{% extends "base_about.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Directors - {% endblock %} {% block submenuselection %}Directors{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Directors</h1> <p>Like many non-profits, Conservancy is directed by a self-perpetuating <a href="/about/team/board/">Board of Directors</a>, who appoint <a href="/about/team/officers/">Officers</a> to carry out the day-to-day operations of the organization. The Directorship of the Conservancy includes both talented non-profit managers and experienced FLOSS project leaders who can both guide the administrative operations of the organization as well as mentor member project leaders as needed. Our Directors constantly search for additional directors who can contribute a variety of expertise and perspective related to the Conservancy's mission.</p> <p>Currently, the directors of Conservancy are:</p> <h2>Jeremy Allison</h2> <p>Jeremy Allison is one of the lead developers on the Samba Team, a group of programmers developing an Open Source Windows compatible file and print server product for UNIX systems. Developed over the Internet in a distributed manner similar to the Linux system, Samba is used by all Linux distributions as well as many thousands of corporations and products worldwide. Jeremy handles the co-ordination of Samba development efforts and acts as a corporate liaison to companies using the Samba code commercially.</p> <p>He works for Google, Inc. who fund him to work on improving Samba and solving the problems of Windows and Linux interoperability.</p> <h2>Peter Brown</h2> <p>Peter Brown has worked in non-profit management and finance for more than twenty years. He served as the Executive Director of the Free Software Foundation from 2005 until 2011, and previously as its Financial Controller and GPL Compliance Lab Manager. Peter has also been a Director of New Internationalist Publications Cooperative, and worked in London*for BBC Network Radio.</p> <h2>Loïc Dachary</h2> <p>Loïc Dachary has been involved with Free Software since 1987 when he started distributing GNU tapes to the general public in France. His first contact was with GNU Emacs and in 1989 with GCC which he used to port a Unix System V kernel to a embeded motorola 68030 motherboard. He currently works as a developer for <a href="http://outflop.me/">OutFlop</a>, a company providing services and software to operate poker rooms. He created <a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/">Savannah</a>, the GNU forge, in 2001 to provide a Free alternative to proprietary forges. As a president of FSF France, he provides technical and legal resources to French Free Software developers. Loic Dachary is also a honorary member of <a href="http://april.org/">APRIL</a> since 1996, a French non profit dedicated to Free Software with over 5,500 members.</p> <h2>Mark Galassi</h2> <p>Mark Galassi has been involved in the GNU project since 1984. He currently works as a researcher in the International, Space, and Response division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he has worked on the HETE-2 satellite, ISIS/Genie, the Raptor telescope, the Swift satellite, and the muon tomography project. In 1997 Mark took a couple of years off from Los Alamos (where he was previously in the ISR division and the Theoretical Astrophysics group) to work for Cygnus (now a part of Red Hat) writing software and books for eCos,although he continued working on the HETE-2 satellite (an astrophysical Gamma Ray Burst mission) part time. Mark earned his BA in Physics at Reed College and a PhD from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook. </p> <h2>Bradley M. Kuhn</h2> <p>Bradley M. Kuhn began his work in the Free Software Movement as a volunteer when, in 1992, he became an early adopter of the popular GNU/Linux operating system, and began contributing to various Free Software projects. He worked during the 1990s as a system administrator and software development consultant for Westinghouse, Lucent Technologies, and numerous small companies. He also spent one year teaching Advanced Placement Computer Science (using GNU/Linux and GCC) at Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati. In January 2000, he was hired by the Free Software Foundation (FSF), and he served as its Executive Director from March 2001 until March 2005, when he left FSF to join the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC), where he worked as SFLC's Policy Analyst and Technology Director from 2005 until October 2010, when he joined Conservancy as its Executive Director. Kuhn holds a summa cum laude B.S. in Computer Science from Loyola College in Maryland, and an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Cincinnati. His Master's thesis discussed methods for dynamic interoperability of Free Software languages.</p> <h2>Stormy Peters</h2> <p>Stormy Peters is Head of Developer Engagement at Mozilla. She is passionate about open source software and educates companies and communities on how open source software is changing the software industry. She is a compelling speaker who engages her audiences during and after her presentations and frequently speaks on business aspects of open source software. In addition to Mozilla, Stormy is an advisor for HFOSS, IntraHealth Open and Open Source for America, as well as founder and president of Kids on Computers, a nonprofit organization setting up computer labs in developing countries. Stormy joined Mozilla from the GNOME Foundation where she served as executive director. Previously, she worked at OpenLogic where she set up their OpenLogic Expert Community. Stormy graduated from Rice University with a B.A. in Computer Science.</p> <h2>Ian Lance Taylor</h2> <p>Ian Lance Taylor began working with free software in 1990. He wrote the popular free Taylor UUCP package and has contributed to a wide range of free software projects, particularly the GNU compiler and binary utilities. He worked with free software at Cygnus Solutions, Zembu Labs, Wasabi Systems, and C2 Microsystems, and currently does GNU compiler and tools development at Google. He received a B.S. in Computer Science from Yale University.</p> <h2>Tom Tromey</h2> <p>Tom Tromey started working on free software in 1991. He was the primary author of GNU Automake, and has also worked on a wide range of other free software projects. He is currently a maintainer of GNU gcj and works at Red Hat. He received a B.S. in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology.</p> {% endblock %}