{% extends "base_about.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Contact - {% endblock %} {% block submenuselection %}Contact{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Contact the Conservancy</h1> <p>The best way to contact the Conservancy is via email to <a href='mailto:info@sfconservancy.org'><info@sfconservancy.org></a>. We do our best to respond to all email within a reasonable time period. If you don't hear from us within a week, please try again.</p> <h2>Telephone</h2> <p>+1-212-461-3245<br /> </p> <h2>Postal Address</h2> <p>Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br /> 137 MONTAGUE ST STE 380<br/> Brooklyn, NY 11201-3548 </p> <h2>Chat</h2> <p>Our official chat channel is <a href="xmpp:general@chat.sfconservancy.org?join">#general</a> on our XMPP server chat.sfconservancy.org. You can also access from our <a href="https://chat.sfconservancy.org">web client</a> We bridge the channel to #conservancy on irc.libera.chat and you can join via Matrix <a href="https://matrix.to/#/#xmpp_general_chat.sfconservancy.org:matrix.org">here</a> </p> {% endblock %}