{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %} {% load date_within %} {% load static %} {% block category %}Home{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Software Freedom Conservancy is a nonprofit organization centered around ethical technology. Our mission is to ensure the right to repair, improve and reinstall software. We promote and defend these rights through fostering free and open source software (FOSS) projects, driving initiatives that actively make technology more inclusive, and advancing policy strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). Learn more.

SFC calls on you to Exit Zoom

After the recent change of the terms of service to Zoom, Software Freedom Conservancy seeks to bring light to corporate abuse of power and focus on making FOSS solutions to these proprietary requirements.

More information


{% for pressr in press_releases|slice:":4" %} {% if forloop.first %} {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="summary" only %} {% else %} {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="dateline" only %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}


{% for entry in blog|slice:":5" %} {% if forloop.first or entry.pub_date|date_within_past_days:180 %} {% if not forloop.first %}
{% endif %} {% include "blog/entry_partial.html" with entry=entry show="dateline" only %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

Featured Term

amicus curiae

“Amicus curiae” literally means “friend of the court” and is what you call someone who isn’t a party to the case but,because of their strong interest or expertise in the subject matter of the case, has information or argument that the court would find useful in reaching a decision.

Visit our glossary of terms

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{% include 'socials_partial.html' %}
{% endblock %}