{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %} {% block category %}supporter{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
($120 minimum to become a supporter; please increase the amount above if you want to make a bigger impact to support Conservancy.)
Do you want to receive a t-shirt?
Yes No
T-shirt size:
Men's S Men's M Men's L Men's XL Men's 2XL Ladies' S Ladies' M Ladies' L Ladies' XL
Do you want your name listed publicly as a Conservancy supporter?:
Yes No
Join Conservancy's Low-Traffic Announcement Email List?
Yes No
You will be redirected to the Paypal website.

Other payment methods to become a supporter:

Wire Transfer

Please contact Conservancy by email
for wire transfer instructions.
Please Include your currency and country.

Paper Check

Send paper check donations of $120 to:
Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3548
Please write SUPPORTER PROGRAM and your t-shirt size in the memo line.

Other Ways to Donate

Software Freedom Conservancy is an essential organization to free and open source software. We are the home of over 30 projects like Git, Inkscape, Samba, Wine, Selenium, the Linux Compliance project, PyPy and Sugar Labs just to name a few. Conservancy is a "fiscal sponsor plus", providing everything that our projects need in a nonprofit. We help our projects defend their trademarks, manage their assets, handle donations, improve their community management, manage risk and assist them with all legal needs they may have. While we do receive a portion of the revenue donated to our projects, we keep that number low enough that it doesn't even pay for a single staff member. Help us show that you care about community-focused free software and help us be able to continue our charitable work. Donating to Conservancy is a great non-technical way to contribute to the cause.

For the first time, we're launching a Supporter program. For an annual donation of $120, you can download an official Supporter card and receive a Conservancy t-shirt[1]. If this is out of reach, please donate at whatever level you can - it makes a big difference to us to know that you support us, and a little goes a long way.

In addition to supporting our projects,

As an organization, we try to do do everything transparently; even our internal policies are published and available for scrutiny.

Please join our Supporter program and spread software freedom!

[1] the shirts will ship First Quarter 2015.
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