By using IPC::Run, the bean-query process need not be restarted every time. This shows significant speed improvement. Note that now, the process will not notice when the Beancount files change underneath it, or when they query format changes. Additional code will be needed to support this.
153 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file
153 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file
# License: AGPLv3-or-later
# see files COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, and AGPL-3.0.txt included in canonical repository for details.
# https://k.sfconservancy.org/NPO-Accounting/beancount-tools-in-Perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Temp qw/:mktemp/;
use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
use IPC::Shareable;
use IPC::Run qw(start pump finish timeout);
my $BEANCOUNT_QUERY_CMD = "/usr/bin/bean-query";
my($VERBOSE, $BEANCOUNT_DIR, $LOAD_FILE, $REPOSITORY_URL, $FIFO_DIR) = (0, undef, undef, undef, undef);
GetOptions("verbose=i" => \$VERBOSE, "beancountDir=s" => \$BEANCOUNT_DIR,
"loadFile=s" => \$LOAD_FILE, "repositoryURL=s" => \$REPOSITORY_URL, 'fifoDir=s' => \$FIFO_DIR);
sub UsageAndExit($) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 --loadFile=/path/to/file.beancount --beancountDir=/path/to/beancountdir --fifoDir=/path/to/directory/for/fifos [ --repositoryURL=URL_OF_REPOSITORY --verbose=N ]\n";
print STDERR "\n $_[0]\n";
exit 2;
UsageAndExit("/path/to/direcotry/for/fifos must be provided and be an existing directory")
unless (defined $FIFO_DIR and -d $FIFO_DIR);
UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount/path/to/beancountdir must be provided and be an existing directory")
unless (defined $BEANCOUNT_DIR and -d $BEANCOUNT_DIR);
UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount must a relative path to a file that exists in $BEANCOUNT_DIR")
unless (defined $LOAD_FILE and -r $LOAD_FILE);
if (defined $REPOSITORY_URL) {
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be a checkout of a Git repository, but there is no $BEANCOUNT_DIR/.git/config.")
unless (-r '.git/config');
open(my $gitFH, "<", ".git/config");
my $repoString;
while (my $line = <$gitFH>) {
chomp $line;
$repoString = $1
if $line =~ /^\s*url\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/;
close $gitFH;
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, the checkout found in $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be of that repository, but .git/config does not list a URL.") unless defined $REPOSITORY_URL;
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, the checkout found in $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be of that repository, but it instead appears to be a checkout of $repoString.")
unless ($repoString eq $REPOSITORY_URL);
my $glue = 'BeAn';
my %options = (
create => 'yes',
exclusive => 0,
mode => 0600,
destroy => 'yes',
my %query;
tie %query, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or
die "server: tie failed for $glue\n";
%query = ();
my %beancountData;
tie %beancountData, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or
die "server: tie failed\n";
my ($currentFormat, $runningBeanQuery, $rbcIn, $rbcOut);
sub StartRunningBeanQuery {
my($format) = @_;
$format = $currentFormat unless defined $format;
$currentFormat = $format;
push(@cmd, '-f', $query{format}) if defined $query{format};
push(@cmd, $LOAD_FILE);
$runningBeanQuery = start \@cmd, '<pty<', \$rbcIn, '>pty>', \$rbcOut;
pump $runningBeanQuery until $rbcOut =~ /^\s*beancount\s*\>\s*/m;
while (1) {
if (not defined $query{question}) {
print STDERR "No question posed..." if $VERBOSE > 2;
if (defined $query{fifoName}) {
print STDERR "fifo still active; locking to clear it..." if $VERBOSE > 2;
(tied %query)->shlock;
print STDERR "clearing fifo, $query{fifoName}..." if $VERBOSE > 2;
no autodie 'unlink'; unlink($query{fifoName});
%query = ();
(tied %query)->shunlock;
print STDERR "fifo cleared & lock released." if $VERBOSE > 2;
print STDERR "sleep for 2 seconds\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
sleep 2;
} elsif ($query{question} !~ /^[\,\=\~\-\@\w.\s\"\'\_\(\)\<\>\*\.\!]+$/) {
print STDERR "Query string $query{question} looks suspicious, not running beancount query!\n";
(tied %query)->shlock;
$query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-query-fifo-this-file-does-not-exist_${$}_XXXXXXXXX");
(tied %query)->shunlock;
sleep 2;
} elsif (defined $query{format} and $query{format} !~ /^(?:csv|text)$/) {
print STDERR "format string $query{format} is not text or csv, not running beancount query!\n";
(tied %query)->shlock;
$query{question} = $query{format} = undef;
$query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-query-fifo-this-file-does-not-exist_${$}_XXXXXXXXX");
(tied %query)->shunlock;
} elsif (not defined $query{fifoName}) {
print STDERR "Runing query: $query{question}\n" if $VERBOSE > 0;
$rbcOut = "";
$rbcIn = $query{question};
pump $runningBeanQuery until $rbcOut =~ /^\s*beancount\s*\>\s*/m;
(tied %query)->shlock;
print STDERR "Acquired shlock on tied variable.\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
$query{fifoName} = undef;
my $cnt = 0;
my $fifoFileName = mktemp(catfile($FIFO_DIR, "beancount-query-fifo_${$}_XXXXXXXXX"));
mkfifo($fifoFileName, 0700);
die "unable to create fifo in $fifoFileName: $!" unless -p $fifoFileName;
print STDERR "Created $fifoFileName..." if $VERBOSE > 1;
$query{fifoName} = $fifoFileName;
(tied %query)->shunlock;
open(my $fifoFH, ">", $fifoFileName);
print STDERR "and beginning write to it." if $VERBOSE > 1;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $rbcOut) {
last if $line =~ /^\s*beancount\s*\>\s*/;
print STDERR "." unless ($cnt++ % 500) or ($VERBOSE <= 1);
print STDERR "$line\n" if $VERBOSE > 3;
print $fifoFH "$line\n";
close $fifoFH;
$rbcOut = "";
(tied %query)->shlock; $query{question} = undef; (tied %query)->shunlock;
print STDERR "...done! Data now in $fifoFileName\n" if $VERBOSE > 0;
finish $runningBeanQuery;
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx"
# perl-indent-level: 2
# End: