import json from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from .base import * # NOQA DEBUG = False ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', ''] ADMINS = [ ('Bradley M. Kuhn', ''), ('Ben Sturmfels', ''), ] MANAGERS = [ ('Bradley M. Kuhn', ''), ] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'NAME': '/var/lib/www/database/conservancy-website.sqlite3', 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', # WAL mode allows concurrent reading and writing. It is enabled permanently with: # sudo -u www-data sqlite3 conservancy-website.sqlite3 'PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;' 'OPTIONS': { # Reduce the incidence of "database locked" errors by allowing write # requests to be queued for some seconds. 'timeout': 10, 'init_command': 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL', # "transaction_mode": "IMMEDIATE", }, } } # Apache/mod_wsgi doesn't make it straightforward to pass environment variables # to Django (can't use the Apache config). with open(BASE_DIR.parent / 'secrets.json') as f: # NOQA secrets = json.load(f) def get_secret(secrets, setting): try: return secrets[setting] except KeyError: raise ImproperlyConfigured(f'Missing secret \'{setting}\'') SECRET_KEY = get_secret(secrets, 'SECRET_KEY') SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True STRIPE_API_KEY = get_secret(secrets, 'STRIPE_API_KEY') STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET = get_secret(secrets, 'STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET') CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH = '/usr/bin/flite' CAPTCHA_SOX_PATH = '/usr/bin/sox' CAPTCHA_NOISE_FUNCTIONS = ('captcha.helpers.noise_dots',)