{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Thanks for Your Support - {% endblock %} {% block category %}supporter{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}


Thank you for being a Supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy!

Did you attend LinuxConf Australia 2016? If so, there's a special donation match just for you. Please email us at “supporter@sfconservancy.org.org” and tell us, and we can add you to that additional match group.

As a Supporter, we are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive Supporters- only cocktail hour this Saturday, March 19 in Cambridge, MA to celebrate Conservancy's 10 year anniversary. The event will be held in the evening on March 19, close to the LibrePlanet conference venue and will follow the end of scheduled talks. If you would like to attend, please rsvp to .

Also, as a Conservancy Supporter, you'll be eligible for future special benefits, too. We may contact you by email later to tell you about special Supporter-only benefits in the coming year.

Meanwhile, please spread the word about supporting Conservancy with a “Supporter Badge” on your website, Twitter account, or other locations where people view information about you:

Become a Conservancy Supporter!

Copy and paste this HTML for the image above:

Also, please enjoy these “Supporter Cards”, which you print out and carry with you. You've earned it! The cards are available in two different styles: Style 1 (SVG), Style 2 (SVG).

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