{% extends "registrasion/invoice/details_.html" %}

{% load nbpy_tags %}

{% comment %}
  Blocks that you can override:

  - heading
  - subheading
  - invoice_intro
  - extra_line_items
  - contact_info

{% endcomment %}

{% block heading %}
  {% if invoice.is_paid or invoice.is_refunded %}
    Registration Receipt
  {% else %}
    Pending Registration
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block subheading %}
  CopyleftConf 2020, February 3, Brussels, Belgium
{% endblock %}

{% block invoice_intro %}
  {% if invoice.is_unpaid %}
    This is a registration summary for CopyleftConf 2020. It is not confirmed until paid in full.
  {% elif invoice.is_void %}
    This is a void registration summary for CopyleftConf 2020. It is provided for informational purposes only.
  {% elif invoice.is_refunded %}
    This is a refunded registration summary for CopyleftConf 2020. It is provided for informational purposes only.
  {% elif invoice.is_paid %}
    This is a confirmed registration summary for CopyleftConf 2020.

    <p class="text-success">Conservancy works year-round to grow the software
      freedom movement and support alternatives to proprietary software.  Please
      consider <b><a href="https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/">becoming a
      Supporter</a></b> of our work!</p>
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block extra_line_items_after_total %}
  {% vat_amount invoice as vat %}
  {% if vat %}
      <td colspan="3">Includes {% vat_rate %} VAT:</td>
      <td class="text-right">${{ vat }}</td>
  {% endif %}
  {% donation_income invoice as donation %}
  {% if donation %}
      <td colspan="3">Includes donation eligible for tax deduction in the USA:</td>
      <td class="text-right">${{ donation }}</td>
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block contact_info %}
  <p>Direct inquiries to <a href="mailto:contact@copyleftconf.org">contact@copyleftconf.org</a></p>
  <p>CopyleftConf is run by <a href="https://sfconservancy.org">Software Freedom Conservancy</a>, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity registered in New York. Software Freedom Conservancy's federal tax-exempt EIN is 41-2203632.</p>

  <strong>Mailing Address</strong>
    Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br>
    137 MONTAGUE ST STE 380<br>
    Brooklyn, NY 11201-3548<br>
{% endblock %}