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    <title>GNOME Foundation Election Candidates</title>
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    <h1>Candidates for GNOME Foundation Elections</h1>

    <p>Nov 10, 2001</p>

      Below you will find a list of candidates who are running for the
      GNOME Foundation Board of Directors. A short summary statement from
      each candidate and a link to their full candidacy announcement is
      provided to help you learn more about them. We encourage all voters
      to read the full candidacy statements and related discussions on
      <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/">foundation-list&#64;gnome&#46;org</a>.

      When deciding who you should vote for, please carefully consider
      the various tasks the Board of Directors must perform. This
      <a href="../overview.html">overview</a> may be helpful. Keep in mind that
      the board will make a number of important decisions and will also have
      to perform many tasks which require a significant amount of time and
      effort and the ability to work and communicate with other people,
      companies, and the media. The board of directors will represent GNOME to
      companies and the world in a very real way. It is a good idea to strive
      for a well-balanced board consisting of people with various backgrounds,
      skills, and perspectives.

      Additional election details can be found on the
      <a href="../../">GNOME Foundation Web Site</a>.

      If you have any questions, please send them to either
      <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/">foundation-list&#64;gnome&#46;org</a>
      or to us at <a

    <h2>Candidates for the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors</h2>

    <p>1. JONATHAN BLANDFORD<br />
      I have been involved with GNOME since 1997. I have spent a lot of time
      working on many core parts of GNOME, and feel like I have a very good
      idea of how the project works. I very interested in helping to improve
      the desktop experience, I would like to see GNOME spend more time on the
      small, incremental improvements that make a desktop usable.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Red Hat<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00020.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00020.html</a>

    <p>2. CHEMA CELORIO<br />
      I have been contributing to GNOME over the past few years, I want to be
      on the board because I want to help GNOME even further. I have a very
      good relationship with a number of GNOME contributors as well as a very
      good understanding of the GNOME community and what drives GNOME forward.
      I am confident that we can make GNOME the best desktop available and I
      work hard everyday to make it happen.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00021.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00021.html</a>

    <p>3. RHETT CREIGHTON<br />
      The future is now, and that future is: Bowling Balls. Do you realize
      that if GNOME starts making bowling balls, we stand to net profit
      $11,000?!  That's right, eleven big ones. Net profit, mind you.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00007.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00007.html</a>

    <p>4. MIGUEL DE ICAZA<br />
      Have been an active contributor to the free software movement since 1992.
      Started the GNOME project when various freedom issues arose that would
      threaten the future of a fully free system. I am one of the founders of
      Ximian, one of the GNOME companies, where we employ around 40 GNOME
      hackers that develop free software.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00018.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00018.html</a>

    <p>5. GLYNN FOSTER<br />
      Easy going 23 year old from Dublin, Ireland seeks position on
      GNOME Foundation Board ono. Will trade communication, energy
      and commitment for an honest, hard working life with comfy
      seat. Will ensure that GNOME remains a happy go-lucky-project that
      people are excited to work on. Previous experience includes
      gnome-session hacks and being on GNOME Foundation Membership &amp;
      Elections Committee. Loves Guinness &amp; climbing. Hates celery.
      Answers to the name of Gman. Email glynn.foster&#64;sun&#46;com after
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Sun Microsystems<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00010.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00010.html</a>

    <p>6. NAT FRIEDMAN<br />
      The foundation could be doing more to help GNOME be more unified,
      move faster, and have more visibility. Things I would like to see
      include more focus on the desktop itself, more in-person events
      and a coordinated GNOME Office.
      I've been contributing to GNOME since 1998 and co-maintained
      Bonobo for a while. I wrote the first draft of the foundation's
      charter. I co-founded Ximian, and these days, I'm in charge of our
      product development.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00022.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00022.html</a>

    <p>7. JIM GETTYS<br />
      I'd like to continue to be on the board to help Gnome reach its
      potential. I feel that we are about a year from having the ingredients to
      make open source desktops viable for the mass market and would like to do
      what I can to help make this happen. As part of this, I believe
      interoperability is a key ingredient, and will work to encourage Gnome to
      invest in this area.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Compaq<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00024.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00024.html</a>

    <p>8. JODY GOLDBERG<br />
      I have been a free software advocate since the early 90s, and have
      contributed to several projects, from G++ and Wine, to Nethack and a
      pager for CDE. As the current maintainer of Gnumeric I'm on the
      front lines of what users like and dislike in GNOME. Our
      technologies are good. Our integration could use some work. I'd
      like to work towards improving communication between the far flung
      elements of GNOME to improve that.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00025.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00025.html</a>

    <p>9. TELSA GWYNNE<br />
      I do docs, bugs, and hassling developers. I don't code. I also make last
      minute decisions.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00030.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00030.html</a>

    <p>10. BILL HANEMAN<br />
      Bill Haneman AKA 'that Accessibility guy'. "I've been programming over
      20 years, an active Gnome hacker since Dec. 2000. I maintain the Gnome
      Accessibility Project (atk, at-spi), co-moderate
      gnome-accessibility-list, and contribute to Gtk+, libglade,
      libbonoboui. I'm employed by Sun Microsystems Ireland. While wearing
      the 'Gnome Board hat' I would work hard to take a broad view of what's
      best for Gnome. My hopes for Gnome's future include platform
      development/maturation, universal accessibility, interoperability, and
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Sun Microsystems<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00011.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00011.html</a>

    <p>11. JAMES HENSTRIDGE<br />
      I have been hacking on gnome for over 3 years, and have been involved in
      language binding development, gtk/gnome platform library development and
      also some work on apps. I am Australian, which may be a good or bad thing,
      depending on your point of view :)  If elected I can represent these
      interests on the board. I served on the GNOME Steering committee from its
      creation until the Foundation elections last year, where I was one of the
      unsuccessful candidates.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00019.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00019.html</a>

    <p>12. GEORGE LEBL<br />
      I have been with the GNOME project since '97, maintain several packages,
      and have been 'half-part' of the steering committee. I also pretended to
      work for Eazel for over a year. I want the GNOME community to stay as
      chaotic and open as it has always been. So elect me or I'll smack you with
      a GEGL.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00005.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00005.html</a>

    <p>13. CHRIS LYTTLE<br />
      Expatriate Kiwi living in the USA. Been involved with running non-profit
      businesses. Contributor to the Gnome Documentation Project and GnuCash.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00015.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00015.html</a>

    <p>14. IAN MCKELLAR<br />
      I'm an ex-Eazel hacker from Australia who is living in California. I
      have some experience running anarchic organizations like GNOME (on a
      smaller scale) and a strong belief in Free Software.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00026.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00026.html</a>

    <p>15. MICHAEL MEEKS<br />
      Lots of experience of Gnome both technically and relationally, I
      continue to promote Gnome widely at conferences and to companies.
      We must finance and encourage small interest group meetings as
      well as GUADEC to increase real contact time.
      We need to bifurcate the project - the core environment and
      the applications built on top of it, so we can release core
      improvements more quickly, with a stable API, yet rapidly innovate in
      the applications.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00014.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00014.html</a>

      I'd like to see the GNOME hackers focus more on the desktop and,
      in particular, the user experience now that the GNOME 2.0 platform is
      almost complete.
      I am a co-founder of the GNOME project, and prior to that I was the
      maintainer of the GIMP. I worked at Red Hat Advanced Development Labs
      (RHAD Labs) for a year and a half, and have been working for Ximian
      since January 2000 on the Evolution Calendar.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Ximian<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00029.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00029.html</a>

    <p>17. TIM NEY<br />
      I've presented GNOME to government officials on several continents;
      built public awareness of GNOME around the world through the media,
      seminars and trade shows; secured funding, hardware and services
      to support GNOME. I see 2002 as the year GNOME reaches beyond the
      hacker community and to schools, corporations and governments.
      My contribution is to build bridges, develop strategy, policy and
      projects that are inclusive and appeal to a wider geography of
      developers and users.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: GNOME Foundation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00027.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00027.html</a>

    <p>18. BASTIEN NOCERA<br />
      I'm a relative newcomer to the Gnome world as a programmer, with my main
      interests in multimedia, all ease-of-use concerns (accessibility
      included), and portability. I've never run for any elections on such a
      Board, but I have some experience in strongly opinionated discussions
      (with politics, and not hackers ;), and being French, I have a big mouth
      as well. Hmm, couple of words to go... I like bitter ale.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00002.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00002.html</a>

