var db = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/db/DB').db,
fs = require("fs"),
async = require('../../src/node_modules/async'),
settings = require('../../src/node/utils/Settings');
// Remove cache for this procedure
db['dbSettings'].cache = 0;
exports.registerRoute = function (hook_name, args, callback) {
// Catching (un)subscribe addresses\/p/*/(un){0,1}subscribe=\/(.*)/, function(req, res) {
var fullURL = req.protocol + "://" + req.get('host') + req.url;
var path=req.url.split("/");
var padId=path[2];
var param = path[3].split("=");
var action = param[0];
var actionId = param[1];
var padURL = req.protocol + "://" + req.get('host') + "/p/" +padId;
function(cb) {
// Is the (un)subscription valid (exists & not older than 24h)
db.get("emailSubscription:"+padId, function(err, userIds){
var foundInDb = false;
var timeDiffGood = false;
var email = "your email";
var resultDb = {
"foundInDb": foundInDb,
"timeDiffGood": timeDiffGood,
"email": email
if(userIds && userIds['pending']){
async.forEach(Object.keys(userIds['pending']), function(user){
var userInfo = userIds['pending'][user];
// If we have Id int the Db, then we are good ot really unsubscribe the user
if(userInfo[action + 'Id'] == actionId){
console.debug("emailSubscription:", user, "found in DB:", userInfo);
foundInDb = true;
email = user;
// Checking if the demand is not older than 24h
var timeDiff = new Date().getTime() - userInfo.timestamp;
timeDiffGood = timeDiff < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
if(action == 'subscribe' && timeDiffGood == true) {
// Subscription process
} else if (action == 'unsubscribe' && timeDiffGood == true) {
// Unsubscription process
resultDb = {
"foundInDb": foundInDb,
"timeDiffGood": timeDiffGood,
"email": user
function(err, msg){
if (err != null) {
console.error("Error in async.forEach", err, " -> ", msg);
}); // end async for each
cb(null, resultDb);
function(resultDb, cb) {
// Create and send the output message
sendContent(res, args, action, padId, padURL, resultDb);
cb(null, resultDb);
function(resultDb, cb) {
// Take a moment to clean all obsolete pending data
cb(null, resultDb);
function(err, results){
if (err != null) {
console.error("Callback async.series: Err -> ", err, " / results -> ", results);
callback(); // Am I even called?
* Database manipulation
// Updates the database with the email record
setAuthorEmail = function (userInfo, email){
db.setSub("globalAuthor:" + userInfo.authorId, ["email"], email);
// Write email and padId to the database
setAuthorEmailRegistered = function(userIds, userInfo, email, padId){
console.debug("setAuthorEmailRegistered: Initial userIds:", userIds);
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var registered = {
authorId: userInfo.authorId,
onStart: userInfo.onStart,
onEnd: userInfo.onEnd,
timestamp: timestamp
// add the registered values to the object
userIds[email] = registered;
// remove the pending data
delete userIds['pending'][email];
// Write the modified datas back in the Db
console.warn("written to database");
db.set("emailSubscription:" + padId, userIds); // stick it in the database
console.debug("setAuthorEmailRegistered: Modified userIds:", userIds);
// Updates the database by removing the email record for that AuthorId
unsetAuthorEmail = function (userInfo, email){
db.get("globalAuthor:" + userInfo.authorId, function(err, value){ // get the current value
if (value['email'] == email) {
// Remove the email option from the datas
delete value['email'];
// Write the modified datas back in the Db
db.set("globalAuthor:" + userInfo.authorId, value);
// Remove email, options and padId from the database
unsetAuthorEmailRegistered = function(userIds, email, padId){
console.debug("unsetAuthorEmailRegistered: initial userIds:", userIds);
// remove the registered options from the object
delete userIds[email];
// remove the pending data
delete userIds['pending'][email];
// Write the modified datas back in the Db
console.warn("written to database");
db.set("emailSubscription:" + padId, userIds);
console.debug("unsetAuthorEmailRegistered: modified userIds:", userIds);
* We take a moment to remove too old pending (un)subscription
cleanPendingData = function (padId) {
var modifiedData, areDataModified = false;
db.get("emailSubscription:" + padId, function(err, userIds){ // get the current value
console.debug("cleanPendingData: Initial userIds:", userIds);
modifiedData = userIds;
if(userIds && userIds['pending']){
async.forEach(Object.keys(userIds['pending']), function(user){
var timeDiff = new Date().getTime() - userIds['pending'][user].timestamp;
var timeDiffGood = timeDiff < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
if(timeDiffGood == false) {
delete modifiedData['pending'][user];
areDataModified = true;
if (areDataModified == true) {
// Write the modified datas back in the Db
db.set("emailSubscription:" + padId, modifiedData);
console.debug("cleanPendingData: Modified userIds:", modifiedData, " / areDataModified:", areDataModified);
* Create html output with the status of the process
function sendContent(res, args, action, padId, padURL, resultDb) {
console.debug("starting sendContent: args ->", action, " / ", padId, " / ", padURL, " / ", resultDb);
if (action == 'subscribe') {
var actionMsg = "Subscribing '" + + "' to pad " + padId;
} else {
var actionMsg = "Unsubscribing '" + + "' from pad " + padId;
var msgCause, resultMsg, classResult;
if (resultDb.foundInDb == true && resultDb.timeDiffGood == true) {
// Pending data were found un Db and updated -> good
resultMsg = "Success";
classResult = "validationGood";
if (action == 'subscribe') {
msgCause = "You will receive email when someone changes this pad.";
} else {
msgCause = "You won't receive anymore email when someone changes this pad.";
} else if (resultDb.foundInDb == true) {
// Pending data were found but older than a day -> fail
resultMsg = "Too late!";
classResult = "validationBad";
msgCause = "You have max 24h to click the link in your confirmation email.";
} else {
// Pending data weren't found in Db -> fail
resultMsg = "Fail";
classResult = "validationBad";
msgCause = "We couldn't find any pending " + (action == 'subscribe'?'subscription':'unsubscription') + "
in our system with this Id.
Maybe you wait more than 24h before validating";
args.content = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/templates/response.ejs", 'utf-8');
args.content = args.content
.replace(/\<%action%\>/, actionMsg)
.replace(/\<%classResult%\>/, classResult)
.replace(/\<%result%\>/, resultMsg)
.replace(/\<%explanation%\>/, msgCause)
.replace(/\<%padUrl%\>/g, padURL);
res.contentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
res.send(args.content); // Send it to the requester*/