exports.postAceInit = function(){ // after 10 seconds if we dont already have an email for this author then prompt them setTimeout(function(){init()},10000); } function init(){ if(clientHasAlreadyRegistered){ // if the client has already registered for emails on this pad. showAlreadyRegistered(); // client has already registered, let em know.. }else{ askClientToEnterEmail(); // ask the client to register } } function showAlreadyRegistered(){ // the client already registered for emails on this pad so notify the UI $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: "Email subscription", // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: "You are already registered for emails for this pad", // (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there sticky: false }); } function clientHasAlreadyRegistered(){ // Has the client already registered for emails on this? // Given a specific AuthorID do we have an email address in the database? // Given that email address is it registered to this pad? // need to pass the server a message to check var userId = pad.getUserId(); var message = {}; message.type = 'USERINFO_AUTHOR_EMAIL_IS_REGISTERED_TO_PAD'; message.userInfo = {}; message.userInfo.userId = userId; pad.collabClient.sendMessage(message); } function askClientToEnterEmail(){ $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: "Email notifications for this pad", // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: "
", // (bool | optional) if you want it to fade out on its own or just sit there sticky: true, // (int | optional) the time you want it to be alive for before fading out time: '2000', // the function to bind to the form after_open: function(e){ $('#ep_email_form').submit(function(){ $(e).hide(); $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the heading of the notification title: "Email subscribed", // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: "You will recieve email when someone changes this. If this is the first time you have requested emails you will need to confirm your email address" }); sendEmailToServer(); return false; }); } }); } function sendEmailToServer(){ var email = $('#ep_email').val(); var userId = pad.getUserId(); var message = {}; message.type = 'USERINFO_UPDATE'; message.userInfo = {}; message.padId = pad.getPadId(); message.userInfo.email = email; message.userInfo.userId = userId; if(email){ pad.collabClient.sendMessage(message); } }