shell.ods.set_custom_property('BeanQuery', query or '<interactive>')
if args.output_file is None:
out_dir_path = config.repository_path() or Path()
args.output_file = out_dir_path / 'QueryResults_{}.ods'.format(
logger.info("Writing spreadsheet to %s", args.output_file)
ods_file = cliutil.bytes_output(args.output_file, stdout)
return cliutil.ExitCode.OK
entry_point = cliutil.make_entry_point(__name__, PROGNAME)

View file

@ -14,12 +14,16 @@ import io
import itertools
import re
import odf.table
import odf.text
import pytest
from . import testutil
from beancount.core import data as bc_data
from conservancy_beancount.books import FiscalYear
from conservancy_beancount.reports import query as qmod
from conservancy_beancount import rtutil
from decimal import Decimal
@ -38,8 +42,12 @@ class MockRewriteRuleset:
def fy():
return FiscalYear(3, 1)
def pipe_main(arglist, config):
stdout = io.StringIO()
def rt():
return rtutil.RT(testutil.RTClient())
def pipe_main(arglist, config, stdout_type=io.StringIO):
stdout = stdout_type()
stderr = io.StringIO()
returncode = qmod.main(arglist, stdout, stderr, config)
return returncode, stdout, stderr
@ -258,3 +266,113 @@ def test_rewrite_query(end_index):
actual = frozenset(line.rstrip('\n') for line in stdout)
assert expected.issubset(actual)
assert frozenset(accounts).difference(expected).isdisjoint(actual)
def test_ods_amount_formatting():
row_types = [('amount', bc_data.Amount)]
row_source = [(testutil.Amount(12),), (testutil.Amount(1480, 'JPY'),)]
ods = qmod.QueryODS()
ods.write_query(row_types, row_source)
actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Amount'
assert next(actual)[0].text == '$12.00'
assert next(actual)[0].text == '¥1,480'
assert next(actual, None) is None
def test_ods_datetime_formatting():
row_types = [('date', datetime.date)]
row_source = [(testutil.PAST_DATE,), (testutil.FUTURE_DATE,)]
ods = qmod.QueryODS()
ods.write_query(row_types, row_source)
actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Date'
assert next(actual)[0].text == testutil.PAST_DATE.isoformat()
assert next(actual)[0].text == testutil.FUTURE_DATE.isoformat()
assert next(actual, None) is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('meta_key,header_text', [
('check', 'Check'),
('purchase-order', 'Purchase Order'),
('rt-id', 'Ticket'),
def test_ods_link_formatting(rt, meta_key, header_text):
row_types = [(meta_key.replace('-', '_'), object)]
row_source = [('rt:1/5',), ('rt:3 Checks/9.pdf',)]
ods = qmod.QueryODS(rt)
ods.write_query(row_types, row_source)
rows = iter(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
assert next(rows).text == header_text
actual = iter(
[link.text for link in row.getElementsByType(odf.text.A)]
for row in rows
assert next(actual) == ['photo.jpg']
assert next(actual) == ['rt:3', '9.pdf']
assert next(actual, None) is None
def test_ods_meta_formatting():
row_types = [('metadata', object)]
row_source = [(testutil.Amount(14),), (None,), ('foo bar',)]
ods = qmod.QueryODS()
ods.write_query(row_types, row_source)
actual = testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
assert next(actual)[0].text == 'Metadata'
assert next(actual)[0].text == '$14.00'
assert next(actual)[0].text == ''
assert next(actual)[0].text == 'foo bar'
assert next(actual, None) is None
def test_ods_multicolumn_write(rt):
row_types = [('date', datetime.date), ('rt-id', object), ('desc', str)]
row_source = [
(testutil.PAST_DATE, 'rt:1', 'aaa'),
(testutil.FY_START_DATE, 'rt:2', 'bbb'),
(testutil.FUTURE_DATE, 'rt:3', 'ccc'),
ods = qmod.QueryODS(rt)
ods.write_query(row_types, row_source)
actual = iter(
for row in testutil.ODSCell.from_sheet(ods.document.spreadsheet.firstChild)
for cell in row
assert next(actual) == 'Date'
assert next(actual) == 'Ticket'
assert next(actual) == 'Desc'
assert next(actual) == testutil.PAST_DATE.isoformat()
assert next(actual) == 'rt:1'
assert next(actual) == 'aaa'
assert next(actual) == testutil.FY_START_DATE.isoformat()
assert next(actual) == 'rt:2'
assert next(actual) == 'bbb'
assert next(actual) == testutil.FUTURE_DATE.isoformat()
assert next(actual) == 'rt:3'
assert next(actual) == 'ccc'
assert next(actual, None) is None
def test_ods_is_empty():
ods = qmod.QueryODS()
assert ods.is_empty()
ods.write_query([], [])
assert not ods.is_empty()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fy,account,amt_prefix', [
(2018, 'Assets', '($'),
(2019, 'Income', '$'),
def test_ods_output(fy, account, amt_prefix):
books_path = testutil.test_path(f'books/books/{fy}.beancount')
config = testutil.TestConfig(books_path=books_path)
arglist = ['-O', '-', '-f', 'ods', f'account ~ "^{account}:"']
returncode, stdout, stderr = pipe_main(arglist, config, io.BytesIO)
assert returncode == 0
ods_doc = odf.opendocument.load(stdout)
rows = iter(ods_doc.spreadsheet.firstChild.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow))
next(rows) # Skip header row
amt_pattern = rf'^{re.escape(amt_prefix)}\d'
for count, row in enumerate(rows, 1):
date, entity, narration, amount = row.childNodes
assert re.fullmatch(rf'{fy}-\d{{2}}-\d{{2}}', date.text)
assert narration.text.startswith(f'{fy} ')
assert re.match(amt_pattern, amount.text)
assert count