Rewrite paragraph.

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Bradley M. Kuhn 2014-03-20 15:35:58 -04:00
parent 8faf96d5e5
commit 5111178260

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@ -2876,25 +2876,22 @@ blocks of a particular file, but they perceive the experience merely as users
and receivers, and not as distributors in any conventional sense. At any and receivers, and not as distributors in any conventional sense. At any
given moment of time, most peers will not have the complete file. given moment of time, most peers will not have the complete file.
% FIXME: rewrite a bit. Meanwhile, GPLv3~\S6(d) permits distribution of a work in object code form
over a network, provided that the distributor offers equivalent access to
The GPL permits distribution of a work in object code form over a network, copy the Corresponding Source Code ``in the same way through the same
provided that the distributor offers equivalent access to copy the place''. This wording might be interpreted to permit peer-to-peer
Corresponding Source Code ``in the same way through the same place.'' This distribution of binaries \textit{if} they are packaged together with the CCS,
wording might be interpreted to permit BitTorrent distribution of binaries if but such packaging impractical, for at least three reasons. First, even if
they are packaged together with the source code, but this impractical, for at the CCS is packaged with the object code, it will only be available to a
least two reasons. First, even if the source code is packaged with the non-seeding peer at the end of the distribution process, but the peer will
binary, it will only be available to a non-seeding peer at the end of the already have been providing parts of the binary to others in the network.
distribution process, but the peer will already have been providing parts of Second, in practice, peer-to-peer forms of transmission are poorly suited
the binary to others in the network, functioning rather like a router or a means for distributing CCS. In large distributions, packaging CCS with the
cache proxy. Second, in practice BitTorrent and similar peer-to-peer forms object code may result in a substantial increase in file size and
of transmission have been less suitable means for distributing source code. transmission time. Third, in current practice, CCS packages themselves tend
In large distributions, packaging source code with the binary may result in a \textit{not} to be transmitted through BitTorrent --- owing to reduced demand
substantial increase in file size and transmission time. Source code -- thus, there generally will be too few participants downloading the same
packages themselves tend not to be transmitted through BitTorrent owing to source package at the same time to enable effective seeding and distribution.
reduced demand. There generally will be too few participants downloading the
same source package at the same time to enable effective seeding and
% FIXME: rewrite a bit. % FIXME: rewrite a bit.