From f63f0f99bf9e8866ae2a0d573542e25e292063bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brett Smith
The Institute for Computing in Research runs a mentoring program that -trains students finishing 10th, 11th and 12th grade to do rigorous -scientific research using free software. The Institute recruits students who -might not otherwise have access to scientific apprenticeships, offers them a -stipend and pairs them with volunteer mentors who train them to use free -software operating systems and research tools.
-The Institute for Computing in Research runs a mentoring program that +trains students finishing 10th, 11th and 12th grade to do rigorous +scientific research using free software. The Institute recruits students who +might not otherwise have access to scientific apprenticeships, offers them a +stipend and pairs them with volunteer mentors who train them to use free +software operating systems and research tools.