+ Such access to drafters, interpreters, enforcers is likely highly unique.
+ Someday, someone in this room may (or already has) sit across the table
from you in negotiations.
+ Our transparency does make your job easier.
# The Mindset of GPL
+ GPL protects software freedom.
+ Ultimate goal: make sure every user has the four freedoms.
+ Freedom to run the software.
+ Freedom to study and modify the software.
+ Freedom to share the software.
+ Freedom to distribute modified versions.
+ Every clause in GPL was designed to uphold one of these freedoms.
+ Or, it's a compromise of drafting in adoption vs. freedom debate.
# Using Copyright
+ GPL is primarily a copyright license.
+ Software is copyrighted.
+ License grants key freedoms.
+ Requirement prohibit activities that take away freedoms.
+ General concept: copyleft.
+ Specific implementation: GPL
> an original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression … from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device