WEBVTT 1 0:00:10.880 --> 0:00:15.920 <v Karen Sandler>Software Freedom Conservancy is a non-profit organization centered around ethical technology 2 0:00:16.800 --> 0:00:22.560 <v Karen Sandler>our mission is to ensure the right to repair improve and reinstall software we promote and 3 0:00:22.560 --> 0:00:26.560 <v Karen Sandler>defend these rights through fostering free and open source software projects 4 0:00:26.560 --> 0:00:31.600 <v Karen Sandler>driving initiatives that actively make technology more inclusive and advancing policy strategies 5 0:00:31.600 --> 0:00:36.720 <v Karen Sandler>that defend software freedom to forward these goals Software Freedom Conservancy takes a three 6 0:00:36.720 --> 0:00:42.000 <v Karen Sandler>branched approach copyleft advocacy diversity and inclusion and supporting alternatives 7 0:00:42.640 --> 0:00:47.840 <v Karen Sandler>free and open source software or FOSS for short is software that protects your rights and freedoms 8 0:00:47.840 --> 0:00:51.360 <v Karen Sandler>developers work hard to write FOSS and Software Freedom Conservancy is here 9 0:00:51.360 --> 0:00:56.400 <v Karen Sandler>to protect and preserve your freedoms ensuring the right to view modify share 10 0:00:56.400 --> 0:01:02.080 <v Karen Sandler>and use the software for any purpose free software like copylefted software ensures 11 0:01:02.080 --> 0:01:05.600 <v Karen Sandler>that software stays free in the future as more and more people contribute to it 12 0:01:06.720 --> 0:01:10.960 <v Karen Sandler>copyleft is a kind of software licensing that leverages the restrictions of copyright 13 0:01:10.960 --> 0:01:16.400 <v Karen Sandler>but with the intent to promote sharing this helps consumers make sure their devices can be updated 14 0:01:16.400 --> 0:01:22.720 <v Karen Sandler>and last longer avoiding premature obsolescence Software Freedom Conservancy defends your rights 15 0:01:22.720 --> 0:01:27.200 <v Karen Sandler>as a consumer from companies who seek to deny these rights despite their responsibilities 16 0:01:28.400 --> 0:01:32.400 <v Karen Sandler>Software Freedom Conservancy helps hold companies accountable for the software that 17 0:01:32.400 --> 0:01:39.840 <v Karen Sandler>is included in millions of devices worldwide and upon which millions of consumers rely 18 0:01:40.480 --> 0:01:44.960 <v Karen Sandler>free software is truly borderless and at Software Freedom Conservancy we strongly 19 0:01:44.960 --> 0:01:49.440 <v Karen Sandler>believe that no one should be denied access to valuable information creating a level playing 20 0:01:49.440 --> 0:01:53.680 <v Karen Sandler>field for everyone in our free software community conservancy helps by bringing to 21 0:01:53.680 --> 0:01:57.920 <v Karen Sandler>light and providing support for historically excluded communities and technology spaces 22 0:01:58.480 --> 0:02:03.200 <v Karen Sandler>in particular those subject to systemic bias and who are impacted by underrepresentation 23 0:02:06.960 --> 0:02:11.760 <v Karen Sandler>in today's high-tech world reliable software is of the utmost importance for our daily work and play 24 0:02:13.120 --> 0:02:17.840 <v Karen Sandler>this is why Software Freedom Conservancy is proud to support industry-grade software applications 25 0:02:17.840 --> 0:02:22.640 <v Karen Sandler>that help everyone all over the world work and play better faster and with more freedom 26 0:02:23.200 --> 0:02:27.200 <v Karen Sandler>FOSS applications allow you to retain complete control over everything you make 27 0:02:27.200 --> 0:02:32.320 <v Karen Sandler>and they work cross-platform this not only makes for more cooperative working environments 28 0:02:32.320 --> 0:02:36.320 <v Karen Sandler>but breaks down barriers imposed by proprietary software vendors 29 0:02:36.320 --> 0:02:42.400 <v Karen Sandler>ensuring everyone can work freely without giving away their privacy autonomy or user rights 30 0:02:43.840 --> 0:02:49.920 <v Karen Sandler>free software is your software here at software freedom conservancy we work towards a future where 31 0:02:49.920 --> 0:02:56.880 <v Karen Sandler>user freedoms are the highest priority come join our pursuit for a better digital world this cannot 32 0:02:56.880 --> 0:03:03.840 <v Karen Sandler>happen without you please take a moment and become a Software Freedom Conservancy sustainer now