    <p>19. HAVOC PENNINGTON<br />
      I have several years of experience with GNOME, and want to help ensure
      continuity between the current board and the new one. My main goal on
      the board is to build up GNOME as a self-sufficient and long-term
      organization with solid infrastructure for keeping things running
      smoothly. I work on GTK+, GConf, packaging GNOME for Red Hat, and
      various less important projects.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Red Hat<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00008.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00008.html</a>

    <p>20. CHRIS PHELPS<br />
      GNOME is the smoothest desktop I've ever used, and I intend to do
      anything and everything I can to keep our development rolling. My
      personal peeve is that GNOME is an awesome development environment
      without a respectable IDE. I intend to work on this to make GNOME more
      attractive to all kinds of developers. Yeah, that's about it...
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00004.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00004.html</a>

    <p>21. ARIEL RIOS<br />
      My experience ranges from developing on Guile to numerous other
      contributions including technical reviews for Gtk+ and GNOME related
      books. I have been hacking in GNOME since the first years of the
      project. I have attended many conferences as a promoter of Free Software
      and GNOME. My main goal is to seek that GNOME will turn into a feasible
      solution against proprietary software turning into a powerful stable API
      that will be available for everyone.
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00017.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00017.html</a>

    <p>22. RICHARD STALLMAN<br />
      I've been working for GNOME since years before there was a GNOME. In
      1983, while formulating plans for the GNU operating system, I decided
      it should include a window system. After two desktop initiatives that
      didn't pan out, I found Miguel, who launched our third desktop
      project--GNOME. As president of the Free Software Foundation and Chief
      GNUisance of the GNU Project, I have had years of experience working with
      contributors both individual and corporate.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Free Software Foundation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00028.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00028.html</a>

    <p>23. ANDY TAI<br />
      I have been a strong supporter for the GNU Project and
      a long time observer of the GNOME Project. I maintains
      the advocacy site free-soft.org and the GUI Toolkit
      and Framework Page, the definite reference for GUI
      toolkits on the Internet. I understand the major
      weakness of the GNOME architecture at this stage. If
      I am elected, the first thing I will push is to merge
      gnome-specific widgets into gtk+, so there are less
      number of libraries to link against :-)
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00013.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00013.html</a>

    <p>24. DANIEL VEILLARD<br />
      I am French, long time Gnomer and Linux addict, maintainer of
      libxml, libxslt and rpmfind. I served on the Gnome Board for last
      year and I am used to non-profit organizations and the negotiation
      needed to reach consensus in a group. I will focus on the reuse
      of standards, internationalization and keeping trust relationship at an
      individual level. I think those are needed to keep hacking on Gnome fun
      and getting acceptance in new communities. Affiliation Red Hat.
      &quot;<br />
      Affiliation: Red Hat<br />
      Full statement at <a

    <p>25. JEFF WAUGH<br />
      We need to improve the project's outreach, both within the Free Software
      community and outside it, through documentation, publicity, and making
      good information easy to get to. Some work on infrastructure can make
      other tasks and goals easier, such as contributing and releasing. We need
      more GNOME love and better cooperation. All of this, openly and
      transparently, without interrupting our awesome hacker's hacking time! I'm
      wacky enough to believe we can do it, too. :)
      &quot;<br />
      No affiliation<br />
      Full statement at <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00016.html">http://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-announce/2001-November/msg00016.html</a>

    <h2>Additional Election-related Information</h2>

      Ballots will be sent out via e-mail to everyone who's registered to vote
      on Tuesday, November 13th, to the address provided with registration. If
      you need to change the address to which you want your ballot sent, please
      contact <a
      as soon as possible. People will vote by returning the ballot via e-mail.
      A public archive of the ballot returns will be available after the
      elections end on November 20th.

      Also, keep in mind that there is a 4-person maximum on the number
      of people affiliated with any one company that can be on the board:
      if more than 4 persons from one company get elected, only the top 4
      vote getters will get on. You will be able to vote for up to 11
      candidates of your choice, with no restrictions, except that you
      cannot vote more than once for the same candidate.
