{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %} {% block subtitle %}Thanks for Your Support - {% endblock %} {% block category %}supporter{% endblock %} {% block head %} <link href="/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Thanks!</h1> <p>Thank you for being a Supporter of Software Freedom Conservancy!</p> <!-- <p>Are you at LinuxFest Northwest right now? If so, you are now eligible to attend a special Supporter-only dinner and drinks on Saturday 23 April 2016 at 6:30PM, but space is limited! please RSVP by <a href="mailto:rsvp-lfnw@sfconservancy.org">email to <rsvp-lfnw@sfconservancy.org></a>. Let us know any dietary restrictions in your email. We'll email back with details of where the event is.</p> --> <p>As a Conservancy Supporter, you'll also be eligible for future special benefits. We may contact you directly by email later to tell you about special Supporter-only benefits in the coming year.</p> <p>Meanwhile, please spread the word about supporting Conservancy with a “Supporter Badge” on your website, Twitter account, or other locations where people view information about you:</p> <p><a href="https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/"><img src="https://sfconservancy.org/img/supporter-badge.png" width="194" height="90" alt="Become a Conservancy Supporter!" border="0"/></a></p> <p><strong>Copy and paste this HTML for the image above:</strong></p> <p><textarea rows="2" cols="65"> <a href="https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/"><img src="https://sfconservancy.org/img/supporter-badge.png" width="194" height="90" alt="Become a Conservancy Supporter!" border="0"/></a> </textarea></p> <p>Also, please enjoy these “Supporter Cards”, which you print out and carry with you. You've earned it! The cards are available in two different styles: <a href="/img/supporter-card-1.svg">Style 1 (SVG)</a>, <a href="/img/supporter-card-2.svg">Style 2 (SVG)</a>.</p> {% endblock %}