{% load humanize %}
{% if sitefundgoal.days_remaining >= -7 %}{# i.e. 7 days over completion #}
{% if sitefundgoal.days_remaining >= 0 %}
{% if sitefundgoal.match_remaining <= 0 %}
Thanks to so many donors, we earned our full match!
Help us go further to stand up for software freedom — sign up now!
{% else %}
{% if sitefundgoal.days_remaining == 0 %}
For the next {{ sitefundgoal.hours_remaining }} hour{{ sitefundgoal.hours_remaining|pluralize }} only, the
{% elif sitefundgoal.days_remaining == 1 %}
Help us reach our goal of $409,774 this season to keep SFC going. Through tomorrow only, the
{% elif sitefundgoal.days_remaining < 14 %}
Help us reach our goal of $409,774 this season to keep SFC going. For only {{ sitefundgoal.days_remaining }} more days, the
{% else %}
Help us reach our goal of $409,774 this season to keep SFC going. Until January 15, the
{% endif %}
next ${{ sitefundgoal.match_remaining|floatformat:0|intcomma }} of support we receive will be matched!
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Thank you so much to all our donors who participated in our donation match challenge! Here are the results:
{% endif %}