Software Freedom Conservancy's Website
ourcoverage.html was a reasonable minimal start but not really ready
for production. Make changes necessary to put this into production,
as follows:
* Rename ourcoverage.html to vizio-coverage.html. This is just
Vizio coverage for now.
* Order articles by most in-depth/interesting. Verified this
ordering by consensus with Conservancy staff.
* mailto: link for press coverage on the main inthenews page, but
don't use that on Vizio page; it's unlikely we'll miss any of the
Vizio coverage.
* use — instead of -
* put quotes around article titles.
* Add missing PR Web article
* Switch from <p>'s to <li>'s in vizio-coverage.html
* Fix menu issues.
apache2/sites-available | ||
systemd | ||
www | ||
.gitignore | ||
AGPLv3 | || | ||
CC-By-SA-3.0 | ||
The canonical location for this repository is on Conservancy’s Kallithea instance. Copies of this repository elsewhere, such as Github, are for backup purposes only..
The software included herein, such as the Python source files, are generally licensed AGPLv3-or-later. The Javascript is a hodgepodge of licensing, but all of it is compatible with AGPLv3-or-later. See the notices at the top of each Javascript file for licensing details.
The content and text (such as the HTML files) is currently CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Server Configuration
conservancy's webserver runs on a machine called, which is a standard Debian installation.
The following packages are installed to make Django and Apache work on a squeeze install:
$ aptitude install python-django apache2 sqlite3 python2.5-sqlite libapache2-mod-python
Django Setup
- Make sure the Python module 'djangopw', with the global variable 'djangoadmin_password' is somewhere importable in the default PYTHON_PATH.