{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block head_title %}Emergencies{% endblock %} {% block heading %}Emergencies{% endblock %} {% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %} {% block lede %} If a person's safety or health are at risk, please call local emergency dispatch at +1 (707) 762-2727 to get the police, fire department, or an ambulance, and then notify event organizers. {% endblock %} {% block content %} <p>Please find an organizer or volunteer if you need to report an issue or ask a question. If it's not urgent, email us at <a href="mailto:spam@northbaypython.org">spam@northbaypython.org</a>. If there is imminent danger, please call local emergency dispatch at +1 (707) 762-2727 (the local number for 911) first.</p> <h2>Emergency Dispatch</h2> <p>911 is the number to dial to reach emergency dispatch in the United States. If you are dialing from a mobile phone, dial +1 (707) 762-2727 so that you are immediately connected with Petaluma's emergency dispatchers. You can find more information on the website for the <a href="http://cityofpetaluma.net/police/">City of Petaluma Police Department</a>.</p> <h2>Code of Conduct Incident Reporting</h2> <p>If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff. Conference staff will be wearing t-shirts and/or badges that clearly identify them as staff. You may also contact venue staff and ask to be put in touch with conference chair <a href="mailto:chrisjrn@northbaypython.org">Christopher Neugebauer</a>.</p> <p>If the matter is especially urgent, please call our Code of Conduct and safety incident hotline. <strong>The phone number for this hotline will be released shortly before the conference begins.</strong> This number will automatically route to a member of the conference staff who can render assistance.</p> <p>For more information:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/code-of-conduct">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li><a href="/code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents">Attendee procedure for incident handling</a></li> <li><a href="/code-of-conduct/harassment-staff-procedures">Staff procedure for incident handling</a></li> </ul> <h2>Hospitals</h2> <h3>Emergency Room</h3> <p><a href="https://www.stjoesonoma.org/contact-us/locations-and-directions/petaluma-valley-hospital-emergency-department/">Petaluma Valley St. Joseph Emergency Room</a>, 1.9 miles from the conference venue, is open 24/7 and can be reached by phone at +1 (707) 778-1111.</p> <p>400 North McDowell Blvd.<br/> Petaluma, CA 94954</p> <h3>Petaluma Health Center</h3> <p><a href="http://phealthcenter.org/">Petaluma Health Center</a>, 3 miles from the conference venue, is a community health center that accepts patients with or without insurance and offers a sliding scale for assessing fees. You must call +1 (707) 559-7500 to make an appointment, or +1 (707) 559-7602 for dental appointments.</p> <p>1179 North McDowell Blvd.<br/> Petaluma, CA 94954</p> <h3>Sutter Walk-In Care</h3> <p><a href="https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-location/city/petaluma/walk-in-care">Sutter Health Walk-In Care</a>, 2.1 miles from the conference venue, is open from 8 AM to 8 PM every day and does not require you to make an appointment. You can call them at +1 (800) 972-5547.</p> <p>411 North McDowell Blvd.<br/> Unit 41 Suite 10</br> Petaluma, CA 94954</p> <h2>Pharmacies</h2> <p>Here is a listing of local pharmacies ordered by distance from the conference venue:</p> <ul> <li>CVS on 365 East Washington St. (0.4 miles away)</li> <li>Target on 401 Kenilworth Dr. (1.1 miles away)</li> <li>Safeway on 389 South McDowell Blvd. (1.7 miles away)</li> <li>Raley's on 157 North McDowell Blvd. (1.7 miles away)</li> </ul> {% endblock %}