From 2006604b154e951f2a5e9e26a7a39ed61a79de49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Bradley M. Kuhn"
Bdale Garbee is a technologist and community builder. He has deep + connections to free and open source software communities, having been an + early participant in the Debian community and board member of Software in + the Public Interest for a decade. He also has substantial coporate + experience in the field, and has recently retired (for the second time) + from an impressive career at HP/HPE. Garbee also serves on the boards of + the Freedombox Foundation and Aleph Objects. He is a co-founder of Altus + Metrum, LLC, is a small business that designs, builds, and sells completely + open hardware and open source avionics solutions for use in high power + model rockets. Garbee is a frequent speaker and presence at free and open + source software events.
+Mike Hostetler is an inventor, entrepreneur, programmer and proud