#!/usr/bin/perl # License: AGPLv3-or-later # see files COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, and AGPL-3.0.txt included in canonical repository for details. # https://k.sfconservancy.org/NPO-Accounting/beancount-tools-in-Perl use strict; use warnings; use autodie qw(:all); use sigtrap 'handler' => \&CleanupEvertything, 'normal-signals', 'stack-trace' => 'error-signals'; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Temp qw/:mktemp tempdir/; use Git::Repository 'Log'; use POSIX qw(mkfifo); use IPC::Shareable; use Expect; my $RSYNC_CMD = '/usr/bin/rsync'; # We have to set the PAGER to a passthrough text program to assure that # output does not get paused $ENV{PAGER} = "/usr/bin/cat"; my $BEANCOUNT_QUERY_CMD = "/usr/bin/bean-query"; my($VERBOSE, $BEANCOUNT_DIR, $LOAD_FILE, $BRANCH_NAME, $FIFO_DIR) = (0, undef, undef, undef, undef); GetOptions("verbose=i" => \$VERBOSE, "beancountDir=s" => \$BEANCOUNT_DIR, "loadFile=s" => \$LOAD_FILE, "branchName=s" => \$BRANCH_NAME, 'fifoDir=s' => \$FIFO_DIR); sub UsageAndExit($) { print STDERR "usage: $0 --loadFile=/path/to/file.beancount --beancountDir=/path/to/beancountdir --fifoDir=/path/to/directory/for/fifos [ --branchName=BRANCH_NAME --verbose=N ]\n"; print STDERR "\n $_[0]\n"; exit 2; } UsageAndExit("/path/to/direcotry/for/fifos must be provided and be an existing directory") unless (defined $FIFO_DIR and -d $FIFO_DIR); UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount/path/to/beancountdir must be provided and be an existing directory") unless (defined $BEANCOUNT_DIR and -d $BEANCOUNT_DIR); chdir $BEANCOUNT_DIR; UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount must a relative path to a file that exists in $BEANCOUNT_DIR") unless (defined $LOAD_FILE and -r $LOAD_FILE); my($tempRepository, $tempRepositoryDirectory); sub CleanupEvertything { $tempRepository = undef if (defined $tempRepository); $tempRepositoryDirectory = undef if (defined $tempRepositoryDirectory); StopRunningBeanQuery(); croak @_; } if (defined $BRANCH_NAME) { my $absGitRepositoryDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs( $BEANCOUNT_DIR ); $tempRepositoryDirectory = tempdir('beancountquerygoofydaemongit_' . $$ . '_XXXXXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); print STDERR "Copy Git repository to $tempRepositoryDirectory...." if $VERBOSE > 2; system($RSYNC_CMD, '-Ha', "$absGitRepositoryDirectory/", "$tempRepositoryDirectory/"); print STDERR "copy completed.\n" if $VERBOSE > 2; $tempRepository = Git::Repository->new( work_tree => $tempRepositoryDirectory ); chdir $tempRepositoryDirectory; $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', { quiet => 1 }); $tempRepository->run(reset => '--hard', { quiet => 1 }); $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', { quiet => 1 }); $tempRepository->run(checkout => '$BRANCH_NAME', { quiet => 1 }); } sub CheckUpstreamAndPull { # Returns true iff. a pull was required and the files have changed. return 0 unless (defined $tempRepository); my $options = { quiet => 1 }; if ($VERBOSE > 5) { print STDERR "...clean & git pull..."; $options = {}; } print STDERR "...check if upstream Git changed..." if $VERBOSE > 5; my $updateOutput = $tempRepository->run(remote => 'update', $options); print "$updateOutput" if defined $updateOutput and $updateOutput !~ /^\s*$/ and $VERBOSE > 5; my $curRev = $tempRepository->run('rev-parse' => '@'); my $remoteRev = $tempRepository->run('rev-parse' => '@{u}'); my $baseRev = $tempRepository->run('merge-base' => '@', '@{u}'); print STDERR "...$curRev is current, $remoteRev is remote Rev $baseRev is base...\n" if $VERBOSE > 6; if ($curRev eq $remoteRev) { print STDERR "no change..." if $VERBOSE > 5; return 0; } elsif ($curRev eq $baseRev) { $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', $options); $tempRepository->run(reset => '--hard', $options); $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', $options); my $pullOutput = $tempRepository->run('pull'); print STDERR "\nPerformed pull since remote updated:\n $pullOutput\n" if ($VERBOSE > 0); return 1; } else { CleanupEvertything(); die("our local Git has $curRev, upstream is at $remoteRev, and the base is $baseRev " . "so give up entirely on trying to make this work."); } } my $glue = 'BeAn'; my %options = ( create => 'yes', exclusive => 0, mode => 0600, destroy => 'yes', ); my %query; tie %query, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or die "server: tie failed for $glue\n"; %query = (); my %beancountData; tie %beancountData, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or die "server: tie failed\n"; my ($currentFormat, $runningBeanQuery); sub StartRunningBeanQuery { my($format) = @_; $format = $currentFormat unless defined $format; $currentFormat = $format; if (defined $tempRepository) { print STDERR "Clearing temp files from repository..." if $VERBOSE > 4; $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', { quiet => 1 }); $tempRepository->run(reset => '--hard', { quiet => 1 }); $tempRepository->run(clean => '-fx', { quiet => 1 }); } else { my(@findCmd) = ("/usr/bin/find", '.', '-name', '*.picklecache'); if ($VERBOSE > 4) { print STDERR "Cleared the following picklecache files (none listed means none existed)...