from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from functools import wraps class MonkeyPatchMiddleware(object): ''' Ensures that our monkey patching only gets called after it is safe to do so.''' def process_request(self, request): do_monkey_patch() def do_monkey_patch(): patch_stripe_card_defaults() patch_conference_schedule() # Remove this function from existence global do_monkey_patch do_monkey_patch = lambda: None def patch_stripe_card_defaults(): from pinax.stripe.actions import sources from collections import defaultdict old_sync_card = sources.sync_card @wraps(old_sync_card) def sync_card(customer, source): d = defaultdict(str) d.update(source) return old_sync_card(customer, d) sources.sync_card = sync_card def patch_conference_schedule(): from symposion.schedule import views as sv from symposion.schedule import models as sm old_schedule_json = sv._schedule_json @wraps(old_schedule_json) def schedule_json(request): schedule = old_schedule_json(request) for slot_data in schedule: slot = sm.Slot.objects.get(id=slot_data["conf_key"]) presentation = slot.content if presentation is not None: update_presentation(request, slot_data, presentation) elif slot.kind.label.lower() == "keynote": update_keynote(request, slot_data) elif slot.kind.label.lower() == "housekeeping": update_housekeeping(request, slot_data) else: pass return schedule def update_presentation(request, slot_data, presentation): try: slot_data["reviewers"] = ( presentation.speaker.conferencespeaker.reviewer if request.user.is_staff else ["redacted"] ) slot_data["license"] = "CC BY-SA" slot_data["released"] = presentation.proposal_base.talkproposal.recording_release slot_data["twitter_id"] = presentation.speaker.conferencespeaker.twitter_username except Exception as e: print e def update_keynote(request, slot_data): keynotes = { "Brandon Rhodes": (User.objects.get(username="brandon").email, "brandon_rhodes"), "Carina C. Zona": (User.objects.get(username="cczona").email, "cczona"), } for speaker, values in keynotes.items(): print speaker if speaker in slot_data["name"]: author_name = speaker author_email, author_twitter_id = values slot_data["name"] = "Keynote" slot_data["authors"] = [author_name] slot_data["contact"] = [ author_email ] if request.user.is_staff else ["redacted"] slot_data["abstract"] = "Keynote presentation from North Bay Python 2017 by " + author_name slot_data["description"] = "Keynote presentation from North Bay Python 2017 by " + author_name slot_data["conf_url"] = "" slot_data["cancelled"] = False slot_data["reviewers"] = "" slot_data["license"] = "CC BY-SA" slot_data["twitter_id"] = author_twitter_id slot_data["released"] = True def update_housekeeping(request, slot_data): slot_data["contact"] = [ "" ] if request.user.is_staff else ["redacted"] sv._schedule_json = schedule_json