# Beancount Tools Written in Perl

These are various tools written in Perl to interact with [Beancount project](http://furius.ca/beancount/).

## bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx

This daemon uses Perl's [`IPC::Shareable`](https://metacpan.org/pod/IPC::Shareable) library to take queries as a daemon for Beancount's `bean-query`.  Note that this daemon is not particularly secure, as it has the same security flaws inherent in `IPC::Shareable` and use of named pipes (as it uses `mkfifo` from [Perl's `POSIX` library](https://perldoc.perl.org/POSIX.html) underneath.

## bean-query-daemon-lib.pl

This file defines three functions to use in client scripts that want to talk to `bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx`.

It's not an actual Perl library; just use `require` in Perl to load it.

[comment]: Local variables:
[comment]: mode: markdown
[comment]: eval: (visual-line-mode t)
[comment]: eval: (auto-fill-mode -1)
[comment]: End: