var db = require('../../src/node/db/DB').db, API = require('../../src/node/db/API.js'), async = require('../../src/node_modules/async'), check = require('validator').check, settings = require('../../src/node/utils/Settings'); var pluginSettings = settings.ep_email_notifications; // When a new message comes in from the client - FML this is ugly exports.handleMessage = function(hook_name, context, callback){ if (context.message &&{ if ( == 'USERINFO_UPDATE' ) { // if it's a request to update an authors email if ({ if({ // it contains email console.debug(context.message);"ep_mail: " + + " / " +;; // does email Subscription already exist for this email address? db.get("emailSubscription:", function(err, userIds){ var alreadyExists = false;; if(userIds){ async.forEach(Object.keys(userIds), function(user, cb){"UserIds subscribed by email to this pad:", userIds); if(user =={ // If we already have this email registered for this pad // This user ID is already assigned to this padId so don't do anything except tell the user they are already subscribed somehow.. alreadyExists = true; } cb(); }, function(err){ // There should be something in here! }); // end async for each } if( == 'subscribe' && alreadyExists == true){ // SUbscription"email ",, "already subscribed to ",, " so sending message to client"); context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailSubscriptionSuccess", payload: false } }); } else if( == 'subscribe' && alreadyExists == false){ // SUbscription var validatesAsEmail = check(; if(!validatesAsEmail){ // send validation failed if it's malformed.. y'know in general fuck em! console.warn("Dropped email subscription due to malformed email address"); context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailSubscriptionSuccess", payload: false } }); } else { ("Subscription: Wrote to the database and sent client a positive response ",; exports.setAuthorEmail(,, callback ); exports.setAuthorEmailRegistered(,, ); context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailSubscriptionSuccess", payload: true } }); } } else if( == 'unsubscribe' && alreadyExists == true) { // Unsubscription ("Unsubscription: Remove from the database and sent client a positive response ",; exports.unsetAuthorEmail(,, callback ); exports.unsetAuthorEmailRegistered(,, ); context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailUnsubscriptionSuccess", payload: true } }); } else if( == 'unsubscribe' && alreadyExists == false) { // Unsubscription ("Unsubscription: Send client a negative response ",; context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailUnsubscriptionSuccess", payload: false } }); } }); // close db get callback([null]); // don't run onto passing colorId or anything else to the message handler } } } else if ( == 'USERINFO_GET' ) { // A request to find datas for a username if ({ if({ // it contains the userId console.debug(context.message); var userIdFound = false; // does email Subscription already exist for this name and padID? db.get("emailSubscription:", function(err, userIds){ if(userIds){ async.forEach(Object.keys(userIds), function(user, cb){ if(userIds[user].authorId =={ // if we find the same Id in the Db as the one used by the user"Options for this pad ", userIds[user].authorId, " found in the Db"); userIdFound = true; // We send back the options set for this user context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailNotificationGetUserInfo", payload: { email: user, onStart: userIds[user].onStart && typeof userIds[user].onStart === 'boolean'?userIds[user].onStart:true, onEnd: userIds[user].onEnd && typeof userIds[user].onEnd === 'boolean'?userIds[user].onEnd:false, success:true } } }); } cb(); }, function(err){ // There should be something in here! }); // end async for each } }); if (!userIdFound) { // We send back the options set for this user context.client.json.send({ type: "COLLABROOM", data:{ type: "emailNotificationGetUserInfo", payload: { success:false } } }); } } } } } callback(); } // Updates the database with the email record exports.setAuthorEmail = function (author, datas, callback){ db.setSub("globalAuthor:" + author, ["email"],, callback); } // Write email and padId to the database exports.setAuthorEmailRegistered = function(datas, authorId, padId){ var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); var registered = { authorId: authorId, onStart: datas.email_onStart, onEnd: datas.email_onEnd, timestamp: timestamp }; console.debug("registered", registered, " to ", padId); // Here we have to basically hack a new value into the database, this isn't clean or polite. db.get("emailSubscription:" + padId, function(err, value){ // get the current value if(!value){value = {};} // if an emailSubscription doesnt exist yet for this padId don't panic value[] = registered; // add the registered values to the object console.warn("written to database"); db.set("emailSubscription:" + padId, value); // stick it in the database }); } // Updates the database by removing the email record for that AuthorId exports.unsetAuthorEmail = function (author, datas, callback){ db.get("globalAuthor:" + author, function(err, value){ // get the current value delete value['email']; db.set("globalAuthor:" + author, value); }); } // Remove email and padId from the database exports.unsetAuthorEmailRegistered = function(datas, authorId, padId){ console.debug("unregistered",, " to ", padId); // Here we have to basically hack a new value into the database, this isn't clean or polite. db.get("emailSubscription:" + padId, function(err, value){ // get the current value delete value[]; // remove the registered values to the object console.warn("written to database"); db.set("emailSubscription:" + padId, value); // stick it in the database }); }