123 lines
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123 lines
4.6 KiB
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# License: AGPLv3-or-later
# see files COPYRIGHT, LICENSE, and AGPL-3.0.txt included in canonical repository for details.
# https://k.sfconservancy.org/NPO-Accounting/beancount-tools-in-Perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Temp qw/:mktemp/;
use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
use IPC::Shareable;
my $BEANCOUNT_QUERY_CMD = "/usr/bin/bean-query";
my($VERBOSE, $BEANCOUNT_DIR, $LOAD_FILE, $REPOSITORY_URL, $FIFO_DIR) = (0, undef, undef, undef, undef);
GetOptions("verbose=i" => \$VERBOSE, "beancountDir=s" => \$BEANCOUNT_DIR,
"loadFile=s" => \$LOAD_FILE, "repositoryURL=s" => \$REPOSITORY_URL, 'fifoDir=s' => \$FIFO_DIR);
sub UsageAndExit($) {
print STDERR "usage: $0 --loadFile=/path/to/file.beancount --beancountDir=/path/to/beancountdir --fifoDir=/path/to/directory/for/fifos [ --repositoryURL=URL_OF_REPOSITORY --verbose=N ]\n";
print STDERR "\n $_[0]\n";
exit 2;
UsageAndExit("/path/to/direcotry/for/fifos must be provided and be an existing directory")
unless (defined $FIFO_DIR and -d $FIFO_DIR);
UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount/path/to/beancountdir must be provided and be an existing directory")
unless (defined $BEANCOUNT_DIR and -d $BEANCOUNT_DIR);
UsageAndExit("/path/to/file.beancount must a relative path to a file that exists in $BEANCOUNT_DIR")
unless (defined $LOAD_FILE and -r $LOAD_FILE);
if (defined $REPOSITORY_URL) {
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be a checkout of a Git repository, but there is no $BEANCOUNT_DIR/.git/config.")
unless (-r '.git/config');
open(my $gitFH, "<", ".git/config");
my $repoString;
while (my $line = <$gitFH>) {
chomp $line;
$repoString = $1
if $line =~ /^\s*url\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*$/;
close $gitFH;
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, the checkout found in $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be of that repository, but .git/config does not list a URL.") unless defined $REPOSITORY_URL;
UsageAndExit("if --repositoryURL is provided, the checkout found in $BEANCOUNT_DIR must be of that repository, but it instead appears to be a checkout of $repoString.")
unless ($repoString eq $REPOSITORY_URL);
my $glue = 'BeAn';
my %options = (
create => 'yes',
exclusive => 0,
mode => 0600,
destroy => 'yes',
my %query;
tie %query, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or
die "server: tie failed for $glue\n";
%query = ();
my %beancountData;
tie %beancountData, 'IPC::Shareable', $glue, { %options } or
die "server: tie failed\n";
while (1) {
if (not defined $query{question}) {
print STDERR "No question posed, sleeping 2\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
if (defined $query{fifoName}) {
no autodie 'unlink'; unlink($query{fifoName});
$query{fifoName} = undef;
sleep 2;
} elsif ($query{question} !~ /^[\-\@\w.\s\"\'\_\(\)]+$/) {
print STDERR "Query string $query{question} looks suspicious, not running beancount query!\n";
(tied %query)->shlock;
$query{question} = undef;
$query{fifoName} = mktemp("REJECTED_beancount-query-fifo-this-file-does-not-exist_${$}_XXXXXXXXX");
(tied %query)->shunlock;
} elsif (not defined $query{fifoName}) {
my @cmd = ($BEANCOUNT_QUERY_CMD, '-f', 'text', $LOAD_FILE, $query{question});
print STDERR "Running query: $query{question}\n" if $VERBOSE > 0;
open(my $beancountFH, "-|", @cmd);
print STDERR "Running ", join(" ", @cmd), "\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
(tied %query)->shlock;
print STDERR "Acquired shlock on tied variable.\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
$query{fifoName} = undef;
my $cnt = 0;
my $fifoFileName = mktemp(catfile($FIFO_DIR, "beancount-query-fifo_${$}_XXXXXXXXX"));
mkfifo($fifoFileName, 0700);
die "unable to create fifo in $fifoFileName: $!" unless -p $fifoFileName;
print STDERR "Created $fifoFileName..." if $VERBOSE > 1;
$query{fifoName} = $fifoFileName;
(tied %query)->shunlock;
open(my $fifoFH, ">", $fifoFileName);
print STDERR "and beginning write to it." if $VERBOSE > 1;
while (my $line = <$beancountFH>) {
print STDERR "." if (++$cnt % 100) and ($VERBOSE > 1);
print $fifoFH $line;
close $beancountFH;
close $fifoFH;
(tied %query)->shlock; $query{question} = undef; (tied %query)->shunlock;
print STDERR "...done! Data now in $fifoFileName\n" if $VERBOSE > 0;
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c bean-query-goofy-daemon.plx"
# perl-indent-level: 2
# End: