Tobias Mueller (ideabox) 915936e69b bylaws: Updated CSS to make the HTML render nicely in Firefox
While the previous version worked in Epiphany, it didn't in Firefox.
This version works in both. And it looks semantically better.
2013-04-02 03:39:23 +02:00

24 lines
473 B

body {
counter-reset: mySectionCounter;
h1:before {
counter-increment: mySectionCounter;
content: 'ARTICLE ' counter(mySectionCounter, upper-roman) ' - ';
h1 {
counter-reset: mySubSectionCounter;
h1:after {
h2:before {
counter-increment: mySubSectionCounter;
content: 'Section ' counter(mySectionCounter, decimal) '.' counter(mySubSectionCounter, decimal) ': ';
h2 {