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133 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Denver Gingerich,
** Copyright (C) 2013-2014, 2020 Bradley M. Kuhn,
** Copyright (C) 2016, 2020 Brett Smith.
** License: GPLv3-or-later
** Find a copy of GPL at https://sfconservancy.org/GPLv3
"use strict";
var NEW_AMOUNT_EVENT = 'conservancy:newamount';
var flipClass = function(elem, byeClass, hiClass) {
var classList = elem.classList;
var buildAmountData = function(amountInput) {
var amountData = {
minAmount: parseFloat(amountInput.min),
newAmount: parseFloat(amountInput.value),
if (amountInput.dataset.oldAmount !== undefined) {
amountData.oldAmount = parseFloat(amountInput.dataset.oldAmount);
return amountData;
var supportTypeSelector = function(supportTypeHash) {
return $(supportTypeHash + "Selector");
/* We've sometimes published links that say #renew instead of #renewal.
Rewrite that to work as intended. */
if (window.location.hash === "#renew") {
window.location.hash = "#renewal";
function init_sustainer_forms () {
// Forms start in "invalid" form, with the errors shown, so that
// non-Javascript users see the errors by default and know what they must
// enter. Now we hide those for JavaScript users:
var $formCorrectionNeeded = $('#form-correction-needed');
$('form.supporter-form').each(function(index, form) {
var $amountInput = $('input[type=number]', form).first();
var $amountError = $('.form-error', $amountInput.parents('.supporter-form-input'));
$amountError.on(NEW_AMOUNT_EVENT, function(event, amountData) {
var isValid = amountData.newAmount >= amountData.minAmount;
if (amountData.oldAmount === undefined) {
if (isValid) {
} else {
flipClass($amountInput[0], 'valid', 'invalid');
} else if (isValid) {
flipClass($amountInput[0], 'invalid', 'valid');
} else if (amountData.oldAmount >= amountData.minAmount) {
flipClass($amountInput[0], 'valid', 'invalid');
$amountInput.on('input', function(event) {
}).on('focusout', function(event) {
var amountInput = event.target;
var amountData = buildAmountData(amountInput);
$amountError.trigger(NEW_AMOUNT_EVENT, amountData);
amountInput.dataset.oldAmount = amountData.newAmount;
$(form).on('submit', function(event) {
var amountData = buildAmountData($amountInput[0]);
if (amountData.newAmount >= amountData.minAmount) {
} else {
.css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "150%");
var selectSupportType = function(event) {
var $selectedLink = $(event.target);
$(".supporter-type-selector a").removeClass("supporter-type-selector-selected");
return false;
$(".supporter-type-selector a").bind("click", selectSupportType);
var selectSupportTypeFromHash = function() {
return supportTypeSelector(window.location.hash).click();
$(window).bind("hashchange", selectSupportTypeFromHash);
if (selectSupportTypeFromHash().length === 0) {
function init_expanders () {
// Conservancy does a lot each year, so we initially hide the "Year in
// Review" text insideexpandable <details> sections to avoid a wall of
// text. If the URL fragment matches one of our expandable sections, we
// automatically expand it - that's a direct link.
let details = qs('details' + window.location.hash) // eg. #WritingAndSpeaking
if (window.location.hash && details) {
details.open = true;
// Exable convenient "expand all" link to expand/hide all sections at once.
qsa('.expander').forEach(function(expander) {
expander.innerHTML = expander.dataset['expandLinkText'];
expander.addEventListener('click', function() {
let details_elements = qsa('.expandable-section details');
let some_closed = Array.from(details_elements).some(el => !el.open);
details_elements.forEach(function(el) {
el.open = some_closed;