// We check pads periodically for activity and notify owners when someone begins editing and when someone finishes. var db = require('../../src/node/db/DB').db, API = require('../../src/node/db/API.js'), async = require('../../src/node_modules/async'), check = require('validator').check, email = require('emailjs'), settings = require('../../src/node/utils/Settings'); var pluginSettings = settings.ep_email_notifications; var checkInterval = 3000; // How frequently(milliseconds) to check for pad updates -- Move me to the settings file var staleTime = 30000; // How stale(milliseconds) does a pad need to be before notifying subscribers? Move me to settings var timers = {}; var fromName = "Etherpad"; var fromEmail = "pad@etherpad.org"; var urlToPads = "http://beta.etherpad.org/p/"; var server = email.server.connect({ host: "", }); exports.padUpdate = function (hook_name, _pad) { var pad = _pad.pad; var padId = pad.id; exports.sendUpdates(padId); // does an interval not exist for this pad? if(!timers[padId]){ console.warn("Someone started editing "+padId); exports.notifyBegin(padId); console.debug("Created an interval time check for "+padId); // if not then create one and write it to the timers object timers[padId] = exports.createInterval(padId, checkInterval); }else{ // an interval already exists so don't create } }; exports.notifyBegin = function(padId){ db.get("emailSubscription:" + padId, function(err, recipients){ // get everyone we need to email async.forEach(Object.keys(recipients), function(recipient, cb){ console.debug("Emailing "+recipient +" about a new begin update"); server.send({ text: "Your pad at "+urlToPads+"/p/"+padId +" is being edited, we're just emailing you let you know :)", from: fromName+ "<"+fromEmail+">", to: recipient, subject: "Someone begin editing "+padId }, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); cb(); // finish each user }, function(err){ }); }); } exports.notifyEnd = function(padId){ // get the modified contents... var changesToPad = "Functionality does not exist"; db.get("emailSubscription:" + padId, function(err, recipients){ // get everyone we need to email async.forEach(Object.keys(recipients), function(recipient, cb){ console.debug("Emailing "+recipient +" about a new begin update"); server.send({ text: "Your pad at "+urlToPads+"/p/"+padId +" has finished being edited, we're just emailing you let you know :) The changes look like this:" + changesToPad, from: fromName+ "<"+fromEmail+">", to: recipient, subject: "Someone begin editing "+padId }, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); }); cb(); // finish each user }, function(err){ }); }); } exports.sendUpdates = function(padId){ // check to see if we can delete this interval API.getLastEdited(padId, function(callback, message){ // we delete an interval if a pad hasn't been edited in X seconds. var currTS = new Date().getTime(); if(currTS - message.lastEdited > staleTime){ exports.notifyEnd(padId); console.warn("Interval went stale so deleting it from object and timer"); var interval = timers[padId]; clearInterval(timers[padId]); // remove the interval timer delete timers[padId]; // remove the entry from the padId }else{ console.debug("email timeout not stale so not deleting"); } }); // The status of the users relationship with the pad -- IE if it's subscribed to this pad / if it's already on the pad // This comes frmo the database var userStatus = {}; // Temporary user object var user = { name: "John McLear", email: "john@mclear.co.uk", id: "a.n4gEeMLsv1GivNeh" } console.debug("ep_email_noficiations: padID of pad being edited:"+padId); exports.isUserEditingPad(padId, user, function(err,results){ userStatus.userIsEditing = results; console.debug("isUserEditingPad is:", results); }); } // Is the user editing the pad? exports.isUserEditingPad = function(padId, user, cb){ API.padUsers(padId, function(callback, padUsers){ // get the current users editing the pad var userIsEditing = false; console.debug("Pad Users:"+padUsers); // for each user on the pad right now async.forEach(padUsers.padUsers, function(userOnPad, callback){ if(userOnPad.id == user.id){ console.debug("I'm on the pad so don't send any notification"); userIsEditing = true; // If the user is editing the pad then return true }else{ userIsEditing = false; // If the user isnt on this pad then that'd be okay to contact em } callback(userIsEditing); }, function(err){ cb(null, userIsEditing); }); }); }; // Creates an interval process to check to send Updates based on checkInterval and it returns an ID exports.createInterval = function(padId){ return setInterval(function(){ exports.sendUpdates(padId), checkInterval }); }