\n"; push(@findCmd, '-ls'); } push(@findCmd, '-exec', '/usr/bin/rm', '-f', '{}', ';'); system(@findCmd); print STDERR "...done clearing picklecache files.\n" if ($VERBOSE > 4); } my @cmd = ($BEANCOUNT_QUERY_CMD); push(@cmd, '-f', $format) if defined $format; push(@cmd, $LOAD_FILE); print STDERR "Starting beancount..." if $VERBOSE > 4; $runningBeanQuery = Expect->spawn(@cmd); print STDERR "...spawned & loading data..." if $VERBOSE > 4; $runningBeanQuery->log_stdout(0); $runningBeanQuery->expect(undef, -re => '^\s*beancount\s*\>\s*') or die("Unable to find beancount prompt, output was instead: ". $runningBeanQuery->before() . $runningBeanQuery->after()); print STDERR "now ready." if $VERBOSE > 4; print STDERR "Beancount started with output of:\n", $runningBeanQuery->before(), $runningBeanQuery->match(), $runningBeanQuery->after(), "\n" if ($VERBOSE > 3); } sub StopRunningBeanQuery { return if not defined $runningBeanQuery; $runningBeanQuery->send("exit\n"); $runningBeanQuery->soft_close(); } CheckUpstreamAndPull(); StartRunningBeanQuery('text'); print STDERR "Beancount started. Main loop begins." if $VERBOSE > 0; while (1) { if (not defined $query{question}) { print STDERR "No question posed..." if $VERBOSE > 5; if (CheckUpstreamAndPull()) { StopRunningBeanQuery(); StartRunningBeanQuery(); } if (defined $query{fifoName}) { print STDERR "fifo still active; locking to clear it..." if $VERBOSE > 5; (tied %query)->shlock; print STDERR "clearing fifo, $query{fifoName}..." if $VERBOSE > 5; no autodie 'unlink'; unlink($query{fifoName}); %query = (); (tied %query)->shunlock; print STDERR "fifo cleared & lock released." if $VERBOSE > 5; } print STDERR "sleep for 2 seconds\n" if $VERBOSE > 5; sleep 2; next; # } elsif ($query{question} !~ /^[\,\=\~\-\@\w.\s\"\'\_\(\)\<\>\*\.\!\^\:\$\|]+$/) { } elsif ($query{question} !~ /^[\s\S]+$/) { print STDERR "Query string $query{question} looks suspicious, not running beancount query!\n"; (tied %query)->shlock; $query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-query-fifo-this-file-does-not-exist_${$}_XXXXXXXXX"); (tied %query)->shunlock; sleep 2; } elsif (defined $query{format} and $query{format} !~ /^(?:csv|text)$/) { print STDERR "format string $query{format} is not text or csv, not running beancount query!\n"; (tied %query)->shlock; $query{question} = $query{format} = undef; $query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-query-fifo-this-file-does-not-exist_${$}_XXXXXXXXX"); (tied %query)->shunlock; } elsif (not defined $query{fifoName}) { if (defined $query{format} and $query{format} ne 'text') { print STDERR "format string $query{format} is not supported yet!\n"; (tied %query)->shlock; $query{question} = $query{format} = undef; $query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-$query{format}_not_supported_${$}_XXXXXXXXX"); (tied %query)->shunlock; next; } print STDERR "Runing query: $query{question}\n" if $VERBOSE > 0; my $ques = $query{question}; $ques =~ s/\n/ /gm; $runningBeanQuery->send("$ques\n"); $runningBeanQuery->expect(undef, 'beancount>') # *Don't* use regex here! # See `git annotate` on this line for why no regex. or die("Unable to find beancount prompt, output was instead: ". $runningBeanQuery->before() . $runningBeanQuery->after()); (tied %query)->shlock; print STDERR "Acquired shlock on tied variable.\n" if $VERBOSE > 2; $query{fifoName} = undef; my $cnt = 0; my $fifoFileName = mktemp(catfile($FIFO_DIR, "beancount-query-fifo_${$}_XXXXXXXXX")); mkfifo($fifoFileName, 0700); die "unable to create fifo in $fifoFileName: $!" unless -p $fifoFileName; print STDERR "Created $fifoFileName..." if $VERBOSE > 2; $query{fifoName} = $fifoFileName; my $getAllOutput = $query{getAllOutput}; (tied %query)->shunlock; print STDERR "unlocked tied query..." if $VERBOSE > 2; open(my $fifoFH, ">", $fifoFileName); print STDERR "and began write to fifo." if $VERBOSE > 2; my($seenSeperator, $prevLine) = ( ((defined $getAllOutput) and $getAllOutput), ""); my $rbcOut = $runningBeanQuery->before(); foreach my $line (split /\n/, $rbcOut) { # Occasionally, some of the SELECT statement is printed back to # $rbcOut. Avoid reproducing this in output by waiting for the line # of ----'s. Thus, this only works in text mode right now. unless ($seenSeperator) { if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { $seenSeperator = 1; } elsif ($currentFormat eq 'text' and $line =~ /^\s*\-+\s*$/) { $seenSeperator = 1; } $prevLine = $line; next; } last if $line =~ /^\s*beancount\s*\>\s*/; print STDERR "." unless ($cnt++ % 500) or ($VERBOSE <= 1); print $fifoFH "$line\n"; $prevLine = $line; } close $fifoFH; (tied %query)->shlock; $query{question} = undef; (tied %query)->shunlock; print STDERR "...done! Data now in $fifoFileName\n" if $VERBOSE > 0; } } finish $runningBeanQuery; ############################################################################### # # Local variables: # compile-command: "perl -c bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx" # perl-indent-level: 2 # End: