Earlier commit incorrectly implemented navigation link suppression when only one page present, such that this was never shown. This is now corrected herein.
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32 lines
2.2 KiB
{% extends "base_blog.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Conservancy Blog - {% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h2><a href="/feeds/blog/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> Conservancy Blog{% if author %} — {{ author.formal_name }}{% endif %}</h2>
{% if authors or tags %}
<p>Displaying posts
{% if authors %}by {% for author in authors %}{% if not forloop.last %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}<a href="{{ author.biography_url }}">{{ author.formal_name }}</a>{% ifequal forloop.revcounter 2 %} and {% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if tags %}tagged {% for tag in tags %}{% if not forloop.last %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}<a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>{% ifequal forloop.revcounter 2 %} or {% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for entry in blog_entries %}
<div class="shaded">
<p class="date">{{ entry.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }} by {{ entry.author.formal_name }}</p>
<h3><a href="{{ entry.get_absolute_url }}">{{ entry.headline|safe }}</a></h3>
{{ entry.body|safe }}
<p class="date small">Posted by <strong>{{ entry.author.formal_name}}</strong> on {{ entry.pub_date|date:"F j, Y" }}</p>
{% if entry.tags.all %}<p class="blog-tags small">Tags: {% for tag in entry.tags.all %}<a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</p>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if blog_entries.has_next %}<a class="next_page_button" href="?page={{ blog_entries.next_page_number }}{% if query_string %}&{{ query_string|escape }}{% endif %}">Next page (older) »</a>{% endif %}
{% if blog_entries.has_previous %}<a href="?page={{ blog_entries.previous_page_number }}{% if query_string %}&{{ query_string|escape }}{% endif %}">« Previous page (newer)</a>{% endif %}
{% if blog_entries.paginator.num_pages > 1 %}<p class="pagination_list"> {% for pagenum in blog_entries.paginator.page_range %}{% ifequal pagenum blog_entries.number %}[{{ pagenum }}]{% else %}<a href="?page={{ pagenum }}">{{ pagenum }}</a>{% endifequal %} {% endfor %}</p>{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% endblock %}